Published at 24th of June 2024 06:15:50 AM

Chapter 642

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Wesselis is constantly exploring the next path in King's landing. He wants to wake up the pale crow skull with the fire of faith when he is ready.

Wesselis asked milaxis if she knew the crow, but milaxis shook her head and said she had not seen a God who had become a God.

It is likely to be one of the ancient gods. She became a God by relying on her own strength. She can perceive that there is a strong divinity in the crow's skull.

At the same time, the steady progress of the night watchman Corps on the other side gradually recovered a large area of land and castle.

The soldiers of the Legion braved the severe cold, wind and snow and measured the land in the North step by step.

In fact, the northern territory is sparsely populated, and there are not many castles. If the night watchman Legion only recovers the castle, it will not take a few months.

Even in less than a month, most of the castles can be captured. After all, these scattered corpses and ghosts can't defend the city. They just see human soldiers pounce on them like wild animals.

The soldiers of the night watchman Legion can only shoot them with arrows contaminated with fire oil from a distance, and they can't even get close to the human soldiers.

Without the existence of strange ghosts, dead ghosts without brains are not human opponents.

However, the difficulty is that the northern territory is vast and sparsely populated. Therefore, the soldiers of the night watchman corps should remove these corpses inch by inch, in case they bury future troubles when the people in the Northern Territory move back.

"Drive -"

"Drive -"

The towering city wall of Lindong city stands on this vast plain. Two war horses, one brown and one black, run towards this side, riding two knights in black on their backs.

They were wearing black cloaks and thick wolf fur shawls. They came from afar, dusty and dusty. They were the two brothers of the stark family.

Ed stark and banyan, the brothers, rode to the bottom of the city wall, reined in the reins, looked up at the winter city close at hand, and couldn't help feeling a lot.

"The last time I left, Winterfell looked like this."

Ed stark breathed out a white breath and said.

On the other side, his brother Banyang wore black leather gloves and raised his finger to point to the scorched black mark on the wall not far away.

"I left a little later than you, ed. I burned that place."

In that year, Banyang and other allied soldiers and night watchman brothers were separated from the large forces in the battle of Lindong City, did not retreat in time, and were besieged in the cellar of Lindong city.

Relying on the remaining materials in the cellar, they persisted for several months. Finally, they ran out of ammunition and food, summoned up the courage to rush out, and then jumped down the wall with the help of heavy snow to escape.

The burnt trace was left when ban Yang pushed down a bucket of fire oil, threw down a torch and blocked the ghoul's pursuit.

Then Banyang and others were saved by the three eyed crow. The next journey was to find wesselis until Longshi island was captured and later released when Junlin fell.

"Winterfell... Lost from my hands."

Ed stark looked at his hometown and finally sighed.

"But Winterfell has recovered from you again, ed. there's no need to blame yourself."

Ban Yang turned his head and looked at his brother, then smiled and said. The middle-aged man with dark brown hair and beard mixed with some gray shook his head at the speech, but still smiled.

"Go, into town!"

Then the two brothers hurried their horses into the winter city.

Lindong city has now been recovered by the night watchman Corps. It only took two days to kill all the corpses and ghosts, including the cellar.

However, the cellar of Lindong city did not know what it had experienced. Most of the tombs of the king of the north have been buried forever, and a few tombs outside are also deep pits. The tomb owners who should have slept have disappeared.

When Ed and the banyan brothers came to the cellar, the commander-in-chief of the night watchman corps, Jao Mormon, had already stayed here.

He was checking the stark family's tomb with a torch. When he saw the owner here, he stood up and patted ed ed ed on the shoulder. He sighed and said nothing more.

It's the biggest misfortune for someone to dig the ancestral grave, but it's just a strange ghost. Who can reason with me?

"Commander Mormont."

"Commander in chief."


"Lord ed stark."

The three simply said hello, and then the commander of the gray haired and bearded night watchman army left here and left it to the two brothers of the stark family.

Soon after all the outsiders had left, the cellar of Lindong city was quiet. Only the torch in Banyang's hand burned and crackled.

"I remember you told me you had a dream."


The two brothers looked at the collapsed winter city cellar for a long time, and then ed Stark's weather beaten cheek suddenly turned and asked.

"Well, that's right."

The smile on Banyang's face on the other side has disappeared, and his heart is a little heavy.

He and his brother mentioned this dream to him after their reunion at King's landing. That was when he was most desperate when he was besieged in this cellar.

Then he dreamed of his sister Leanna stark. Her eyes were streaming with blood and tears. She loudly told Banyang to leave quickly.

Then, after waking up, Banyang and others summoned up the courage to fight a bloody way and break out. They are meeting the night king who is returning to Lindong city.

Fortunately, the night King disdained to pursue several surviving human soldiers in person, so ban Yang and other talents were able to escape.

"Banyang, do you think... Does Laina still have her own consciousness now?"

And ED stark was silent for a long time, and suddenly his words were startled.


On the other side, his brother ban Yang was also slightly stunned, and then looked at his brother incredulously.

It is a common understanding that all the ancestors of the stark family, including their relative Laina, were manipulated by ghosts to cheat the corpse, but he was surprised by Ed's words.


Ban Yang thought for a moment, then shook his head and said.

"If Leanna still has her own consciousness, why shoot Robert with an arrow?"


However, before Banyang finished his words, he swallowed them back.

Because he also participated in the king's landing public trial, he also heard the love story of his sister Leanna and rega tangaryan.

Did Leanna shoot Robert's arrow to avenge rega?

Ban Yang's face looked a little suspicious, while ed stark was silent all the time. His face was complex. He was the person who knew this history best.

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