Published at 24th of June 2024 06:15:27 AM

Chapter 656

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Pirate governor Salado Thorne hopes to get the support of the Iron Throne. However, Asha can't decide this issue by herself. She needs to ask wesselis for instructions.

Fortunately, now the fleet is not too far from King's landing, only separated by a narrow sea.

If the fleet goes further, such as volantis, the land of long summer, mataris along the devil's road, slave Bay and so on, Asha will have to decide everything on her own.

And at the end of the world, the influence of the iron throne on the other side will also be reduced to the weakest. Unlike the trading city states, they are afraid of the huge empire around them.

The great and good masters of the slave Bay may not sell the face of the Empire thousands of miles away, because they know that even if they offend each other, the Empire will not send a strong army to expedition the slave Bay thousands of miles, so the cost is not directly proportional to the benefits.

If the Iron Throne really madly launched such a war, perhaps the huge consumption and cost are enough to bring down the whole country.

After being silent, Asha said that she needed to ask for instructions from the iron throne, and pirate governor Salado Thorne also expressed understanding. After all, this matter is very important, and naturally it is not a "messenger" who can promise.

Then the pirate governor quietly left governor Morse's residence as if he had never appeared.

Asha sat on the bed and meditated for a moment, and then someone called for them to drag the iron brothers away from the door and wake them up.

He was indeed stunned by sarado Thorne's sudden jump from the eaves, which was no big deal, but the iron men who followed Asha into mill were surprised and angry.

"Who did this?"

They didn't expect that someone approached their 'princess' silently. Fortunately, Asha was no big deal.

These iron men who were once loyal to Asha's father Baron grejoy still regarded Asha as their princess and theon as their prince.

Because before the iron islands were attacked by ghosts, Baron grejoy once again wore a driftwood crown and became king in the iron islands.

However, it is a pity that before the Baron king had time to complete his mission, restore the "ancient road" and invade the green land, he was attacked by strange ghosts rowing to Heichao island.

He once sent his third brother viktalion to the Kuroshio island to find out the truth, but viktalion never came back and didn't know his life or death.

Then the strange ghosts invaded pike Island, and almost all the iron species were extinct. Only a few iron species fought hard under the leadership of Asha and escaped by boat.

However, in the face of the frightened and angry iron species, Asha seemed very calm. After thinking for a moment, she told all her trusted iron species to keep quiet about it as if nothing had happened.

The next morning, Asha grejoy went to the newly built governor's house in mill as usual.

It is built on the ruins of the old palace. The whole city alternates between the old and the new. It is very magical realism. The broken ruins and emerging buildings blend together. Standing on the street, you can bring these two scenes into your eyes.

She bought the most distinctive local "mill eye" in Mill's market, which is a single barrel lens telescope. This is a treasure that every navigator dreams of. The better the quality, the more precious it is. Asha is no exception.

What's more, her fleet needs to bypass the Yanhai riot area in the land of Changxia and cross the deep sea in the sea of shengxia. Naturally, it needs a good tool.

Mill is rich in all kinds of lace, carvings, screens, paintings and carpets, which are exported to the external city states. Even mill's excellent glass panes can be priced at the same price as spices from the East. These things were supposed to disappear with mill's destruction, but they didn't expect to flourish again.

Asha paid a formal visit to the three governors of mill. After leaving the governor's house, she came to the market.

At the same time, a fast horse took her handwritten letter to pantos.

Pantos also owned a prince's palace, which once belonged to the prince in rags.

However, Prince ragged intended to rebel and seek independence in the riots many years ago, but unexpectedly, he had long been watched by the secret agents of the Ministry of the interior. As soon as he walked out of the gate of the prince's palace, he was killed in the street.

Since then, the prince's palace has been idle and eventually became the office of Bessie Joyce, the "iron face" of governor pantos.

A few days later, Asha grejoy's secret letter was sent to pantos, and her messenger went into the prince's palace under the guidance of the guards.

"Commander in chief."

The guards of the prince's Palace are all professional soldiers of qingyishui. Bessie, the personal guard of the commander-in-chief of the first corps, is low-key. He goes deep and brief on weekdays, so few people can see him.

Step on

Footsteps echoed in the open corridor. Just after entering the gloomy hall, the messenger saw the man sitting on the throne.


He couldn't help holding his breath and took a deep breath.

Because the other party's aura is so strong that he is a little timid.

When he walked into the hall, the first thing he saw was a cold iron face facing him.

The inclined sunlight from the windows on both sides of the hall sprinkled on the ground and stone pillars. The burly man sitting on the throne was wearing a cold iron face, and the eyes under the iron face were not very real because of the light.

"What's up?"

The main hall was empty, only the man wearing an iron face sitting on the throne, and then a calm voice came from under the iron face.

His voice did not sound like a rumor, simultaneous interpreting the fact that the inhalation of too much smoke caused the vocal cord to become damaged and raucous.

"My Lord."

The iron seed, who looks rebellious with open arms and bare breasts, has become a lot more low-key in the face of Bessie's accident.

He bowed deeply, then took out the handwritten letter from the princess of the iron islands and handed it to the guards around him, which he handed over to him.

However, when Asha grejoy's handwritten letter was handed in and Bessie read it all, she put the letter paper on one side of the armrest again, and there was no expression on a cold iron face.

"Step back."

"My lord?"

The iron seed who sent the letter was a little confused. He didn't know what was written in the letter.

But since the mysterious governor, who didn't even leak his face, ordered them to step down, the iron seed naturally didn't dare to stay, so he had to bow down again and step back.

On the other side, the commander-in-chief's personal guard heard Bessie's order, retreated without hesitation, then pushed open the door of the main hall and went out.

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