Published at 24th of June 2024 06:18:33 AM

Chapter 545

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The opening of the city gate means that the old town has become very precarious.

However, the old town garrison resisted very tenaciously at the gate and repelled the attack of Donne's army several times.

However, it was finally broken through the defense, and a large number of Donne soldiers poured into the city. The two armies launched a fierce street battle in the streets, and there were fighting figures in every pebble paved alley.

The scenery of the old town is very beautiful, the living atmosphere is quiet and peaceful, there are torrential rivers and trickles, and there are many dotted small canals. However, it used to be a small bridge and flowing water family, a scene of water town in the south of the Yangtze River, but now it is all traces of war.


In an alley, several Donne soldiers wrapped in white turbans confronted several haitar family soldiers in armor.

Both sides had already killed red eyes and rushed up with a roar.

Dang Dang——

The weapons collided violently, and a harsh sound broke out. Sparks splashed everywhere. The Knights' long swords could not be used in the narrow alley, while the Dorn's machetes seemed to be at ease.


A Dorn soldier's machete struck the plate armor of the hattal family soldiers, but it did not cut through, leaving only a scar. He was stunned a little, and then he was pierced by a long sword.


On the other side, a hatar family soldier was cut open by a machete, blood gushed out like a fountain, and the body fell to the ground.

"Damn barbarian!"

The hatar family soldiers with blood stained swords looked at the enemy with red eyes, revealing deep hatred.

Dorn and Hewan were enemies. The war between the two sides lasted for thousands of years. Only after the seven countries were truly unified and Dorn surrendered to the Iron Throne did they fall into a short peace. The hatred between the two sides has long been that you have me and I have you.

Then the two sides roared and rushed over, sword to sword, launched a fierce fight, and finally blood flew, hugged each other and fell into a river in the old town.

The war began in the early morning and now it has been dusk. It has lasted for most of the day. Dorn's army has reported good news, and the Hattar family army has been defeated one after another.

The two sides repeatedly saw through the old town, and Donne's army even paid a more tragic price than the siege,

Gunther heitar, the third son of the heitar family, was defeated and captured in the battle. He laid down his arms and begged to Dorn's army. However, he was cut off by Dorn's soldiers with red eyes.

Gunther hetal's death angered more hetal family soldiers. They fought back bravely after knowing that they could not lay down their weapons and live.

But now, both Donne's army and the hattal family soldiers have fallen into exhaustion, but neither side can retreat, otherwise the previous achievements will be wasted.

But just then.

The sun is setting. It's dusk.

A melodious dragon roar suddenly came from the distant sky, followed by a dull, low, thunder like sound coming quickly from far and near.


The earth trembled slightly, and the huge roar shook. All the warring sides turned their heads and looked back.

Under the sunset, a huge black shadow spread its wings and flew at the end of the sky, flush with the fiery sunset. On the ground, a black line appeared on the distant horizon, and then there was no end at a glance. The overwhelming grassland cavalry surged towards the old town.

The doslaks who defeated the main force of the haitar family by the side of the honey wine River and the mounts of the kings of the seven countries rushed to the battlefield. They carried the power of victory and fiercely submerged the resistance courage of all the haitar family soldiers in the old town.


The hoofs roared and trembled.

"Roar ~"

"Roar ~"

Countless doslak warriors raised their machetes high in the sunset, reflected the red light, howled in their mouth, and then poured in madly from the gate occupied by Dorn's army.

"Come on!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

When the general of Donne's army saw that these evil spirits had rushed to the battlefield, his face suddenly changed.

Especially when the doslaks charge, they will cover the eyes of war horses and will not slow down at all. They have no friends in their eyes.

I don't know how many Dorn soldiers who blocked the attack of the doslacks were knocked away and trampled into meat and mud.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!"


"Make way for the cavalry!"

The grassland cavalry came like a storm. Donne's army immediately retreated to both sides to make way, and some did not respond well, but Donne's general dared to be angry.

After all, it's not the first time for them to deal with these barbarians. They have also seen the way of fighting each other in Xingsuo city.

After the doslaks poured into the old town, the anxious situation changed dramatically.

"Roar ~"

Where have the hytar family soldiers seen the battle of the doslaks? The war horses collided like tanks, the machetes were held high, and then fell.

Poop poop poop——

On both sides of the road, the hattal family soldiers who were trying to bring down Donne's army with street fighting were cut their throats, or directly hit by war horses and fell into the river.

"Ho -"

The Dragon flew in the sky, and the huge shadow shrouded the ground, making a deep hissing sound.

The hatar family soldiers below are still fighting in a desperate corner. They look at the Dragon stepping on the wall in horror, and then pull back their bows and arrows.

Then a burst of arrow rain fell on the thick scales of black death, but they were bounced off and fell to the ground like iron.

Bellerian stepped on the city wall, and a pair of scarlet vertical pupils were full of cruelty. It seemed to be angered by the "harassment" of the little guys below, and then opened its huge mouth.


"Ah ah!"

A mouthful of dragon flame poured down and screamed one after another. The Dragon flame burned the hatar family soldiers who had resisted tenaciously to ashes. The remaining soldiers were terrified, threw down their weapons and ran away.

Then bellerian turned his head and looked at a prominent black giant building standing in the old town.


Then the dragon's hind feet suddenly made a force and flew in the direction of the starry temple.

On the other hand, the doslak army that rushed into the old town destroyed the last hope of the hatar family. The war was over and their soldiers were devastated under the iron hoof.


The topless doslak blood League guard pulled out the machete at his waist, and the bright tip of the machete pointed straight to the distant school city.

"Roar ~"

The cheers of ghosts crying and wolves howling broke out in the doslak array, and then countless doslak warriors rushed towards the school city waving machetes.

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