Published at 24th of June 2024 06:15:41 AM

Chapter 648

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On the road from Tianji city to the prince's pass.


The horse's hooves were treading on the soft land. Behind him was a row of carriages full of goods, and the wheels made a sound.

They were under the banner of King's tomb City, a white skull flag with a golden crown on a black background.

The family badge and the name of the city are from the founder of the manwudi family, who killed a river king there.

This is a batch of goods destined for the front line, mainly including Donne wine, dried bacon and some gold and silver.

Because of the perennial high temperature, dryness and heat, the fresh pork, cattle and mutton can not be preserved for a long time. We can only choose to air dry as soon as possible, remove water and preserve it by salting.

The king's tomb city of the manwudi family is very close to the prince's pass. Although they are not "pass guards", they have a close relationship with the Buddha family in Tianji city.

This time, count Franklin Fleur, the "guard of the pass", made a mistake and violated the laws of the kingdom. He must be severely punished.

The fowler family is also actively lobbying other Dorn nobles to join them. Although the manwudi family did not clearly express that they would resist the king with the fowler family, the risk of raising the anti flag is too high, it still secretly provided some material support to the garrison.

For example, this batch of reward materials will be transported to the rear of the prince's pass, and now the person in charge of escorting this batch of materials is Dicken manwoody, the second son of count manwoody.

The young Dorn noble master is not a Knights granted. Dorn is incompatible with other parts of Westeros because of special historical and cultural factors. Therefore, there are few Knights granted among Dorn.

At the moment, Dicken manwoody is riding a war horse at the front of the team, whistling leisurely, looking very relaxed and unprepared.

He was wearing scaly armor, a sandy yellow robe, a white scarf around his head, a machete pinned to his waist, and a neatly trimmed beard on his face.

Behind him were twenty or thirty soldiers of wangzhong city who protected and drove the carriage. They also wore sand yellow leather armor, sewed scales, held spears in their hands, and held metal round shields in their other hands.

The hot sun above the head scorched the earth like a fireball. There was no wind. The weather was unusually dry and hot. All Dorn soldiers responsible for escorting materials walked for a long time. They were all full of sweat and exhausted, and the sweat on their foreheads kept sliding down.

"Take a break, master deacon."

"The pack horse can't walk."

One of the soldiers in wangzhong city really had no strength to walk. He couldn't help asking his young master.


But in exchange for a whip on his body, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Diken manwudi, the second son of wangzhong City, heard the soldier's request and did not hesitate to whip him. All the smiles on his face disappeared, leaving only a cold and severe tone.

"Hurry up!"

"I can't get to the pass before dark. Do you want me to sleep in the wild with you?"

"Yes, yes..."

Seeing that master Deakin was angry, the other soldiers in wangzhong city were exhausted, but they dared not say anything. After all, the other party's father was the count of wangzhong City, so they could only cheer up and clench their teeth and continue on their way.

However, at this time, a roar suddenly came from the cliffs on both sides of the prince's pass Avenue.

"Kill them!"

Then more than twenty good men in the king's army seemed to fall from the sky. No one knew where they came from. They rushed at them with long swords in their hands.

"Who are you and what are you doing?"

Dicken manwudi, the second son of Wang Zhongcheng, was shocked when he saw this. He grabbed the reins in one hand, controlled some frightened horses under his crotch, and quickly pulled out a machete from his waist.

"Damn it!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

Then Dicken manwoody waved his machete and shouted to his soldiers.

The Donne soldiers did not need dickendor to say, but naturally clenched their weapons. They protected the side of the carriage, looked at the enemy who rushed towards them, rolled their throat slightly and swallowed a mouthful of spit.


The next moment, the two sides fought in a regiment, jingling everywhere, the sound of weapons collision and screams.


Donne soldiers in wangzhong city resisted bravely. However, because they had been traveling in the hot sun for a long time, their physical strength had been seriously exhausted, and even several people had heatstroke.

How could Donne soldiers in such a state be the opponents of the warriors carefully selected by Jon Clinton from the army?

Therefore, the Donne soldiers were quickly killed and retreated until the last Donne soldier was forced into a desperate situation by olifa.


With a roar, he rushed over with a spear in his hand. Facing the Knights of the Oakhurst family, the other party easily dodged his attack, and then stabbed a sword into his throat.

Then he pulled out the long sword and the body fell to the ground. The fleshy River Knight wiped the blood on the blade with each other's clothes, put the sword back into the sheath and looked to the other side.

Here, Dicken manwudi, the second son of wangzhong City, seems to want to break out of the encirclement by riding a war horse in the recent chaos.

But as a guide, Dorn young Karen seized the opportunity to jump on him, dragged him off his horse, fell to the ground, and was captured alive.

"Spare your life!"

"Spare your life!"

"Gentlemen, I surrendered, I surrendered!"

The second son of wangzhong city now had his head scarf knocked off, and he was very disheartened.

Dicken manwood flute cherished his life very much, and he knew he couldn't escape after falling off the horse, so he simply threw away his machete, raised his hands and knelt down on the ground to surrender.

"Bah -"


The other side saw the ugly River Knight of Dorn aristocracy, just inserted his sword into the scabbard, and then spit in the direction of Deakin.

As the leader of this trip, the Knights granted in the riverside with a slightly cold character took their swords into their scabbards calmly. He looked around and looked at the corpses everywhere, and finally his eyes fell back on Dicken manwoodi.

"The crest of wangzhong City, which man Wudi are you?"

"Dicken, my Lord, my name is Dicken."

Dicken knelt on the ground and hurriedly opened his mouth.

"Oh, it's Lord deacon."

"It's okay. Don't panic. We just need you to do one thing. As long as we can do it, we'll let you go."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!