Published at 24th of June 2024 06:17:12 AM

Chapter 593

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It was not surprising and reasonable for Robert to choose Rickard kastak, the Earl of caho, as the grand manager of the north.

He didn't live up to his father's and mother's education. At least he didn't choose the Earl of Wyman Mandalay in white harbor, or the widow who doesn't shit on the edge of the continent

The kastak family is a distant relative of the stark family, and count Ricard kastak himself is an important general under ed, so it is the best choice to entrust the north to Ricard.

"Rob chose Lord Rickard..."


ED and Mrs. Caitlin were all slightly relieved.

Rickard kastak, whose name was named, was tall and powerful, with long hair and beard, gray beard on his face, clothes made of bear skin and dark cloak on his shoulders.


When he heard the little Lord call himself the chief manager of the north, he immediately stood up and walked to the stage, hammered his chest with one hand, made a dull sound, and then knelt on one knee.

"Your majesty!"

"I'd like to take care of the north for you."

Rickard kastak first fell on one knee to the silver haired young man on the stage, and his voice rumbled.

"Winter sun"... The count of caho? "

And wesselis didn't seem to be surprised when he heard that Robb had appointed the chief manager of the Northern Territory, because the scope of Robb's selection was actually not large.

Although the Mandalay family in Baigang is powerful and extremely rich, the Mandalay family is not really northern people. They are aristocrats who later migrated to the north. They are of andar descent and still believe in the seven gods rather than the old gods. They have always been incompatible with other northern aristocrats.

In addition to the Mandalay family, the strength of the people Robert can choose cannot be too low, otherwise he can't suppress the heroes in the north, and he can't be too distant from the stark family. Therefore, Robert's choice of Rickard kastak is also expected by wesselis.


Wesselis nodded slightly. Rikad kastak, who knelt on one knee below, saw the king's nod and was immediately happy, but it could not be revealed on the surface.

Although Robert can appoint the chief manager, the candidate still needs the consent of his majesty, and since the king has agreed to this matter, it will be almost ten to ten.

Then the burly northerner nodded, stood up, and knelt on one knee to ED, who was dressed in black beside him, and rob stark and his son.

"Lord Robert stark, you can't be disappointed when you entrust me with the north."

"The north is yours, Rickard."

Ed's face was still full of vicissitudes. He looked at his former general, and then patted him on the arm. His voice was hoarse.

The boy with reddish brown hair on the other side still had tension on his face. His cheeks were green and astringent, and even the fluff on his lips had not turned into a beard.

"I trust you, Lord Ricard kastak!"

It was the first time in his life that he made such a big decision that his palm still trembled slightly, but his heart beat faster, not only nervous, but also blood surging.

My father went to the night watchman Corps. Later, he was the Lord of Winterfell city and really participated in this great dispute. From then on, he planned the palace and made more important decisions waiting for him.

"Lord rob stark!"

"Lord Rickard Karstark!"

And the scene suddenly sounded the noise of the northern nobles.


The trial of the former Northern guard and the Duke of Lindong city is definitely a major event in Junlin city.

In the end, the discerning people can see that the stark family and the royal family must have reached some political compromise in exchange for ED Stark's life.

These people who are good enough to be king's landing have discussed with people with intentions for a long time, and even the drunkards in the tavern have arranged some lace news.

He vowed that he had witnessed Mrs. Caitlin go into the king's bedroom and stay for a long time before coming out. The cry was enough for the whole MEG building to hear.

"You know me!"

The drunkard's voice was suddenly high. He stood up with the wine pot, but he almost fell.

"You know me... I've never lied about such a thing..."

He shook his jug in his hand and was still talking drunk.

"Hahaha -"

His words were rewarded by the roaring laughter of the drinkers present and the white eyes of the waitresses in the tavern.

Of course they knew that the drunkard was bullshit. A Dalit like him didn't even know which side the king's bedroom door opened, and it was even more impossible to see Mrs. Caitlin walk into the king's bedroom.

But for the vulgar people at the bottom, they have nothing to do after dinner. They like to drink and boast and arrange some noble lace news.

The drunkard heard everyone's laughter, and then he came out with a little finger.

He claimed that the gadget of Lord ed stark was too short, so katerine needed to find a new bed companion. Many nobles were too short to meet their expensive wives.

For example, once he drank too much and was peeing in a corner. The former queen cersei Lannister passed by and happened to see him

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

The drunkard's words once again reaped the laughter of the whole hall. The drinkers hit the table with their glasses and drank them all at once.

In the corner of the tavern, a man in a white cloak and hood silently took a drink from his glass.

His head was very low, and when he drank, he could only see a rough golden beard on his chin. Listening to these drunkards arranging the vulgar jokes of princes and nobles, he couldn't help shaking the hilt of his sword slightly.


But just then, with a bang, the door of the tavern was kicked open, and a team of warriors wrapped in black robes and masks broke in.

Their target was directly on the drunk who was just full of vulgar jokes. It seems that they have conclusive evidence.

"Arranging Royal rumors, maligning the nobility, adding to the crime."

"Take it away!"

The head captain's voice was cold. The bodyguard of the Ministry of internal affairs came forward and grabbed each other, and then tied the drunk's hands and feet with a chain.

"Spare your life!"

"Spare your life, my Lord! I dare not do it again!"

The famous alcoholic was suddenly frightened to wake up and saw that it was the action of the Ministry of the interior, which scared the dead.

Of course, he had heard the bad name of the Ministry of the interior, and he didn't come out completely. However, begging for mercy now didn't help. The drunkard was stuffed with a rag in his mouth and dragged out directly.

Then the captain raised his head and looked coldly around everyone in the tavern.

The others lowered their heads in a hurry, like a frightened rabbit, afraid to look at it.

Then his eyes fell on a man in a white cloak in a corner with a slight frown.


"Look up!"

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