Published at 24th of June 2024 06:15:36 AM

Chapter 651

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There is no way to do this. After calming down, Tianhe and the city Lord hope that this matter can be changed into a big thing and a small thing, but it is a pity that the nobles in Hewan do not intend to let him go.

Of course, the fierce Chen Bing of the aristocrats in the river bay was not to win the pass before the prince pass. Only 2000 people were still not enough to shake the pass from the front, especially 2000 people were also stationed in the pass.

They'd better make it vigorous just for the sake of camp momentum, and everyone in the country knows it, so that the murderer Franklin Fleur will not escape the punishment of the law.

Therefore, count Fowler has been actively running after retreating to the prince's pass.

One is to get in touch with the nobles in Hewan, hoping to give some benefits in exchange for everyone's understanding, but they encountered rejection.

On the other hand, he also actively contacted other Dorn nobles to strive for a momentum. The greater the momentum, the greater the chance he will survive. Just like people who borrow a lot of money are masters, nothing will happen in the future once they are "recruited".

Now, however, he wrote a letter asking for mercy, hoping that Prince Daolang could look on the thin surface of the past and plead with his majesty for him.

In fact, since the outbreak of this incident, there has been no communication between the two people except that Prince Daolang wrote him a letter asking him what happened.

Franklin Fowler has no confidence now, and he is even worried all day.

On the other side, the king's soldiers who quietly infiltrated the prince's pass began a secret operation.

The Donne people are divided into salt people, stone people and sand people. Not all of them have the appearance close to the loina people. For example, the stone people have white skin and blue eyes. Among the king's soldiers who mix into the prince's pass, there are many river soldiers and knights, as well as loina soldiers transferred from the second Legion.

They have become the most perfect cover up in the team. Except for the obvious loopholes in the accent, there are no other flaws.

So the Dorn soldiers who guarded the city let them into the city without any doubt.

When they got into the prince's pass, they had a place to rest. Members of the supply team would settle in these rooms and return to the king's tomb city the next morning. The knight of the Oakhurst family guarded Dicken manwood flute all the way to prevent him from any change.

"What shall we do next, my lord?"

At this time, one of the soldiers of the king's army looked at their commander, sir Kaswell.

The bitter bridge knight was silent. He thought for a moment and then said.

"Lord hand of the king asked us to put a fire at the prince's pass."

"In that case, we'll look for a place to store supplies in the city."

If you want to set off a fire, fire oil is the most indispensable tool. As a sharp weapon of war, fire needs to be used whether attacking or defending the city. Therefore, there must be a storage of fire oil in each city.

According to general experience, most of these kerosene will be stored together with military materials. If you find the warehouse at the prince's pass, you can find the kerosene, and then you can take the opportunity to put a fire


In the king's camp in front of the prince's pass.

The night shrouded, and the Chinese Army's big tent was still brightly lit.

Jon Clinton, former Prime Minister of the iron throne, as the commander of the whole army, has had some headaches recently, and the reason for his worry is naturally how to overcome the prince's pass.

He has 4000 soldiers in his hands, and there are also 2000 Fleur family soldiers guarding the city. Although the soldiers of the king's army are twice as many as the other party, the other party occupies the advantage of guarding the city after all. If he forcibly attacks the prince's pass, he may pay a great price and may not be able to attack it.

However, this matter can not be delayed. After all, this matter was ordered by itself at the beginning, and the battlefield will change later. The longer it is delayed, the more I don't know what will happen.

He hoped that the 50 warriors he had sent out could successfully carry out the surprise attack plan, but there was still no news for so many days.

Even though Jon Clinton has sufficient confidence in this plan, he can't help wondering whether it has failed. The 50 soldiers have been damaged in Dorn, and even their heads have been cut off and carried to the wall to demonstrate.

However, Jon Clinton ran to the prince's pass every three or five times and didn't see any newly cut heads, which gave him the last bit of hope for the success of the plan.

But at this time.

"My Lord!"

"My Lord!"

The commanders in the Chinese Army's big tent were discussing the strategy of breaking the city. There was a sudden cry and footsteps outside. One of the prime minister's guards brought by Jon from King's landing hurried in and spoke loudly.

"My Lord! Go outside and have a look!"

"There seems to be a fire in the prince's pass!"


A word from the guard instantly ignited all the generals and commanders in the Chinese Army's big tent. They scrambled to get out of the tent.

Then, sure enough, I saw a huge fire burning in the ancient pass in the distance. The light of the fire lit up the sky, and the thick smoke was constantly spreading.

"They succeeded!"

"The plan succeeded."

The nobles in the river and the commander of the second Legion all talked, and the man with gray red hair couldn't help shaking his fist slightly, then turned his head and spoke loudly.


"Prepare to attack the city!"

There was a huge fire burning in the prince pass, and outside the pass, it was blocked for more than half a month since the arrival of reinforcements. The soldiers of the king's army had already riveted their strength.


Immediately, the soldiers of the king's army launched a fierce attack on the prince's pass under the command of Jon Clinton, the General Commander of the king's hand.

The Dorn soldiers in the city were panicked. They tried to put out the burning flame while defending the siege of the king's army.

The command system of Donne's army was in complete chaos. Soldiers could not find generals or soldiers. The ruthless fire was still swallowing fresh lives at the same time.

Finally, the war lasted a whole night, and the curtain came down slowly when the weather just cleared up.

The soldiers of the king's army broke into the prince's pass, and the defenders in the city surrendered. As the "guard of the pass", count Franklin Fowler, the old Falcon eagle, realized that the situation was wrong, slipped first, abandoned the city and fled to his hometown Tianji city.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!