Published at 24th of June 2024 06:16:59 AM

Chapter 602

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Robert's time on the iron throne was not just a waste of money accumulated by the tangorian family.

At the same time, he owed millions of gold dragons in the name of the royal family, such as Lannister family, Tyrell family, church, bravos iron Treasury, telosi firm and so on.

However, most of these creditors have been settled by wesselis, and the remaining telosi firms have no courage to collect their debts.

At the scene of the trial meeting, people were boiling with resentment. People cursed the extravagant King Robert, while Robert baratheon, who stood in the center, said nothing in the face of the accusations of the people. He had no explanation and allowed the people to abuse and even throw things at him.

Even gold robes and dirt free soldiers were needed to maintain order.

"Protect prisoners!"


At the command of the commander of the dirt free legion, dozens of dirt free soldiers held shields high to form a round shield, which protected Robert from being directly killed.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

However, there was a constant sound of something thrown on the shield. The soldiers without dirt held the shield in their hands, and their faces were expressionless, like a machine without flinching.



"Back! Back!"

"Catch those who dare to disturb the order again!"

Under the command of brinden Tully, the soldiers of the capital guard drove the angry people away from the execution ground, so as not to disturb the normal order.

It took some time to arrest several people who took the lead in making trouble, and finally calmed down the riot caused by the trial.

However, the last sympathy for King Robert was gone, leaving only anger for him.

Robert himself remained silent all the time, because he knew it was his mistake. Since he was put in prison, Robert was actually thinking about the reasons for his failure.

There are reasons for war, for tywin to usurp military power while he was unconscious, and for his extravagance.

If I didn't spend so much Golden Dragon on pleasure, but benefit the country and the people, develop national strength, increase the number of soldiers and enhance armaments, would I be a little easier in the war?

It will not be beaten by strange ghosts, nor will it lose the final civil war, lose the Iron Throne and become a prisoner.

However, it is useless to reflect on the mistakes he made in that year, and he has no chance to do it again.

Perhaps if Robert is given another chance to go back through the past, he may not work hard, but struggle for a few days, wait until the chicken blood time passes, and then continue to do what he should do.

After Robert became king, some changes did happen, but his nature was exposed in the end.

Then, when all the commotion was calmed down and the scene returned to normal order, the clean soldiers withdrew the shield array and released Robert baratheon, who was protected.

"Come on, boy!"

Robert stood in the middle of the meeting, with heavy shackles on his hands and feet and a messy beard on his face. He looked up at wesselis on the stage. He had only the silver haired youth in his eyes, and then his voice spoke impatiently.

"Don't you just want my head?"

He was tired of the trial and just wanted to end it quickly.

However, it was at this time that the last witness was also ready to play.

Cersei, the former queen sitting in the aristocratic ranks below, was still dressed as a maid and turned a blind eye to the curious eyes around.

Her long blond hair came out with a beautiful hair ornament. Although she had no beautiful clothes, cersei still dressed up today.

Cersei got up from her seat, then squatted down and hugged her children.



The boy with blond hair still had fear and tears on his face. It was obvious that the chaotic scene had frightened him. He thought that this group of people were going to eat his father raw. He even suffered with him and missella. He was pointed at by the nose and scolded "bastards" by the angry people.

"Protect your sister."

"Mom, where are you going?"

Joffrey asked in fear, reaching out to grab his mother's skirt. However, cersei didn't say much, but wiped the tears off joffrey's face, then stood up with his skirt and walked towards the witness stand.

On the other side, Robert, with his hands and feet in chains, was glaring at wesselis on the bench, constantly cursing and trying to die quickly, but at this time, he saw the last witness coming up from the corner of his eye.

Robert turned his head and stared at cersei. He didn't expect that the last witness accusing himself was his queen.

"Cersei, you..."


With a bit of gray beard, the man like an iron tower couldn't help opening his mouth. His voice was low and hoarse, with a thick incomprehension. He was dead. Why did cerxi come up to give him the most fatal blow.

"Did you forget, Robert?"

However, the beautiful maid with long blond hair raised her hair and raised her delicate chin. Her eyes were slightly red. She just held back and didn't let her tears flow down.

"I asked if you loved me? Even once."

"But you said no."

When Robert was just escorted to King's landing, cersei took a pair of children to visit him. However, before leaving, cersei relied on the door to ask the last question.

She asked Robert if he had ever loved her, but Robert shook his head and said no.

Since then cersei had completely lost her heart to Robert without any thoughts.

Perhaps the girl in the West once had the same longing for her husband when she just married to King's landing. After all, her husband was a great hero who overthrew the tyrant. However, Robert shouted the name of another woman on her bed on the wedding night.

Then cersei no longer looked at her husband, but turned and looked at the judgment seat, then corrected the color and said.

"Your Majesty, your excellencies."

As a wife, she testified against some criminal evidence about her husband and revealed some secrets of the royal family. However, many witnesses have just described them, and cerxi repeated them again, which made many nobles of the seven countries look at each other and wonder why cerxi came.

But on the bench, some prominent nobles already knew the reason.

They looked sympathetically at Robert's head, then turned to the two children. In the final analysis, the children were innocent and the victims of adults' love and hate.

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