Published at 24th of June 2024 06:16:32 AM

Chapter 614

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Originally, today's Royal assembly discussed the population and health problems of King's landing.

The night watchman army began an expedition to recover the Northern Territory, and the people scattered in all parts of the seven countries, including Junlin, should return to their hometown. However, some people are used to living in the warm and comfortable South and do not want to return to their homes, because they still need to rebuild their homes in the north.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this group of people staying in King's landing, but they generally have no assets, no fixed residence and no job.

When they stayed in King's landing, they became a security black hole, fighting, stealing, robbery, smuggling and so on. The capital garrison was busy catching these criminals. Six of the ten people were wandering northerners.

And the most important thing is the problem of urban population carrying. Although the city of Junlin has been able to accommodate a very considerable population after several rounds of expansion for 300 years, it still can not accept the pressure of explosion and surge in a short time.

Today, the sultry climate brought by midsummer has been enveloping the whole city of Junlin, which makes this city, which is originally a "city on a cesspit", smell even worse.

Even the nobles living in eagen hill and the royal family in red castle can't stand this stench. In addition, in recent days, they have received reports of small-scale epidemic spread from nobles everywhere, which has strengthened wesselis's determination to rectify the health problem of King's landing.

He is prepared to allocate funds from the state treasury, provide a huge budget for the Royal Council, entrust the doctor of architecture of Xuecheng to give advice, and find the best craftsmen in the kingdom to guide the work on the spot. One way is to expand the scale of the city, the other way is to transform the underground sewage facilities. The two ways go together to completely solve the sewage problem of Junlin.

Regrettably, however, this week's routine before the parliament should be discussed because of the interruption of the arrival of the royal highness of Princess Renees Taglia.

This is a major event enough to attract the attention of the nobility all over the country, because the girl's identity is extremely prominent and her blood is noble.

"The royal highness of your royal highness is coming. It's a good thing, your majesty."

"In fact, before the Royal Highness came, no one knew how many aristocrats wanted to marry his royal highness."

At the Royal parliament, the intelligence minister Wallis shook his shiny head slightly, crossed his hands in his sleeves, and then said.

Wesselis divided the three dragons equally among the only two noble girls in the family, one is his niece Renes and the other is his sister Dany.

Her royal highness, Princess Dani, is very young, and her blood is very pure, like her Majesty's silver haired purple eyes. Of course, her hair is not shining with her majesty, and her eyes are not pure of Rees.

While the royal highness of Princess long is slightly lacking in blood, but still has a dragon, and it can be used in common practice.

She once rode the Dragon regor to burn the West for three months, which left a deep psychological shadow on all the nobles and people in the West.

Plus the girl has reached the marriageable age. Therefore, the voice of seeking to marry reneth has never stopped in the kingdom.

In the Royal Council hall, Wallis sat in his seat and coughed softly and continued to admonish.

"But we must learn from the past and history, your majesty."

"The royal highness of the princess can not be married outside to prevent the outflow and dilution of the dragon's blood vessels, so..."


On the other side, Marvin, the bachelor sitting next to Wallis, also nodded and opened his mouth. It seems that the two people have been in touch before, and Marvin is the one who knows Valeria best among all the people present.

The bull's voice was rough and dull.

"The Dragon King is the title of the ancient 40 families of Valeria. They compete for the rule of the fortress of Valeria freedom, including the tangaryan family."

"However, the reason why the Dragon King is called the Dragon King is precisely because he can control the giant dragon. This ability comes from their mysterious and pure blood."

"Therefore, in order to maintain the purity of blood, the Dragon Kings will choose close relatives to marry. The more common ones are brothers and sisters or siblings. It is not impossible to marry many wives at the same time."

Maerwin tells about the ancient tradition of the warelian Dragon Kings, who chose to do so in order to keep their blood pure.

"As for the former dynasty..."

On the other hand, Wallis took over the words and became more cautious when referring to the bald eunuchs of the previous dynasty. The previous dynasty here refers to the tangaryan Dynasty. Although it is nominally separated, there are still countless connections. Wallis fully considered his own language and spoke.

"I have communicated with Marvin University and many bachelor's degrees in the University City before."

The bull Bachelor in varelian steel chain nodded slightly.

"The extinction of the dragon and the decline of the tangorian family are regarded as the mainstream. It is said that after the unification of the seven countries, the tangorian family frequently intermarried with foreigners for political reasons, resulting in the mottled and mixed blood of future generations and the decline of blood power."

"The ability to control the Dragon decreased, and the Dragon lost its partner and became extinct."

Wallis's words made all the ministers of the Royal parliament present nod and say yes.

Except for the Minister of justice, Oberon's eyebrows were a little locked, because his brain was smarter and he thought more things.

Dorn's eyebrows twisted into a pimple, and his brown face was a little serious. Then he slowly stretched his eyebrows.

Some of the people present also noticed that Oberon's face was slightly unhappy. They knew the reason, but they didn't point it out.

The problem of heirs is always a taboo that can not be easily touched by any world, any era and any country. A little carelessness is the price of breaking to pieces, and may even affect the whole family.

On the other side, wesselis had some headaches about it. He rubbed his temples and said.

"Gentlemen, this matter... Is not in a hurry."

"We'll discuss it later."

The valellian Dragon King really needs close relatives to marry to keep his blood pure, which is the way they live and multiply. He understands the reason why the ministers are anxious for him, because wesselis does not have a suitable male heir.

However, reneth is still a little young, and because she is too familiar, wesselis can't accept it.



The common cultural custom in the kingdom is monogamy. Wesselis has his own legal wife Yalian.

Although AEGON, Meige and others have set a good example for him, there will still be some secular obstacles to marrying a second wife and granting the queen.

Certainly not a big wedding, the best result is to keep a low profile.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!