Published at 24th of June 2024 06:17:47 AM

Chapter 574

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The words of WAG Hutt, the leader of the warrior regiment, shocked the people present. Of course, they also had another unpleasant name, which was called 'blood troupe'.

They came from Aesop and were notorious. Their main members were criminals and exiles everywhere. They were called this name because of their cruel behavior and strange costumes.

However, today's leader, a tall, thin kohor with a goatee and a lisp, said his bold idea, which still made all the criminals present look at each other.

"Do you want to attack the leader of the human Legion?"

A hunchback, gray haired bachelor narrowed his eyes. His attitude was very cautious. He thought that wager Hutt's idea was too crazy. You know, it is rumored that wesselis has defeated the ghost leader, although none of them have seen him.

However, friar utter, who likes to abuse children, and "crazy clown" Hagrid are eager to try.

They are crazy and fearless. They are best at licking blood on the edge of the knife. In particular, the scene described by wager Hutt makes them tremble with excitement.

What a crazy idea to kidnap a king?

And how much ransom can this extort?

Looking at the excited companions on the surrounding faces, the old bachelor who first wanted to stop him could not help but close his mouth and associate with madmen and demons. This was also his last choice. Others saw that he seemed to be the same, but he thought he had reason.

However, even if they put forward crazy ideas and want to kidnap the king, they also have to face a problem that can not be ignored. There is a terrible Dragon between them.

They had to wait until the Dragon left wesselis, or everything would be in vain. They rushed up and could only add a dinner to the dragon.

The villains of the blood troupe hid themselves in the woods outside the twin river city, trying to wait until the gap between the dragon's departure to attack wesselis.

They thought they would wait a long time, but it seems that the gods' care 'for them.

They didn't wait too long. The terrible dragon, which was big enough to block out the sun, gave a low roar, then flapped its wings and flew high into the sky in the bright moonlight, as if it were out looking for food.

Only wesselis and the villagers captured by them remained in the dilapidated twin river city.


In the twin river city, the beautiful silver haired youth sat in a clean place and raised a bonfire.

The fire brings warmth and dispels the darkness. He can not eat for a long time, but bellerian can't. The Dragon needs to eat a lot of food a day.

Now, instead of King's landing, bellerian needed to find food for himself, so wesselis sent him out to play.

Then he also untied the villagers held in the horse pen, cut his rope with a sword one by one and let them out.

Some of these villagers are already short of arms and legs, with scars all over their bodies, and even dying. There are some women who are also victims in the abandoned castle room. They are the wives or daughters of these villagers.

However, war is a game of power and is a disaster for civilians. The mole ants under the general trend will be destroyed easily.

When wesselis used his sword to split the ropes on these people, the girl who tied her hands and feet with an iron rope stared. She had never seen such a sharp sword.

Then when wesselis came to her, the slender girl with long legs took the initiative to stretch out her hands.

"Thank you."

Her voice is a bit hoarse, not as pleasant as other girls.

There are some calluses in the mouth of her palm and the knuckle of her finger belly, which are very much like the marks left by holding a knife all year round, which is the opposite of the smile on her face.

Wesselis looked at her, especially on the calluses on her hands. Then the dusk in his hands fell without any hesitation, and the hard rope tied to the girl broke with a bang.

Then the silver haired young man cut the girl's shackles with another sword and completely released the other party.

The girl's age looks similar to that of wesselis. She is less than 20 years old and full of youth and vitality, but her face is dirty at the moment. It seems to be related to her disguise, and there are mottled blood left by the fight.

She moved her hands and feet, then picked up her own machete and dagger from the kitchen on the other side and pinned them behind her. Then she turned her head and looked at the silver haired youth who continued to release people.

"Are you wesselis?"

"The king of the Seven Kingdoms?"

Unlike others, other rescued villagers knelt on the ground and kowtowed to wesselis. Then, with wesselis's permission, they picked up several golden dragons or silver deer from the ground, and then hurried away from here.

But the girl, dressed in gray and black ragged leather armor with blood stains on her body, did not leave. Instead, she followed wesselis and asked.

Her words made more villagers who were picking up gold coins on the ground tremble, raised their heads and looked at wesselis with more awe.

Although they had long guessed that they had just seen the dragon, the word king was as far away from the farmers as the villains of the blood troupe.

Wesselis did not answer the other party's words. He cut off the rope tied to the last villager. The other party trembled and knelt on the ground and kowtowed to him.

"Thank you... Your majesty."

Then they also ran over to seize the time to pick up the scattered golden dragons on the ground. Some of them had melted and solidified on the land under the Dragon flame of bellerian. However, they did not dislike it. They knelt on the ground and had to buckle them out of the land and put them into their pockets.

"Take some money and go quickly, otherwise you won't be able to go for a while."

And wesselis looked at them greedy and then reminded them.

"OK... OK, thank you, your majesty."

Wesselis suddenly opened his mouth and frightened the rescued villagers to stop their movements. Although they were still greedy and wanted to find more treasures left by the robbers, they dared not pick up gold coins again.

This is the king's order

Wesselis stood in front of the campfire, holding a long blood red sword. His long silver blond hair reflected light slightly. He was tall and straight, his face was correct, and he really owned the master's posture.

He has been king for more than ten years, and he also has the magnanimity of a king, and his words are beyond doubt.

The villagers stopped their greed, thanked wesselis again, and left here.

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