Published at 24th of June 2024 06:18:10 AM

Chapter 560

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"Are you the big sparrow?"

Suddenly, I heard a calm voice coming from behind. The big sparrow waving a hoe and turning the vegetable garden was slightly stunned.

Although he is old, he has no ears. If someone comes behind him, he should be able to hear, but

Wearing a khaki coarse cloth shirt, rolled up his trouser legs and cuffs, and covered with dirty gray hair, the old man put down his hoe and turned around.

Behind him stood a young man with silver blond hair. His face was calm and handsome. He was different from ordinary people. He was wearing a black velvet robe, gold thread, a belt inlaid with emeralds, and a metal faucet medal on his chest, which reflected light slightly in the sun.

The silver haired young man didn't know when he appeared behind the big sparrow and looked at each other calmly. When the big sparrow saw the visitor's face, his pupils suddenly shrunk, as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes were full of horror.

"You are..."

When he saw wesselis, he seemed to have guessed his true identity, but he couldn't understand how the other party came to the door.

Since becoming a devout monk, the great sparrow has devoted himself to the seven God church. He takes serving the gods as his duty, and rarely has such violent emotional fluctuations.

However, when wesselis suddenly appeared behind him, the big sparrows couldn't help feeling a little panic, even more violent than when he knew that the Royal parliament decided to use a knife to clean up the sparrows in the city.

The great sparrow man was old and refined. He guessed his identity at the moment when he saw wesselis. Although he didn't understand how he came over, he was a little silent, and then his voice was hoarse.

"The most distinguished guests from the seven countries suddenly came to the door, which really caught the old man by surprise."

Wesselis suddenly appeared behind him, and the big sparrow knew there was no way to escape, so he simply gave up resistance.

"There is a cabin over there. Your majesty might as well have a rest and let's have a good talk."

The big sparrow is now hiding in the manor outside Junlin City, because he can't leave Junlin. There aren't so many sparrows outside Junlin City willing to listen to his call and resist the Iron Throne together.

Everyone has land to grow. They are very busy, and most of the owners of the land are knights and soldiers of the tangorian family. The land just given collectively not long ago is likely to be moved back directly if the big sparrows run to preach.

"Compared with my sudden appearance, I was even more surprised that the great sparrow, who claims to represent the people and serve the people, actually has such a vast manor outside the city."

After sitting in the cabin in the manor, wesselis looked around and his eyes fell back on the big sparrow.

When the great sparrow heard wesselis's words, his wrinkled cheeks stretched slightly. He made a cup of hot tea for the king, and then shook his head.

"Your Majesty doesn't know. I swear to the gods that I have no selfishness."

"This manor is only for the better service of the gods and the poor, your majesty."

The old man with gray hair, dressed in khaki and coarse cloth, said in a hoarse voice.

"If I don't want to take the manor, they won't rest assured."

"Our humble mud legs are the ordinary majority."


The silver haired young man sat in the cabin of the manor. Instead of drinking the hot tea made by the big sparrow for him, he asked with interest.

But the big sparrow just shook his head. He was unwilling to give up the forces and nobles who supported them in King's landing city.

"I may believe that you really have no selfishness when you take this manor."

The big sparrow didn't want to confess, and wesselis didn't force it, because if he didn't say it, it didn't mean he couldn't find it. It's just a matter of time.

After all, the establishment of the new dynasty must be on the corpse of the old Dynasty, and wesselis has also touched the interests of too many people. It is natural that some people still want to do things after surrendering to their knees.

However, they can make some small moves, but no one can escape in the final liquidation. Wesselis will let people find them one by one.

However, wesselis's approval stunned the sparrow a little. He thought that for a man like wesselis, he could not understand that someone would wholeheartedly serve others and his own beliefs.

"Would you like to believe me?"

The gray haired old man asked in deep doubt.

"Everyone in the world must pursue a purpose."

"The purpose you mentioned is also one of them. It is understandable that some people are willing to pursue spiritual satisfaction."

"If everyone in the world only loves money and beauty, isn't the world too monotonous?"

Wesselis was wearing a black velvet robe. He tilted his legs and sat in a chair. The hot tea in front of him was smoking white, and his voice spoke calmly.

He noticed that more than a dozen sparrows with swords were approaching outside the hut, but there was no panic.

Wesselis's words made the great sparrows proficient in debate and excellent eloquence hesitate a little, and suddenly they didn't know how to speak.

Did he do these things... Just to meet his spiritual satisfaction?

"Your Majesty, I don't know what you think of the gods?"

The great sparrow had a brief confusion, but the believers he called on suddenly made a decision for him.

"He is the tyrant!"

"Kill him!"

"Overthrow the rule of the tangaryan family!"

A group of ragged sparrows rushed in from the door, waving swords and trying to seize the opportunity to kill wesselis.

The great sparrow was no better than wesselis. He was just a mortal with high ideological consciousness. He didn't realize that these people had approached the surrounding of the hut and boldly attacked the king. He was suddenly surprised and angry.



Wesselis once fought against the overnight King alone. Can ordinary people kill him?

If you want to deal with him, you must think long-term. The big sparrow wanted to convince people with reason and persuade the kings of the seven countries to accept his ideas.

But now it's too late for him to stop.


Wesselis sat where he was, and suddenly released the black fog behind him. For two big hands, he pinched the two mobs in front, and then raised them high.

The big hand made of black fog pinched them and made them howl in pain. The black fog attached the power of absorbing soul and life and instantly turned them into fly ash.


The pale purple eyes of the silver haired young man flickered slightly, and then looked at the other people. The remaining mobs were stunned when they saw the scene, and they didn't react to what had happened.

However, at this time, one of the mobs suddenly seemed crazy. He waved his axe at his companions and directly cut down, cutting off each other's head with an axe.

Other sparrows around suddenly began to attack each other.


"What are you doing?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, the big sparrow was shocked and angry. He didn't know what had happened. How these devout believers suddenly began to kill each other.

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