Published at 24th of June 2024 06:15:25 AM

Chapter 658

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"GA -"

One fell on the branch, looked at the Black Knight below, then tilted his head, made a harsh cry, and then fluttered his wings to the sky.

After recovering Winterfell, the night watchman corps, like a horse racing enclosure, successively recovered other castles and villages in the north, even the last fireplace city.

The commander-in-chief of the night watchman regiment, Jay Mormon, commanded the army to recover most of the lost land in the north. However, before he could recover his home, he took the lead in reaching the desperate Great Wall at Bear Island on the ice Bay.

This is the hometown of all the soldiers of the night watchman Corps. Since geor Mormont swore to the fish beam wood, he is no longer the count of Bear Island, but the commander-in-chief of the night watchman Corps. For him, the responsibility is greater than personal feelings.

The great wall of despair still stands towering on the earth. It is about 300 miles long and 700 feet high. It stretches without end and covers half of the sky.

The Black Knight CE Ma stood on the hillside, facing the wind and snow overhead, looking at the Great Wall in the distance.

The Great Wall is towering and shocking. The recruits of the night watchman Corps can't help whispering and feel the awe rising from the bottom of their hearts.

However, at the beginning, the savage sounded the horn of winter, but the collapsed part was so conspicuous, just like a grand dam dug a hole, and no matter how strong the defense was, the savage and the strange ghost drilled in through this hole, killing the whole land of westero.

"Now look again, I want to kill the savage again!"

"Stannis started too early. The savage king should confess his terrible crimes before being executed."

Ed starketzer stood on the high hill, the cold wind blew the wolf skin cloak on his shoulder, looked at the collapse of a section of the desperate Great Wall in the distance, and then couldn't help but speak in a hoarse voice.

Mans Reid, the king of the free people, sounded the horn of winter and collapsed the Great Wall. However, his actions directly led to the strange ghosts crossing the great wall and invading the land of the seven countries after the Great Wall.

In the Northern Territory, how many tens of thousands of people fled their homes, and how many people fell on the road of leaving their homes forever.

Their wives, husbands, children, parents and even after they freeze to death or starve to death, people dare not bury the bodies. Later, they can only burn all the bodies with a fire, so as to prevent them from becoming new enemies after the cold wind blows.

On the other side, ban Yang, who rode with his brother, turned his head and looked at ed, then silently shook his head without opening his mouth.

He wanted to say that these savages also wanted to live. If mans Reid didn't blow the horn of winter and the desperate Great Wall wouldn't be opened to them, his people would die in the hands of strange ghosts.

In the final analysis, it was Robert's responsibility. Robert insisted that they bend their knees before they can pass the Great Wall. However, the free people refused to kneel down. After all, they had an artifact that could break the Great Wall.

However, if the savages enter the desperate Great Wall, they do not produce, do not farm, do not graze, and only rely on plunder for a living, which will inevitably harm the people of the seven countries.

Robert, as the king of the seven countries, protected his people and refused savages. Now it seems understandable.

But now it's useless to say these things. Things have passed. Si is dead. Now the grass on Robert's grave is several feet high. I don't know if anyone except ED will weed him. There's no need to argue with his brother for this small matter.

Although ban Yang hated savages because they killed many of his brothers, ban Yang also knew that savages were also human. Just before the establishment of the Great Wall, their ancestors chose to live in the other side of the region, so they were isolated.

But how could the noble and honor abiding ed stark understand how savages live?

"When I get to the black castle, I'll start over there."

"Get lyanna back."

Ban Yang didn't pick up his brother's words. He held the reins with one hand, then turned his head and spoke easily.

However, Banyang's words made Ed's heart a little heavy. His gray eyes looked at his younger brother, and his neatly trimmed beard was a little gray.


Since the last time he was in the cellar of Lindong City, ed told Banyang that when he arrived at the desperate Great Wall, he wanted to ask commander Mormont for orders to go north of the desperate Great Wall, track the tracks of strange ghosts and find his sister.

However, Ed's decision was strongly opposed by Banyang.

For the life outside the Great Wall, ED can't be more familiar and experienced than himself.

And although ED is now dressed in black, he is, after all, the former Duke of Winterfell. He has his own sister-in-law, Robb, Sansa, Jon, Elia and bran, and he is alone, free and carefree.

He is more suitable for adventure than ed.

Therefore, Banyang strongly opposed ed to risking alone. He was willing to go north to the great wall instead of his brother.

After all, he also has an obligation to find Leona. Leona is his sister.

The result of the argument between the two brothers was that ED didn't speak better than Bunyan.

Perhaps his heart did not completely put down his wife and children, and he could not live for himself.

The stark brothers both inherited the straightforward character of the people in the north, and there was not so much hypocrisy. Banyang was willing to take the risk instead of his brother, and ED didn't pretend to be so deliberately.

"I owe a life, Banyang."

Then the middle-aged man with dark brown hair spoke seriously, and even made ban Yang's smile slowly converge.

He looked at ed with the same bright eyes, and then solemnly promised.

"I'll come back alive, brother."

"Will also bring back laianna."

The soldiers of the night watchman Corps who could not see the end entered the black castle that had collapsed for several years. Next, the main work waiting for the Corps was to repair the Great Wall.

Although according to mythological records, the interior of the Great Wall is woven with spells and magic to strengthen and prevent mysterious species from crossing, such as strange ghosts.

However, from a military point of view, it is still impossible to allow the Great Wall to expose such a large gap. Can we repair it or do everything we can to repair it.

The stark brothers followed the team and came to the collapsed black castle.

Banyan had a night's rest in the city and made sufficient preparations. With the permission of commander Mormont, he didn't say goodbye to anyone the next morning, nor did he tell his brother in advance when to leave today.

He was alone, a horse and a sword, and a long back. Submerged in the wind and snow, he patted his horse towards the north where he didn't know the end.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!