Published at 24th of June 2024 06:19:04 AM

Chapter 524

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"Seven hell!"

"What the hell is this monster?"

Stannis rode on his horse and looked at the cavalry of the tangaryan family coming up from both sides in the distance, but his eyes fell on the dozens of huge monsters.

Even his face was livid and he couldn't help but burst into foul language.

He had never seen such a monster with rough gray skin, huge body, two giant fangs and a long nose.

The other party's body is extremely huge. A long nosed monster can almost hold ten war horses. Especially after wearing armor, it is invulnerable. With the cavalry of the tangorian family, it rushed into the flank of the storm army, tearing up the formation of the army like destruction.

"Ah --"

The shrill screams continued.

The monster opened the abyss, and its huge mouth made a melodious roar. As soon as its strong nose was thrown, it bumped several armored storm soldiers away, just like driving away a few chickens.

Even rolled up a man and fell to the ground.

"Bang -"

Across the armor storm, the soldiers didn't even scream. They fell on the spot and sprayed blood. Their internal organs were shattered, and then they were trampled into meat mud by the iron hooves of the cavalry.

"This is the grey elephant! Lord Stannis!"

The onion Knight riding a war horse beside Stannis opened his mouth at this time and solved Stannis's doubts.

Davos recognized at a glance what the "monster" was that frightened the soldiers in the storm.

After all, he once led his smuggling fleet to many city states in the world. He was eloquent and knowledgeable.

"It is different from the dwarf elephants of volantis. The grey elephants are larger, stronger skin and more irritable. They live in groups and generally move near the land of long summer."

Davos spoke quickly.

"Volantis also has an elephant army. They..."

"Well, don't talk nonsense now, Davos. Is there any way they can deal with it?"

The war entered a white hot state. Stannis no longer had his just calm and calm face. His eyebrows frowned and his voice became anxious unconsciously.

Just now the infantry of the two armies engaged in a frontal battle, and then the front retreated a few steps, but the overall combat situation was acceptable. However, after the cavalry and elephant troops of the tangaryan family rushed from the flank, they completely disrupted the rhythm of the storm army's resistance to the attack.

Faced with such a behemoth that they had never seen before, the frightened souls took risks. They put down their weapons and turned around and ran away. Even they were killed by elephants, and many people did not escape.

The front of the army in the storm became wavering again, and even had a tendency to retreat. Of course, Stannis couldn't sit still.


"How to deal with war elephants?"

Hearing Lord Stannis's words, Davos took a deep breath and his brain began to run rapidly.

This is really difficult for the onion knight.

You know, Davos seworth doesn't even know two big words, and he hasn't read any so-called war books and strategies. He is just the head of a smuggling fleet. He has rich experience in the Jianghu, is well-informed, eloquent and flexible.

But fighting or fighting is not his strength.

"How to deal with war elephants..."

Davos racked his brains and thought carefully, but he didn't expect to really make him think of one thing.

Once, when he was smuggling a batch of goods, there were several gray elephant ivory. He talked to the mercenary who sold these goods. The other party mentioned that the ivory of the Dwarf Elephant was more valuable than that of the gray elephant because of its fine texture.

When they hunted this group of gray elephants, they first used some big trumpets and war drum horns to make huge sounds to disturb the elephants, scared the gray elephants to flee everywhere, and then seized the opportunity to ride around on war horses and hunt one of them.

"My Lord, I think of a way."

Then Davos organized the language and told Stannis the story he had heard.

"Come on! Get all the trumpeters!"

Stannis did not hesitate after hearing this. He waved his hand decisively and ordered all his trumpeters to come and blow at the gray elephants to scare them away.

However, at this time, the elephants of the golden regiment rushed into the storm army with the cavalry and created great results. Before the storm army found the right way to deal with the elephants, a low roar came from their heads.

"Ho -"

A huge dark shadow covered the earth, and both sides who were fighting fell into this shadow.


Some soldiers in the storm army couldn't help raising their heads, and then they saw a terrible figure above their heads. They even widened their eyes and gaped.


"Is this the dragon?"

Then the Dragon passed over their heads, but the panic spread rapidly.

"Hey, what you just said... The tyrant's dragon is not as big as AEGON, but this..."

The stormy army in the fierce battle is in a mess. People shout and horses hiss. It seems that they are frightened by the shape of the giant dragon just appeared.

However, in the rear of the army in the storm, they have been waiting for too long on the position with countless giant crossbows.


"The dragon appears!"

"This damn beast!"

They saw bellerian's figure. Instead of being frightened, they became excited, because Stannis built countless giant crossbows. In order to deal with the dragon, he had already made perfect preparations.

Stannis promised to reward 1000 golden dragons for shooting a dragon. If he could shoot the Dragon down from the sky, he could choose the castle up and down the seven countries. If he was a noble, he could reward another castle.

One step from civilians to noblemen, and noblemen with the same surname can win two castles. How can these storm soldiers and noblemen not be moved?

So they have been waiting too long for bellerian to appear.

"Kill this beast for me!"

Then a knight in the storm pulled out his long sword and roared angrily.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

The bowstring burst out thunder, a long crossbow arrow tore the air, screamed and flew straight to the sky.

Even one of them flew into mid air with Belle Ryan's wings, and then fell down.

The dragon, who was falling and spitting out flame, was startled, and then vibrated its wings and pulled up.

"Roar -"

Bellerian found the giant crossbow on the ground and roared.

Obviously, these little things reminded him of bad memories.

Then, instead of running away, he seemed to be enraged. He roared again, then shook his wings and plunged into the huge crossbows on the ground.

At the same time, open your mouth and a flash of fire in your throat.

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