Published at 24th of June 2024 06:16:56 AM

Chapter 604

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Although many people probably guessed this possibility long before cersei admitted it, because King Robert's two children, joffrey and missella, all had blond hair.

But hearing cersei's own admission, it still caused an uproar. People talked one after another, and even the people on the bench couldn't help whispering.

Many of the seven powers on the bench did not know about it until cersei suddenly burst out.

"Is there such a thing?"


Ed Stark's weather beaten cheeks were tight and his expression was complex. He looked at his good brother Robert. Joffrey and missella were not his children. What a blow?

Ed thought of the girl MIA stone in the valley. Robert still left his blood, but they were illegitimate children. No one could inherit his name.

"It's amazing."

The governor of Hejian, count Jeffrey bracken, was shocked. He was busy cleaning up the bandits around twin river city and repairing this abandoned castle some time ago. After returning to King's landing, he was busy with official business. He had no leisure time to listen to rumors in the streets.

"Yes, Lord bracken, I heard the news for the first time."

On the other side, wearing a black cloak and leaning on the valley governor petyr berrishi with his legs crossed on the back of the chair, he opened his mouth in a clear voice to cater to the old general.

"Queen cersei is not a noble real dragon. She even incest with her brother and gave birth to two evil seeds."

"So Prince joffrey and princess missella shouldn't be called baratheon."

He intends to have a good relationship with the top dignitaries in the seven countries in the future. After all, the promotion of little finger is somewhat special. It depends on vendors for prosperity. Moreover, they all have surnames and family forces. Only the berixi family has no roots and power. It is much more difficult to gain a foothold than others.

"Yes, poor children."

"What should their last names be? Lannister?"

"Maybe it should be called joffrey vishui."

Count Jeffrey bracken did not know the routine of his little finger. He was not very political, otherwise he would not have been exhausted at the beginning. Then he took the initiative to resign from the post of former Prime Minister and concentrate on becoming a navy general.

Therefore, the old count nodded politely in response to the governor of the valley's initiative.

The governor of valley and the governor of Hejian had a chat on the stage, and more people were looking at the two children.

As the Lord of the twin river city said, the most pitiful are the two children. They did nothing, but a great sin fell on their heads.

Everyone looked at joffrey and missella, and the blonde boy's brain was also blank. The father who had called for so many years was not his father, but his uncle was his father.

His brain can't hold such a huge amount of information at a time. He just remembers what his mother told him to protect his sister.

"I'm a little familiar with this scene, wesselis."

At this time, the brown haired girl sitting on wesselis's left suddenly said.


Wesselis was slightly stunned and turned his head.

"Do you think he looks like you? That's how we escaped from King's landing."

Reneth pointed to joffrey and missella, who had attracted the attention of thousands of people below. The boy took his sister's hand, which was probably the same as wesselis at the beginning.

However, his situation is more difficult. There are only a few soldiers beside him, but there are countless times more people than soldiers who want to kill him. Wesselis has a huge reward on his head, and he and Renes have two children and hold a baby sister Dany.

When the silver haired young man heard that Renee compared herself with joffrey, he was speechless. You know, joffrey is the most annoying role, not even one of them.


"Joffrey is not my seed. I was only in my early ten when cersei conceived him."

"Puff -"

And wesselis's cold joke, which was not funny, amused queen Ariane on the right. She covered her mouth with her hand and couldn't help laughing.

However, at this time, Robert, who was ridiculed and insulted by countless people below and received only second only to joffrey and missella, suddenly said.

"All right..."

His voice was low, trembling, full of stress, and his breath was heavy, like a silent volcano about to erupt.

He clenched his fist, slightly lowered his head and couldn't see his cheeks clearly, but the chain that bound his hands and feet trembled and made an unbearable sound.

"I said... OK!"

Robert had thought that he would be humiliated and ridiculed by the enemy today, but Robert had long planned to die. In fact, he had been ready to die since he was put in prison, so he even impatiently urged wesselis to hurry up.

Robert was not afraid of death, but he didn't expect to give him such a big surprise before he died.

He has been wearing a green hat for ten years. He has green light. Even the children he has raised for many years are not his own. They are all bastards left by cersei and James adultery.

Based on Robert's trust, cersei didn't think much when he was alone with her brother.

However, now think about it, at that time, the two blonde twins might have rolled around in his bed. Even when they looked at each other, their eyes were full of special feelings.

At that time, however, Robert was so worried that he didn't think about the possibility of incest between his sister and brother. Similarly, he never thought about why his two children were with their mother's blonde hair, while other members of the baratheon family, including his illegitimate son, were all black hair.

Robert baratheon is a former king, even though the tiger is falling and the sun is falling. His voice is still full of pressure, just like a volcano about to erupt. The nobles of the seven countries around him, especially the generals who are good at fighting, sensed the feeling of danger, could not help but restrain the expression on his face and sit up straight.

The chaotic sounds around are also disappearing rapidly, and everyone's eyes fall on another protagonist King Robert.


"Stop talking."

Robert baratheon lowered his head, the chains in his hands clanked, his arms trembled slightly, the muscles on his shoulders bulged, and the dark green veins on the back of his thick hands burst up and clenched his fists.

On the other side, the blonde woman standing on the witness stand heard her husband's voice and turned her head.

There was still a happy smile of revenge on her mouth. She turned her head and was just ready to continue to ridicule.

However, he saw his husband's current state, suddenly stopped talking, and then swallowed.

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