Published at 24th of June 2024 06:16:50 AM

Chapter 608

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Robert baratheon is dead.

He was defeated by the younger and stronger new king in the duel. Sometimes the rules of human beings are similar to the rules of the jungle of animals, natural selection and survival of the fittest.

After successfully seizing the iron throne, Robert did not run the country under his feet, but quickly degenerated, began to spend extravagantly, and finally died on the spot in the duel between the two kings.

Wesselis cut off his hammer with a sword, just like his rough and magnificent life, and then stabbed his chest with a backhand sword, ending his life, and the body fell in a pool of blood.

However, before Robert died, wesselis chose to tell him the truth.

His dream goddess didn't like him. He thought his love was just poor unrequited love. Even his goddess eloped with others and gave birth to a child.

Of course, this is actually a very simple multiple-choice question.

A rough man who drinks, whores and swears all day and another prince who can conquer the appearance of girls in the seven countries are handsome, versatile and even excellent in martial arts.

Mount the horse is the knight who can hardly meet the enemy of the seven countries. Dismount and pick up the harp to play the music that makes people cry.

If everyone is Leona stark, it's actually easy to make a choice.

Before the Sword Pierced Robert's chest, Robert didn't believe wesselis. However, when the sword pierced his chest and wesselis told him the truth in his ear, Robert turned his head and looked at the brown haired boy who was at a loss.

He saw his familiar figure on the boy's cheek.

Jon Snow's eyebrows and eyes are beautiful and smart. She is very much like the girl he fell in love with at first sight. She also has such a pair of gray eyes.

The outline of the young man's cheek is particularly similar to the enemy he will never forget, especially the side face turned around.

Without wesselis's reminder, perhaps careless Robert would never find that the appearance of his good brother ed stark, an illegitimate son, is the product of the perfect combination of rega's and Leanna's appearance

This is rega targaryan and Leanna's child!

Seeing the child, Robert finally believed the truth that wesselis told him. His faith had collapsed. It turned out that the tangaryan family he pursued did not kill Laina. It was him who really killed Laina.

Leijia and laianna are really in love, but they are just an insignificant passer-by. Robert's body can't help shaking after thinking about all this. Maybe it's the spasm of muscles before death, or it's difficult to accept such pain.

His eyes were covered with blood, his mouth was sprayed with blood foam, his beard was dyed red, and his eyes were fixed on his good brother ed stark on the table.

Ed took a deep breath and lowered his head, afraid to look directly into Robert's eyes.

However, wesselis asked Robert to understand that ghosts are not meant to ridicule. In fact, he still respects each other. Robert did not shrink back at all in the war of alien ghost invasion, bravely resisted the Legion of the dead and assumed the responsibility of a king. This is a respectable opponent.

Finally, wesselis told Robert that there was no need to worry about his death. He could leave at ease, and his wife and children would take care of him.

"Cough -"

Robert baratheon lay on the ground, his chest undulating like a broken bellows, and then coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood.

When he heard wesselis's words, he turned with his last strength and looked at a boy behind wesselis's seat in the grandstand.

The boy has black hair, blue eyes, simple and honest round cheeks and a stocky figure. He is holding a wine pot in his hand to pour wine for Queen Ariane. He doesn't notice Robert's eyes looking at him.


As an incompetent father, Robert learned the boy's name from wesselis.

I don't know why... He was willing to believe that wesselis didn't deceive him.

A man with only one last breath left.

And Rob could see as like as two peas, that was his boy, just as he was when he was a child.

Then Robert looked at the busy boy figure on the stage and kept reading the name. He didn't know whether he regretted that he should be kind to his illegitimate son and their mother before he died. After all, this is his real flesh and blood. Joffrey and missella are other people's children.

At the end of his death, Robert's bloody lips trembled, whispered thanks to wesselis in a voice he couldn't hear, and then swallowed his last breath. A pair of eyes were enough to close his eyes.

Robert baratheon died in the duel field, but the whole audience was in awe. There was no applause from the nobles and people of the seven countries, but only a dead silence.


Then I don't know who started first, someone began to stand up and applaud, and then everyone began to applaud.

Applause was given to this wonderful contest, to the victorious king wesselis, and also to see off King Robert baratheon.

Wesselis pulled out the long sword inserted in Robert's chest, wiped the blood off the sword with a piece of silk and threw it to the ground, and then returned the dusk to his servant rob stark.


"Your Majesty."

The boy with reddish brown hair took wesselis's sword, held it seriously in his arms, and then watched King Robert's body be carried into the flatcar.

"What does Robert's story tell us?"

"No... I don't know."

Rob stark was slightly stunned when he heard the speech, and then thought about it carefully, but he really couldn't understand it.

"Licking a dog won't kill you."

"Remember, don't be a licking dog."

"Bury Robert baratheon and give him the last dignity."

Wesselis patted the boy on the shoulder, and then gave an order. Then he turned and left.

The former King Robert baratheon died in the duel, symbolizing the end of the public trial, which took a total of half a month.

His body was buried on a hillside facing the sea outside Junlin City, and the farce left at the public trial meeting has not ended.

People talk about the self exposure of the former queen cersei, but the most pitiful are the two children.

The Royal Council debated whether joffrey and missella should be Lannister or Xishan or vishui. Of course, baratheon's surname must be deprived, because joffrey and missella are not the children of King Robert.

If the Lannister family is still in power, they may try to compete for the title and surname of their two children.

However, now the Lannister family has perished, not to mention that James and cersei did not make a sacred marriage under the gaze of the gods, and they are illegitimate children of adultery and incest.

Finally, according to the principle of illegitimate son and his place of birth, wesselis issued a royal order to recover the title of Prince and Princess of joffrey and missella, and the surname of the two children's baratheon family, which was renamed joffrey vishui and missella vishui.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!