Published at 24th of June 2024 06:18:19 AM

Chapter 554

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The decisive battle of the Western battlefield broke out in lannis port. Finally, tangaryan army won with the help of iron fleet and dragon, successfully captured lannis port and captured rebel leader tywin Lannister alive.

Prince tywin has been ruling the western territory with his absolute authority. However, one day he suddenly fell down, and the remaining Western nobles naturally had no cohesion and bowed their knees and surrendered.

However, Oberon did not let the Lannister family go. The red viper's character is that he will revenge if he has revenge, and he will redouble it. He explained his commitment to tywin, to make the Lannister family ashes and nail his name on the pillar of shame.

The Lannister family has a good breeding ability. Their ancestor 'smart' lanen is said to have cheated Kaiyan city from the kessley family.

LAN en lived 312 years in legend and gave birth to a hundred brave sons and a hundred agile daughters, handsome men and beautiful women.

Later, Lannister had so many descendants that Kaiyan city could not accommodate everyone. Therefore, some branches began to leave Kaiyan city and move to nearby villages. Later, the village became a town, a city and now Lannister port.

That's why lannis port was so tenacious when it resisted the tangaryan army.

However, Oberon has now successfully captured the western capital of Kay rock city and lannis port.

Then, in order to revenge the tenacious resistance of the people in the West and the hatred of his sister Elia matel, he brazenly ordered the slaughter of all Lannister families in the city.

Even if it's with relatives, it won't work. There are nine families with tywin Lannister as the center.

Oberon wants tywin to see the Lannister family destroyed in his hands.

At the beginning, tywin was able to take it calmly. However, when more and more people were killed, tywin's eyes were gradually covered with blood, and then his anger became numb.

He watched helplessly as his nephew, Lancel Lannister, the eldest son of his second brother kevon, his mother Donna swift, tirik Lannister, the son of his third brother tigate, and so on... Were escorted to the execution ground one by one and beheaded in front of tywin.

"Dear Lord tywin, it seems that your surname can only be inherited by the son you hate most."

Oberon was still smiling, but he let tywin's mood get out of control. However, he was just incompetent and furious.

At this moment, the red snake exposed his cruel means. He was best at torturing people and repeatedly touched and tested before their psychological tolerance.

Let them not go crazy completely, but also stimulate from time to time.

Gregor krigon, the "demon mountain", has been tortured to a trance by him, but he still hasn't completely gone crazy and has his own consciousness.

At the end of the war in the west, Oberon's name was equated with the devil in this area, even enough to reach the famous stop crying.

He killed the nine clans of Lannister family, and even developed to the later stage. Many golden haired people in Lannister port were chased by tangaryan soldiers.

"He is Lannister's Last Sin!"

"Catch him!"

People with blond hair in Lannister harbor dare not take to the streets. However, ferocious soldiers even break through the door to catch the possible "Lannister aftersins".

Seeing that the situation is about to get out of control and turn into a massacre, even the news has spread back to King's landing.

Hearing the news, the front meeting of the Iron Throne came forward in time to stop it. Oberon stopped the army's behavior and didn't let things get worse.

However, the name Lannister has been swept away and will not appear publicly in the West for at least a period of time. In addition to Tyrion Lannister, who was appointed as the king's personal adviser, there are the former queen imprisoned in the Red Castle.

But one of them could never leave King's landing, while the other had already been driven away by the Lannister family, and even nearly killed by his father.

Tyrion was maligned by others in Kay rock city. Naturally, it is difficult to have much sympathy for his former relatives. He might have a few drinks and cry in the dead of night.

This is information from the eight clawed spider Wallis.

Tyrion's reaction after receiving the news, the important ministers of the Royal Council were also in his watch.

He called five or six women in the brothel at one go, had a good time, drank and vomited, and cried.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he attended the pre imperial meeting as usual the next day, as if he were saying goodbye to his former life.


And in the distant King's landing.

Oberon's actions in lannis port were spread back to King's landing, which caused great repercussions.

"Which petition is this today?"

Doslak's army has not returned yet, and wesselis has taken the lead in returning to King's landing on the dragon.

MEG house, in the king's study.

At the moment, the young man with beautiful face and long silver blond hair was sitting in the chair behind the desk, holding a petition full of names in his hand. He simply glanced at it, then shook his head and said.

"The third letter."

Standing next to him, the intelligence minister Wallis crossed his hands in his wide cuffs and shook his head.

"What Prince Oberon did in lannis port... Is really hard to say."

"He touched the bottom line of all nobles, so naturally he encountered a strong rebound."

"Although many ancient and great families have been destroyed in this war, they dare not go to the trouble of the doslaks."

The bald eunuch's words were very cautious, shrugged his shoulders slightly and said.

Because he knows that in addition to the relationship between monarchs and ministers, the personal friendship between wesselis and Prince Donne is also very good, and his majesty is also an arbitrary monarch on many issues. Naturally, he often protects his shortcomings. I'm afraid it's wishful thinking for these monarchical nobles to move to Oberon by way of complaint

Wallis thought about these things, and sure enough, he saw that wesselis once again turned the third petition signed by the nobles into a paper ball and threw it into the wastebasket.

Then he suddenly thought of something, thought about it, and spoke again.

"Your Majesty."

"There's something I don't know if I should say."

And wesselis raised his head slightly when he heard his words.



Wallis put his hands across his cuffs, and a tangled look appeared on one cheek.

There was a voice in his mind telling him that he should be loyal to his majesty, but there was another voice telling him that he must not reveal such a secret. The two voices fought with each other in the mind of the bald eunuch.

But eventually Wallis shook his head, tried to throw all the ideas out of his mind, took a deep breath and said.

"Your partner... Bellerian angered some fanatical believers after burning down the star sanctuary."

"These people took hammers and sticks and tried to attack the red castle before you came back. They call themselves the paladin knights."

"Of course."

"They have all died under the spear of the clean one, and the rest of my little bird is being tracked down."

"However, I received news that one of them, called the big sparrow, seemed to have made contact with AEGON."

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