Published at 24th of June 2024 06:15:35 AM

Chapter 652

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The waves on the sea were calm. A fleet full of crew and cargo pushed the sea away and drove quietly in the huge and gentle mill sea.

A woman with short black hair and long legs stood in the bow of the boat. The gentle sea breeze touched her cheek and lifted her hair.

"Miss, mill is coming."

At this time, an iron species came to report, and the black haired woman standing in the bow of the ship with one foot on the box slightly recovered.

She raised her head and looked into the distance. There was a faint shadow of a city. Then the woman nodded, um, without saying anything more, but turned and walked towards the cabin under the deck.

This woman, dressed in black leather armor and tied with a machete at her waist, is Asha grejoy, who shoulders an important mission and sends troops to NAS island. She is known as the "daughter of the sea monster".

Asha was wearing tight leather armor, highlighting her exquisite figure. With a machete pinned to her waist, she hurried into the cabin.

Most of the candidates she chose for this trip were the iron seeds left by her father, while the rest were the Royal Navy trained by Jeffrey bracken, the Kingdom's sea minister and governor of Hejian. The fleet of this trip was composed of three main ships and a large number of escort boats.

Soon afterwards, the sound of the horn suddenly came from the sea. It turned out that Mill's fleet had found the trace of the Kingdom's navy. They held high the flag of the three fire Dragons of the tangaryan family and could be seen far away.

But mill's fleet did not panic, because Asha grejoy led the fleet to make the first stop. Mill had already sent a message to mill through governor Betsy Joyce of pantos.

After Asha grejoy's fleet left King's landing, it first crossed the narrow sea and came to pantos for repair. At the same time, it also brought wesselis's Oracle, and the general guarding the other side of the narrow sea has long been known as a free trade city.

"Saint" and "iron face" Bessie Joyce was the first royal guard to follow wesselis. Now he is also the captain of the Royal Guard. Although he has long stopped working as a senior bodyguard, he has transformed into a general.

Everyone thought that it was the fire that year. Bessie rushed into the sea of fire and suffered severe burns all over her body. She lost the ability to fight with a sword. Only then did she leave wesselis's side, learn slowly with her perseverance, and finally become the general of the army.

So far, the commander who wears a metal mask all day is actually powerless.

But what they don't know is that Bessie has recovered completely a long time ago, even several times stronger than his combat effectiveness at his peak, becoming unfathomable.

He can face dozens of his close guards at the same time, and then knock them down one by one with a wooden sword.

However, this is not his ultimate strength. Now Bessie doesn't know where his ultimate strength is.

He only knew that since his majesty injected a special black gas into his forehead, his body had changed more and more. From the beginning, his burns gradually recovered, he could hold the handle of the sword again, and later he could walk independently without crutches.

However, now the black fog in his body has gradually grown, but Bessie himself can't see it. He only knows that his body has completely surpassed the original, his physical quality, strength and strength have doubled, and even his mind is much clearer than before. Some problems that he once thought about can now be solved with a little thinking.

However, although his body has undergone earth shaking changes, he has not exposed the changes of his body now. Instead, he still keeps his former appearance and continues to hide his power and bide his time, which makes people feel that he is still weak, but in fact, he looks at the whole army and even pantos, He felt that the chief swordsman of bravos might not be his opponent.

Bessie certainly knew that all his changes now came from his Majesty's gift. In addition to deepening his inner awe, he was unwavering loyalty.

Without wesselis, he would still be the ordinary cowherd.

When Bessie guarded pantos and andalos alone, many forces actually made contact with him openly and secretly, hoping that he could stab his king in the back, or even simply expressed their willingness to support his independence and cut off the logistics supply source of weseries. Some also hoped to pay a high price to buy a young dragon.

However, these were strongly rejected by Bessie. Fame, wealth, beauty tricks and so on were useless to him. He just strengthened his faith, which also made many people who wanted to do something to stab wesselis scold each other's elm head.

But it was Bessie's "elm head" that made wesselis dare to guard the rear with him.

There are many such people in his camp, such as his former Prime Minister Jon Clinton and ED stark sent to the frontier.

"Huan... Welcome the imperial fleet to mill, your excellency."

The fleet with the three fire dragon flags of the tangorian family docked in the port of mill. A gray and trembling old man stood in front of the port. He didn't know how long he had been waiting. His bald head was covered with sweat.

He saw someone coming down from the fleet. Before he could see what the visitor looked like, he quickly bowed to the end, bowed and said at the same time.

"Welcome the envoys of the Empire to visit mill."

And the many followers behind the old man quickly bowed to salute.

Mill, now this prosperous and prosperous city-state, which used to be famous for handicraft industry, has renewed its new life after suffering a devastating blow.

The people who survived by luck and the mils from all over the world returned to rebuild their homes.

However, mill's reconstruction also gradually exposed some problems after the first united effort.

Volantis, Rhys and telosi are all trading city states around mill, which are deeply affected by geopolitical factors. Since mill was destroyed under the iron hoof of the doslaks, they all tacitly extended their hands to the city state that is falling into mourning.

They all supported a representative of stakeholders in mill, claiming to be governor of mill, but in fact they were all running errands for their city states.

Asha grejoy had done her homework before she came to mill. Wesselis explained the importance of the mission, and she also wanted to prove her ability in front of the Iron Throne.

In today's era, as a woman, she also has the ability to be alone.

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