Published at 24th of June 2024 06:16:44 AM

Chapter 609

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early morning.

The sun shines high.

The sun above my head is so dazzling that I need to squint when I sit on horseback and look into the distance.

The gods gate of Junlin city was the gate that cersei took when he opened the city to surrender, and now this magnificent gate is seeing off the soldiers who are about to go to war.

Step, step

The sound of horses' hoofs sounded on the blue stone road.

"Whoa --"

A group of knights in bright armor came to the edge of the city gate, and then reined in the war horse. The first was a weather beaten knight. He was dressed in black and wore a metal ice wolf medal on his left chest. In the past, his dark brown hair was mixed with a lot of gray.

The knight stood at the edge of the gate of the capital of the kingdom with his horse. Looking at the endless stream of people, a burst of melancholy and emotion came into his heart.

The last time they came to this city, they were the leaders of the rebel army. However, this time they left in another capacity. He became the most basic soldier of the night watchman Corps. This time, they are about to embark on a journey to recover their homes and the Great Wall.

Come and go again and again. Even after many hardships, the city is still the city. Three hills rise and fall, standing on this flat land.

The three fire dragon flags at the head of the city are flying, showing dignity, grandeur and awe inspiring. The momentum of the kingdom is rising gradually. They are established in blood and fire. Now both sides of the narrow sea know that a powerful country is rising and will surely prevail in the future.

The knight was ed stark, the former Duke of Winterfell. He rode his horse to the inner side of the gods' gate and waited for the big army to come. He looked back at the Red Palace on AEGON's high hill and felt a lot of emotion.

A few months passed quickly. The new year of the Kingdom has come, 295 years of the Egan calendar and three years of the new calendar.

Perhaps because of the inconvenience of changing the calendar, the people in Junlin have begun to remember both calendars, while more people use the Egan calendar or the conquest calendar in places other than Junlin.

After Robert won the iron throne, he renamed the Egan calendar as the conquest calendar. In more than ten years, the Egan calendar changed from conquest calendar to new calendar, which is really a little difficult for ordinary people in seven countries who have studied at the level of prenatal education.

However, all these problems will be solved in the future.

At present, the kingdom is recuperating, working hard to govern, and the causeway across the Jingze has been repaired by the whole country, which is enough to accommodate the army. In addition, the interest free loan of bravos iron Treasury is in place. After discussion between the Iron Throne and the former royal parliament, the king's royal order was finally issued a month ago.

Prepare to launch a war to recover the north and recapture the land from the dead.

The soldiers mobilized this time are the former northern army. However, their command power has changed, because the new deal of the kingdom does not allow the nobility to command the army exceeding the upper limit of private soldiers, so this time all the northern army belong to a corps independent of the military system of the kingdom.

Night watchman Corps.

A few years ago, the war between human beings and strange ghosts was not over. It has been a long time for human beings. However, for strange ghosts, it may be just a half-time break, a short retreat to accumulate strength, and they will rush in the future.

In order to cope with the future war, the Iron Throne put forward a "plan of the big night watchman corps".

The plan is very simple. It is to expand the scale and number of the night watchman corps and restore the strongest period of this legendary corps with a long history to deal with the war with strange ghosts in the future, which is also very in line with the special customs and conditions of the north.

The people in the north are extremely xenophobic and do not like outsiders to govern the people in the north. Under the new deal, the nobility is not allowed to retain private troops. The state has no intention to give privileges to the nobility in the North like Donne, so it simply takes all the soldiers under the command of the night watchman Corps.

However, except for the criminals sent over, the other northern soldiers do not have to make those harsh vows. After a few years of service, they are allowed to go home to marry and have children. They are regarded as peripheral soldiers of the night watchman Corps.

Only in a series of new deal changes in the Iron Throne and the former royal parliament, the current night watchman commander-in-chief, Jao Mormon, unexpectedly became the biggest winner.

Once he ran around for several criminals and said good things. However, he did not expect that a royal order from the iron throne would come down. He changed and directly became one of the most powerful people in the seven countries.

But of course, how fast does Geoff Mormont's power come? How fast will he go if he wants to roll him off.

As soon as he is old, he naturally knows the power struggle contained in it. The Iron Throne can make him a big man with a royal order, which can also make him have nothing in an instant.

His power now is vain. Only the supreme power of the Iron Throne is true. One word can shake the seven countries and turn heaven and earth upside down.

Therefore, in addition to being happy, Jay Mormont calmly suppressed his inner expansion fire, became more cautious, focused on performing his duties, and didn't think much about and ask much else.

Even after the royal order came down, countless nobles broke through the threshold and lined up to visit, but they were all rejected.


At this time, a war horse came on the central axis avenue of Junlin, and then the knight on the horse turned over and dismounted.



The man who came to see ed off was rob stark, his eldest son, and ED jumped off his horse. The father and son hugged each other tightly.

"Why are you here?"

After loosening his eldest son, ed rubbed each other's reddish brown hair and asked.

"Your Majesty allows me to say goodbye to you."

Rob stark was a little dissatisfied that his father rubbed his hair and immediately shrunk back.


Ed nodded, glanced at the Red Castle in the distance, then saw his son dodging, and suddenly showed a smile.

"What? Rob."

"When you become the governor of the north, the Earl of Winterfell won't let your father touch your head?"

In the past few months, the calendar has changed, and ED has stepped out of the concealment when Robert just died. After all, people still have to live, and his mood has recovered a lot.

"Of course not! Father!"

Robb naturally refuted immediately, so he couldn't admit that he paid more attention to his image when he was a year old.

After all, there are so many noble ladies in Junlin City, and as the count of Lindong City, he naturally has his own heir. In a previous dinner, he accidentally met Miss Marguerite of Tyrell family in Xingsuo city behind wesselis, and was shocked

Ed looked at his son a little absent-minded, and his smile was a little restrained. In fact, although he didn't say it as clearly as the child's mother, as a father, he also worried about rob.

After all, in history, the people of the stark family went south and came to the south. Most of them came to no good end... Including himself.

Then ed patted rob on the shoulder again and said solemnly.

"I'll wait for you in the north, rob."


Robert looked at his father and nodded again.

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