Published at 24th of June 2024 06:34:30 AM

Chapter 63

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"You mean..."

"She wants to kidnap me?"

Wesselis sat on the bed with a strange look on his face.

He looked at the woman who was pushed and fell to the ground by the soldiers below. She was wearing untidy clothes and hair, and she was still holding a swaddling baby in her arms. At the moment, she was crying because she was frightened.

The shrill cry of human cubs penetrating the eardrum is really refreshing, and wesselis feels a little headache.

Then he motioned to the side and asked a soldier to take the child away from the woman's arms and stay in another house first.

However, the woman didn't want to give the child to the soldiers. She made an incomprehensible roar and wanted to snatch it back.

But she was kicked to the ground again, and the woman covered her stomach and rolled on the ground in pain.

Wesselis saw this scene all the way, frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

If the other party is really a trafficker who wants to kidnap him, he really deserves his death.

"Yes, young master."

The woman's child was taken away and taken to other rooms. The cabin was quiet for a while, while another soldier heard wesselis's words, nodded and explained.

"We checked her ticket. She should get off at pantos, but she didn't leave yet."

"This morning, when the ship was about to leave pantos, she sneaked close to your room with an evil intention."

"Maybe she's going to kidnap you and escape from the ship on the eve of the ship's departure from pantos."

Maybe? probably?

Wesselis listened to the soldier's words and did not loosen his brow. Such a thing should not be convicted with such an unwarranted conclusion.

Then wesselis saw the soldier pull out a bundle of rope and a dagger from his sleeve as if by magic.

"Young master, these were found from her."

The result is clear at a glance. It seems that it is really wrong.

Wesselis also closed his mouth, and his eyes fell back on the woman.

The other party's figure is not as thin and graceful as other women, but looks strong, with black hair, flat nose and sporadic freckles on his face.

A woman's hair was a little messy and her clothes were untidy, but wesselis preferred to believe that it was not that reason, but that it was convenient for her to feed her children.

Wesselis now remembered who the woman was.

Although he had only made a face-to-face contact on the cabin, wesselis's memory was excellent.

She was the breast-feeding woman she met on the first day of boarding and visiting the ship. She sat on the deck and leaned on the edge of the ship board. She did not shy away from revealing her body to feed her children.

Wesselis had a face-to-face meeting with her at that time. Since then, wesselis should not have met her again in his memory.

This woman has an eye on herself?


The pale purple eyes reflected this ugly and strong woman, and the other party was sitting on the ground with his stomach in pain, looking at wesselis.

The two people's four eyes were opposite, and the time seemed to pause slightly for a second.

"Your eyes have amazing magical power."

"This' adult 'who doesn't know his name."

And the woman sitting on the ground, covering her stomach, said very abruptly.

This was the first time she spoke after she was caught. Even if she had just robbed her child with the soldiers and was kicked, she just muttered something inexplicably in her mouth, but she didn't speak.

The woman's voice was a little hoarse and obscure, like the sound of metal friction, but what she said surprised wesselis.


The little king, who had just been very calm, almost sat up from his bed.

But then he realized that the other party was speaking valerian, which was a little relieved.

The tangorian family is native to valerian, but the tangorian soldiers are not. They still speak the common language of Westeros.

So the soldier didn't understand what the woman was saying. He just heard the other party muttering what he didn't understand. It was like some kind of spell. He was instinctively upset. He raised his hand and wanted to beat the criminal who tried to attack the boy.

However, the soldier's action was stopped by wesselis.

"Wait first."

The boy whose hair was dyed blue sat on the bed. Some of them were unstable.

Then he jumped out of bed, walked up to the woman and looked at each other with bright eyes.

Then he asked seriously in valerian.

"What did you just say?"

However, compared with wesselis, the woman with messy hair gasped for breath and became much calmer.

She looked at the boy who came up to her and said again in a hoarse voice.

"This is a very rare talent. This' adult ', you don't have to panic about it."

"I don't know how many people want to get such a talent."

"And it seems that you have noticed this power in your eyes."

Although women have ugly faces, they undoubtedly have extraordinary agility and sophistry.

Through careful observation, she saw the expression on wesselis's face and judged that he had known the magic power in his eyes for a long time, but was shocked at her discovery.

The woman looked at wesselis, didn't wait for him to speak, added again.

"I believe you can understand now that I'm not trying to plot against you."

Women also have some curiosity about wesselis's identity.

She had noticed the extraordinary power in the child's eyes when she first met wesselis.

Then he kept hiding and secretly observed wesselis.

During this period, she saw people who were obviously bravos officials accompany wesselis, and the powerful water dancer swordsman was also guiding the boy's fencing.

What kind of noble young master can keep these people around?

Then on the last day, when she tried to get close to wesselis and wanted to dig out the secret carried by the boy, she was found by his guards.

After some struggle and resistance, the woman was caught by the soldiers and brought to the boy.

However, it is also because of this that women have a positive opportunity to talk to the boy.


Wesselis was alarmed for a second when he heard that the woman had discovered his secret.

But then it calmed down.

Then he heard the woman's sophistry that she didn't want to kidnap herself, and the boy's eyebrows frowned slightly.

Then his eyes turned to the rope and dagger thrown to the ground.

No plot

What do you want to sneak up on yourself with something?

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