Published at 24th of June 2024 06:18:23 AM

Chapter 551

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After the classification of colleges, the next step is the division of their assigned regions. This is a thing that all parties may break their heads, but it was quickly passed at the pre imperial meeting.

Among them, the Royal Military College, medical college, economic college and Theological Seminary were established in Junlin, and ravenology was incorporated into the Royal Military College and became a part of it.

Literature, history, linguistics and so on are combined into a college of Arts. They can write beautiful poems and record the history of ancient and modern times, such as how many steps there are in the school city and how much shit a doctor has pulled in his life. Therefore, they are more suitable to stay in an old town with beautiful environment.

Astronomy is an important discipline in Westeros. It can predict seasonal changes and help people sow and harvest. Therefore, astronomy is independent of the College of Arts and has established a separate College of astronomy.

The two doctors, that is, the future president, have the same administrative level and are on an equal footing. They can return to the old town together and divide the school city equally.

As for the final metallurgy, architecture and other disciplines, they swayed between lannis port and Baigang, and finally were temporarily set in Baigang.

Wesselis ordered to split the school city, and these submissive gray sheep naturally did not dare to resist, and even a few doctors were happy.

Because the school city was split, they were lucky to become the dean of the college. It can almost be predicted that their power will be greatly expanded in the future, even no less than the chief manager of the school city today.

Everyone has his own greedy things, power, money, beauty, fame and so on

His majesty has made up his mind and issued an order. No one dared not listen, so he had to bite the bullet and promise.

Because all the hard skinned bachelors have died in the old town, the rest of them are not so hard and don't want to die.

The group of bachelors and doctors in gray looked at each other. Some were happy, and their faces could not hide their happiness, but others were also full of sadness.

As for more people, they are mixed and worried. They don't know what life will be like in the future under such a upheaval.

"Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty."

Then wesselis got up and left.

The scholars had to bow together, accept such a fate and watch the young silver haired king go away.


The war in the river bay ended and the south of the kingdom was calmed. Wesselis led the army to stay in Gaoting for a short time, and then set off to return to King's landing.

On the other side, a fire is burning in the West where there is no news.

Oberon borrowed a fleet from the sea Secretary Jeffrey bracken before he set out for the war, and he sent out the survivors of the iron fleet, the last iron species in the world.

Youlun grejoy led the iron fleet to the iron islands, which has now become a no man's land under the attack of strange ghosts.

Even the iron species spent some time cleaning up the remaining corpses on the island. However, the number of corpses is still too many. They alone can't kill the remaining corpses.

After all, the threat of strange ghosts has not been lifted, and the place north of Jingze is still in ice and snow.

Youlun has been in contact with wesselis on weekdays, so he has also heard the news that the strange ghosts will eventually make a comeback. The divine power of the cold God has not dissipated in the north, but has accumulated strength to wait for the next decisive battle between humans and the strange ghosts.

Therefore, Youlun led the iron species to land from pike city and climbed to pike city from the sea through ropes along the cliffs that are almost impossible to climb.

The iron species killed the ghosts here and cleaned up this magnificent castle. Youlun even found his fourth brother, Ellen grejoy, in a corner.

Now, however, Ellen grejoy has become a monster with long hair, blue eyes, rotten meat on his face, and even a hole, exposed to rotten black gums.

But to Youlun's disappointment, he did not find his eldest brother Baron and niece Asha in the castle.

They don't know whether they died in the war of alien invasion, became a member of corpse ghosts, or still live in this world.

However, you Lun didn't kill his fourth brother, Ellen, and gave him a chance to rest. Instead, he caught him alive with several iron species, chained him up, and tied him in the blood castle like a dog. It was useless for him to scream wildly and want to tear up all the living people in front of him.

Because Youlun claims that he will never attack his relatives, he doesn't want to be a "Kinslayer" like Stannis.

So I can only ask Ellen to continue to live.

After cleaning up pike City, you Lun closed the gate of the castle and completely cut off the world full of dead people outside, so as to prevent them from wandering in again. It took a lot of effort to clean up the dead ghosts in the castle. Then you Lun led the iron species to the West.

The iron islands have turned into a Jedi. If Youlun wants to restore the iron islands, he must have a sufficient population.

Where is the nearest and densely populated place from the iron islands? Coupled with the order given to Youlun by Oberon a long time ago, there is no doubt that the direction of the iron fleet is lannis port, a large densely populated city on Westeros.

The raid of the iron fleet was extremely successful, and Lannister port also remembered whether to eat or fight. When the iron islands rebelled five years ago, viktalion, King Baron's third brother, led the iron fleet to raid Lannister port and burned down Lannister family's fleet. Since then, Lannister family's navy has never recovered.

Today, lannis port still has no defense against the enemies from the sea. Now their attention has all fallen on the enemies outside the city.

Tangaryan troops are attacking the city. There are dragons flying overhead, causing great losses to the troops in the West.

Perhaps they did not expect that the iron islands had been reduced to a ghost, and even the iron fleet suddenly appeared behind them like magic.


The catapults roared, and the flaming boulders crashed into lannis port. The iron species from the ship raided and burned all the ships and crossbows in the port again.

In an instant, there was a loophole in the airtight defense of lannis port.

And reneth, the long Princess of the new dynasty, rode the green dragon regor and flew high in the sky inaccessible to the crossbow, overlooking the battlefield on the ground.

It has been several months since the tangorian army entered the west, but it has not captured lannis port, mainly because the resistance of the West army is very tenacious, and almost every inch of land advanced by the tangorian army needs to pay the price of bleeding.

Moreover, lannis port is also one of the most densely populated cities in Westeros. With a large number of defenders and sophisticated weapons, it is naturally difficult to conquer.

However, just then, reneth saw a change in the battlefield below.

The iron fleet raided lannis port from the sea, burned down the retreat of the army in the west, and there were many giant crossbows arranged here. There were loopholes in the air defense of lannis port, which was overjoyed.


"It's time for you to do it!"

"Go down and burn them!"

Then the Bronze Dragon roared and dived down from the sky.

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