Published at 24th of June 2024 06:17:06 AM

Chapter 597

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"Escort the prisoner up."

The public trial assembly does not need to start with tedious prayers.


After wesselis took his seat, the nobles of the seven countries and the two judges on the high platform were able to sit down.

And he waved his hand and asked the soldiers to escort tywin Lannister directly up.

In fact, dealing with these people is a formality. Wesselis may not hate them very much. It can be seen from his tolerance. In addition to betraying his valerian family, he has always pursued the principle of less killing and careful killing in the trial.

Of course, the nobles of the seven countries who were killed directly on the battlefield are not included.

Compared with Oberon, wesselis is the Lord of mercy for the massacre in the West.

If wesselis in the original track, he can't wait to swallow the lives of tywin, ed stark and regicide, and he won't let go of his hatred.

Because he actually has no feelings for his nominal father.

Then the former Duke of Kay rock, who still had blood on his face, was pushed and walked up.

Tywin was wearing a prison uniform, his hands were tied behind his back, and his legs were shackled. The golden armor and red cloak with boundless scenery in the past had long disappeared. Now there was only an old man who was detained in the prison and put on trial.

The wound on his forehead just hit by a stone was simply bandaged, and there was a bright red, but it wasn't too ugly, so he pushed him up.

When tywin Lannister was escorted to the stage, the people at the king's landing suddenly heard deafening boos. If it hadn't been for the golden robes surrounding the venue and still under the king, they would have gone up and threw things.

It can be said that almost every family resented the Lannister family in the disaster of King's landing more than ten years ago.

"Kneel down!"

Then the spotless soldier pushed Prince tywin, pressed him on his shoulder, and let him kneel before the adults on the stage.

"Long time no see, Lord tywin."

The young man with silver hair on the stage looked at Prince tywin who was pressed to the ground and said hello in a calm voice.

When tywin was escorted to King's landing, wesselis didn't see him, because he felt bored by the sarcasm about the defeated.

The last time they met was probably at the battle conference in twin river city. At that time, the human coalition forces gathered together to discuss ways to save the world.

However, I did not expect that human beings were such creatures. Just after defeating the common threat, they fell apart in an instant and began a long civil war, which is not over until today.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Your Majesty."

"The last time we met, we fought side by side."

And tywin was kneeling on the ground, his voice hoarse.

He looked up at the latest dignitaries of the seven countries sitting on the high platform, and then looked around, surrounded by familiar and unfamiliar faces.

The people on the stage are the winners of this war and also the vested interests. After a round of power reshuffle, there are many unfamiliar faces of tywin on the stage.

However, retribution is hard to escape. More than a decade ago, he was a vested interest sitting on a high platform. He paid the least price and reaped the greatest fruits of victory in the usurper war. Today, however, it is time for him to pay his debts.

For tywin's trial, it is natural to start from the ordinary people of King's landing. The Minister of justice selected several eloquent and representative witnesses, representing the vast majority of King's landing people to complain to the Lannister family.

The first one who came up was the son of a fisherman. He told in tears about the terrible scene that his family encountered more than ten years ago.

Lannister's army cheated the gate of King's landing, and then poured into the city. The Royal Army found that the situation was wrong and wanted to close the gate, but it was too late. Lannister's army began to kill, burn and loot.

His father led his family to hide in the cellar, but was found by the soldiers of Lannister army. They killed their father, raped his mother and killed their one-year-old brother.

At that time, the son of the fisherman was only eleven years old. He hid in a large tank in a corner of the cellar and survived, but he witnessed the terrible scene with his own eyes.

The son of the fisherman is in his twenties and has a family and business. His wife holds the child and listens to his complaint. She silently wipes her tears and feels sorry for her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Justice has been absent for more than ten years, making a teenager grow into a father.

The second one who came to power was a businessman in Junlin city. His shop was robbed by Lannister army, a large number of goods were robbed, and the hired clerk was killed. He lost his family and paid a large amount of compensation. Now he can only work for others and become the director of a business firm.

The third is Sir Elisha Thorne, the leader of the night watchman Corps. He once led the knight of the Thorne family for the king, fought for the tangaryan family in the usurper war, and fought to the last minute in the war of the fall of King's landing.

After he was captured, tywin asked him to choose between death or wearing black. He chose to wear black. He witnessed the soldiers of Lannister's army rush into the Red Castle.


"The Lannister family soldiers rushed into the Red Castle and killed Princess Elia matel. They also intended to murder Prince AEGON and eradicate the roots, but I sent Prince AEGON out through the secret road in advance."

"Your Royal Highness is very lucky."

"If your majesty hadn't pulled you into the car, I'm afraid..."

Standing in the hot sun, Wallis talked about the secret of that year. Finally, he shrugged his shoulders, gave tywin a look of self-help, and then said.

"Therefore, the Lannister family's intention to uproot the royal family has been exposed."

"The royal family should now make the Lannister family disappear from history in return."

The eight clawed spider has mastered too many secrets. He has attended as a witness several times during this period. Then he finished all his words and went on.

After Wallis was Gregor krigon, the "demon mountain" who was about to be tortured crazy by Oberon.

His five limbs were broken, his face was pale and haggard, and his eyes dodged. It seemed that he had not seen the sun for a long time, and his eyes looking at Oberon were full of fear.

On the other side, a burly Knight looked at the magic mountain and was happy now.

"You should be like this!"

"My brother!"

Magic Mountain turned his head and looked at Sandor. His lips trembled slightly, but he didn't say anything.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!