Published at 24th of June 2024 06:15:22 AM

Chapter 660

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"Ramses snow has worked hard for many years and has given Bolton the name and herenburg as a fief."

"To canonize Ramses Bolton as Earl of herenburg."

After wesselis took the iron throne, he canonized a large number of meritorious heroes and generals who had fought with him, but one of them has never been canonized.

That's the head of the Ministry of the interior, Ramses.

One of the reasons is that Ramses has a special identity. He is an illegitimate son in the north. The identity of illegitimate son in this era is very low, not valued or even despised.

Another reason is that rums has a bad reputation. He is the dark side of wesselis. He can't do some work for the royal family on weekdays.

And he also monitored all the important officials and nobles under the Iron Throne. There was a rumor in King's landing that a nobleman secretly had an affair with his mistress. That night, the mistress called a few times. The nobleman himself didn't know, but Ramses knew it.

No one likes making friends with such people, but Ramses seems to enjoy it.

Because he is very clear about his position in wesselis's heart. No matter how many people hate him, as long as wesselis doesn't hate him, he will never lose power.

As long as he still works, wesselis won't give up on him, so he doesn't need to make any friends. If he really makes friends deliberately, he will put his head under the sword of the good dog of the former law enforcement officer.

Therefore, Ramses' reputation in the aristocratic circle was very bad. The voice of restoring Ramses' surname and canonizing him as an aristocrat was greatly suppressed.

Ramses also has a brother named domilik Burton, who is now the count of Terror Castle, but the relationship between the two brothers is not very good.

Domilik just felt that his brother's character was too crazy, and his eyes made him uncomfortable.

The young count of Terror Castle didn't think that Ramses wanted to kill him.

Ramses secretly killed his father, Luce Bolton, the former Earl of Terror Castle, on the chaotic battlefield.

At that time, the killer sent by ramus told Luce Bolton in his ear that "Dominic Bolton will go down with him soon".

But Ramses broke his promise.

Because Ramses sent someone to assassinate his father, it was revealed to wesselis, who once let him choose between dagger and poison.

Ramses wept bitterly and prayed that wesselis could forgive his life. The illusion of once mastering power and the feeling of floating disappeared.

At that time, Ramses felt that he had real power. He could monitor anyone he wanted. Ramses's own character was an unfamiliar dog, so he gradually expanded after he was full.

However, wesselis's timely beating was like a basin of cold water pouring down, which directly watered out all Ramses's illusions.

It turned out that he watched everyone, but he was always watched. He was a dog from beginning to end and never mastered real power.

After that beating, Ramses was spared his life, but he suffered a very cruel punishment. He didn't appear in public for half a year and disappeared from everyone's vision.

Since then, Ramses has never had any idea about his brother domilik.

Therefore, the kind-hearted count of Terror Castle, who was disappointed with his brother and wanted to persuade him to turn around, never thought that Ramses was the murderer who killed their father, and even he had been walking in front of the gate of death.

Herrenberg is a more suitable destination for Ramses. Although Ramses has made mistakes, wesselis has not forgotten that he has also made many meritorious achievements. He can even rank among the top five in the credit book for regaining the Iron Throne.

Helenburg is located in the middle of the river, on the North Bank of Shenyan lake. It was once the capital of the three river basin for a short time, and this castle definitely has this qualification, because it is the largest castle in Westeros.

But for historical reasons, there have been many tragedies in helenburg, so it has always had an unknown reputation.

However, others were afraid of this, but Ramses was not afraid. In the eyes of many criminals who had been interrogated by him, he was the most terrible devil in the world.

He is a devil himself. Why should he be afraid of ghosts?

Therefore, Ramses, who rarely appeared in public, knelt down on the stone steps in front of the iron throne in the throne hall, his black cloak hung on the ground, his white cheeks showed joy, and then knocked several heads heavily.

"Thank you, your majesty!"

Others kneel on one knee in front of the king, including the imperial guards, former ministers, and even an ordinary nobleman.

However, Ramses is different. When he kneels down to wesselis, he always kneels on both knees, wags his tail, and shows great piety and loyalty.

"Count helenburg!"

Many nobles in the throne hall, including the important ministers of the former parliament, were silent.

"Count of herenburg."

"Lord Ramses Burton."

Then I don't know who started first, and then there was sparse applause at the scene, barely giving face.

It can also be seen from this that although Ramses was in a high position, he had few "friends" in the court, but Ramses didn't care, and then retired.

After the pacification of the seven countries, the new rule of the Iron Throne is that the former royal assembly will be held once a week. If there are special major events, it will also temporarily gather important officials of the former royal assembly. The former royal assembly mainly discusses the specific government affairs of the country.

The upper court of the throne hall is once every half a month, gathering the distinguished nobles, rich businessmen and representatives of all walks of life in Junlin.

The purpose of the imperial court in the throne hall is to take a standardized form. In fact, the contents to be discussed in the imperial Council have been discussed in advance.

Including the canonization of Ramses as Earl of helenberg today, it was also negotiated in advance. Only helenberg met Ramses' credit and status in selecting the free castles of the seven countries, so helenberg was canonized to him.

After the canonization of Ramses Bolton, there are other things. Now, Lord Jon Clinton, the hand of the king, led an expedition to Dorn. The prince Dorn has the most voice in the Royal Parliament.

There is no concealment of this matter. Rumors have been spread as early as a few days ago, so many people familiar with the matter have turned their eyes to the attorney general Oberon.

"Your Majesty."

Later, Prince Dorn did not live up to the expectations of the people. He was wearing a sand yellow robe and a golden sun crest on his shoulders. He stepped out of the sequence of ministers and said.

"The Northern Territory has been recovered, and the country has reached an unprecedented prosperity. We should take a new name."

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