Published at 24th of June 2024 06:15:27 AM

Chapter 657

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However, when everyone left the prince's hall, the man sitting on the middle throne slowly raised his right hand.

Because he had been severely burned, he rarely showed his skin in front of outsiders, whether in winter or summer.

Bessie has kept this habit for a long time. His face is covered with an iron face all day and has never been taken off. Few people still remember his appearance, and his clothes are very thick and don't leak an inch of skin.

But at this moment, his palm stretched out from the wide robe sleeve, which was as pure as white jade, without any trace of being burned, let alone a scorched black.

Then a black fog rose slowly from the palm of his hand.

He could not see the black fog contained in his body, but he could stimulate them. He knew that this was the source of his strength and the seed given to him by his majesty.

With this' seed ', we can take root, germinate and gradually thrive.

On the far side of the narrow sea, on the other side of pantos, it was afternoon, but in the Red Castle, wesselis had just had lunch.

After the family finished lunch, Aaron took their daughter Diana for a lunch break. Now it is time for children to grow up. There is no concept of day and night. They can sleep whenever they want.

Danilis also ran out after lunch to play with her good friend missander. In the afternoon, they had to go to college together.

Danilis is interested in medicine. She and little fat Sam will Tali learn medical knowledge from big doctor Ambrose, while missander is more interested in the liberal arts department.

Her language talent is very high, mainly due to her excellent memory. She can never forget a lot of things she has seen. Wesselis can see that missander's spiritual power is indeed a little stronger than ordinary people. Maybe this is her unique talent.

If she grew up in westero, she would probably be used as a candidate for a three eyed crow like Brandon.

However, Brandon is the mysterious blood of stark family. He is the wolf spirit. The blood of stark family is the wolf spirit, but there are still differences according to the strength of spiritual power. Maybe Brandon still has an advantage over missander.

The girl from NAS Island chose to study economics, perhaps because she was poor and afraid when she was young. Even if missander lived in the Red Castle, as danilis's little maid, she was also very frugal. She felt that wasting anything was a sin.

Her biggest dream is to become rich, then benefit her hometown and make the whole NAS Island rich, rather than being bullied and arrested slaves all day, so she chose the school of economics.

However, fortunately, the medical school, the school of economics and the theological seminary are not far away. They are all in the center of Junlin City, near the St. Baylor cathedral.

The huge ring square has several main roads of King's landing, leading to all the main places in King's landing city.

The silent nun Street leads to the Dragon Cave, which is now the military academy. To the northwest of the main road of the central axis is the shoemaker's Square, the main scattered market of Junlin. To the southeast of the main road of the central axis is the Egan high hill, the palace of Westeros and the main concentration of Junlin dignitaries. It is also called "King's power mountain" by the people.

After the silver haired little beauty danilis left, there were only wesselis and Renes left in the restaurant of Hongbao. What were they talking about.

"By the way, wesselis..."

Reneth was just about to say something, but just then, the eyes of the silver haired youth flashed slightly.


Because wesselis is the "source" of the "seed" planted on Bessie, the two can communicate directly through the black fog.

But Bessie seldom gets in touch with him directly in this way. There is almost no big deal. Bessie won't have nothing to do and use it to chat.

"Your Majesty."

On the other side of the narrow sea, the iron faced man sitting on the throne of Prince pantos's palace slightly closed his eyes.

This is a kind of telepathic communication. He can express what he thinks directly, just like the connection between wesselis and his partner bellerian.

The dragon knight and his own dragon have a sense of each other, but the connection between wesselis and bellerian is much stronger than that of ordinary Dragon Knights.

They are not only masters and servants, but also partners and friends fighting side by side.

Wesselis can feel the fluctuation of bellerian's state, and bellerian can also feel wesselis's joys and sorrows.

Then, when Bessie had expressed all he wanted to say, wesselis was slightly lost in thought.

"Pirate governor?"

"Salado Thorne?"

He seemed to have some impression of this man. He claimed to be a friend of Dave seworth, the 'onion Knight', which made wesselis remember his identity.

The pirate governor seems to be a figure in the original track. He helped Stannis attack King's landing and wanted to get a huge bonus and title, but he didn't expect Stannis to lose in the battle of Blackwater Bay.

Although he was later canonized as the Earl of Blackwater Bay, he didn't wait until Stannis's bonus. Finally, Salado Thorne left Stannis disheartened.

However, in the current track, the emergence of wesselis is not a butterfly flapping its wings and then causing a tornado.

His appearance almost caused a great shock to the whole world, from the skeleton mountains to the sunset sea, and may even affect the end of the world to the east of the skeleton mountains.

The Dragon reappeared in the world. The tangorian family once again sat on the iron throne, the trade city-state declined, and a prosperous big country rose in the West. There was a Cao among the dothraks, who unified all kalasa. Now I don't know why all the grassland Knights went to the East.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a small pirate was influenced by wesselis and changed his original fate to become a so-called governor.

"Tell the pirate governor that the iron throne will not give him any support."

"Leave the rest to him."

Wesselis thought for a moment, and the attitude he gave was tacit approval, but he would not directly intervene.

A destroyed and rebuilt mill is not worth sending troops to invade, which will arouse the vigilance of the surrounding trading city states.

Although the momentum of the trading city-state has declined and lost its position as the leader in the western world, after all, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and wesselis doesn't want to increase the trouble when the north and Dorn haven't been completely settled.

After all, there is a bigger enemy that has not yet appeared.

The five-year period predicted by melisandra is neither long nor short. After the night King recovers, it is bound to set off greater waves and sweep the seven countries.

Wesselis never forgot that he had another enemy waiting for him.

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