Published at 24th of June 2024 06:16:26 AM

Chapter 618

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The architectural style of the whole military academy is calm. When standing in front of its gate, there is a sense of depression, which makes people restrain their frivolous expression and respect.

It turned out that in the highest level military academy in the Kingdom, a huge and magnificent monument was coming. It was engraved with the picture that the soldiers of the human coalition army did not flinch when facing the enemies with blue eyes. At the bottom of the relief, there were shocking words.

Countless soldiers died when the human coalition forces resisted the alien invasion. They spilled their blood on the land in the north and left their lives there forever.

This is the idea put forward by wesselis. Storytelling is always the best way to unite a nation and a country. Countless legendary stories have been told throughout the ages. They have formed various nationalities and human history.

And no story is more passionate than resisting foreign invasion, and can unite countless nationalities and unite together.

The war between humans and ghosts is essentially a war between life and death. Since humans or other species living in this world are still alive, no one wants to die, but death has to take them away by force. Therefore, people have to unite to resist the disaster.

Tell the story well.

"In the wars of all ages, not every war is won by people with more people and stronger strength."

"In this case, strategy occupies an important position."

"How did you win the war?"

"How can a small number of soldiers fight a larger number of enemies?"

"How can we win the war at a lower price?"

"These are the art of war and what you will learn next."

"My name is Mattus. I will spend the next few months as your mentor."

A bald middle-aged bachelor, wearing a gray robe and an iron chain ring symbolizing military or war science around his neck, stood on the podium talking.

In the classroom below, there are dense desks, but the atmosphere is not very warm.

Most of these students are big and thick men. Some have a face full of flesh and look like a cruel man, some have long scars on their arms, and some have one eye covered by one eye.

The age of the students also fluctuates very greatly. The oldest person has white hair on his temples, which is older than the tutor mathus on the stage, while the young people seem to be only teenagers.

However, among these people, without exception, they all have the only common feature, that is, the murderous spirit. They are all soldiers or officers who have been on the battlefield and made meritorious contributions.

After the construction of the new military academy, the first batch received the transfer order and were sent to Junlin to study for a period of time. Only those who pass the study are allowed to return to the army, otherwise they will stay here forever.

Wesselis is here to see how the first batch of students participating in the pilot are performing.

But it's a pity that these proud soldiers and heroes who won the war are naturally not good children. Of course, they won't sit here for class.

"Hey, that bitch named mathus."

An officer of the golden regiment with a cruel face stepped on the stool with one foot, and then spoke rudely.

"Do you know where my scar came from?"

He opened his clothes on his chest, and a shocking scar appeared. Now, although it has grown, it is still covered with dark red, like a twisted reptile.

On the podium, master Mattus was talking to himself. He analyzed the war launched by gels gardener III of the river kingdom before the war of conquest.

He fought against the storm Kingdom, and then led a team of knights to the east to capture all the land of the storm Kingdom north of the rainforest except Fengxi castle. Then he besieged Fengxi castle for two years, but he was seized by Lancel Lannister V, king of Kaiyan in the West

Mathus is analyzing the pros and cons of this war and the mistakes made by the three kings and generals involved in this war.

But at this time, he was suddenly interrupted and slightly stunned, because this was the first time this group of disobedient 'students' spoke to him.

Mathus is a bachelor who has passed the examination and won the link of military science independently. He is impeccable in his research on military strategy. Once he was responsible for receiving new students recommended to join the school city in the school city.

However, most of those students are the second or illegitimate children of their families. They are submissive, obey the arrangement of their tutors, do what they can, and dare not neglect their academic problems.

If there are students who do not respect their tutors or are unable to complete their studies, the school city has the right to drive them out directly without giving face to anyone.

But now... Times have changed.

The school city no longer has a high position, but has been directly divided into several colleges. From now on, it is not only a close family, but also an enemy competing for the education budget.

Moreover, the students in front of them are even worse to serve. They are all big and thick, and their faces are cruel. Just looking at him makes the bald bachelor couldn't help mentioning his anus, let alone discipline them.

"Sir Henrich."

Master Mattus looked at the list and knew the other party's name. Although his face was slightly ugly, he still hardened his head and said.

"I don't know where your scar was caused, but we are in class now, please..."

"The scar on my chest was caused by Phil on a dog day during the war of Tongmen city!"

"He cut me in the back!"

Sir Henrich, the grass-roots commander of the golden regiment, now sealed in a village in the west, rumbled. He also took off his coat and turned around to show everyone the scars on his back.

At that time, Henrich served in the golden regiment. He was cut to the ground by a Phil family knight from behind. At the same time, the other party rushed up to repair the knife, and finally left a shocking scar on his chest.

"But finally I bit his throat!"

"The dog's day broke one of my teeth."

There was a roar of laughter in the classroom. Sir Henrich had a good eloquence and was an expert in the whole work, which caused the laughter of the rough men present, and then there was applause.

However, Henrich had a triumphant smile on his face, opened his arms and made no secret of his scars, which was his merit as a man.

Then he turned and looked contemptuously at the maestro mathus on the podium and asked a fatal question.

"So... What dog day Bachelor Mattus?"

"What is your greatest achievement on the battlefield?"

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