Published at 24th of June 2024 06:15:20 AM

Chapter 661

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The former Prime Minister expedition Dorn left King's landing. Oberon, the Minister of justice, as the first of the ministers, stood up and proposed, which naturally caused many uninformed nobles to look at each other.

The concept of seven countries is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. After all, this political system has been maintained for 300 years, spanning more than a dozen generations.

As a conqueror, AEGON I conquered the six kingdoms of Westeros by three dragons, and Dorn, the seventh country, was incorporated into the Iron Throne system in the later marriage.

Therefore, people are familiar with the concept of the seven countries and know that the Iron Throne now symbolizes kingship. However, after the war of conquest, AEGON did not completely erase the shadow of the former seven countries, and even coexisted with the former nobles of the seven countries.

If we put it in that year and put ourselves in the situation facing AEGON, we may be able to understand the decision made by this conqueror.

Because no one had unified the whole Westeros and the seven countries before him, the concept that the seven countries needed to be unified was not deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The people of the river kingdom are hostile to Kaiyan Kingdom, the storm kingdom is hostile to the river Kingdom, and the king of the North sits in the winter city overlooking the world. The people of all countries are the people of all countries, and there is no unified concept.

The conqueror AEGON faced a process from nothing, which needed time to precipitate.

If he wants to unify the seven countries and stabilize his country, he may have to make such a choice and reach a compromise with the nobles of the seven countries.

The king and the nobles ruled the country together in exchange for the cooperation and submission of the former nobles of the seven countries to the new kingship.

Otherwise, if AEGON's character is very tough and "I am the country" would rather bend than bend, the situation he faces will become very complex. He will stabilize the country by violence in a short time, but there will be flames of war and anti songs everywhere in the follow-up.

However, the situation faced by wesselis is different from that of AEGON. With the unification before AEGON, the concept of seven countries' unification has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Ordinary people, including, know the benefits of reunification, eliminate war, unite more people, and the country is peaceful, live and work in peace and contentment.

With AEGON, the people and nobles of Westeros have regarded unification as a necessary condition.

For this reason, when wesselis occupied the river bend and King's landing, he was surrounded by the remaining evils of the surrounding baratheon Dynasty. Although the two sides tacitly agreed on a temporary truce, they never mentioned a truce.

Because it is impossible for the two sides to split in the thinking and concept of the brain, one side must annex the other.

Either wesselis destroys them, or they destroy wesselis.

Of course, if wesselis, like AEGON, chose compromise at that time and put down the knife that cut into the aristocratic power, perhaps the national reunification would be completed in an instant.

But that would be another reincarnation, re carving the road that AEGON has gone through.

Wesselis did not make such a choice, but chose to fight the old nobles to the end.

Inch by inch, they broke their spine bit by bit, completely knelt down on the ground and prayed for mercy, or just like the heitar family, they didn't even have the opportunity to beg for mercy, and directly wiped it out from the world.

Therefore, it is not that AEGON is short of wisdom, but that wesselis is much more mature than him.

At this moment, Oberon's sudden proposal is actually something that the former royal parliament has already discussed.

This matter has been discussed before Jon Clinton left King's landing a few months ago. This is a major event. Most of the former important ministers are capable people with extremely open and active ideas, except for Agriculture Secretary Alistair Florent and others who are stubborn and conservative.

Wesselis's former parliament, including governors everywhere, can be said to be talents.

It broke the backbone of the traditional aristocracy, weakened the power of the traditional aristocracy and consolidated the kingship. Next, it weakened the concept of the seven countries and consolidated the concept of the whole country.

The first person to put forward this idea was intelligence Secretary Wallis. He strongly advocated that the concept of "seven countries" should no longer be used in official documents, including nouns.

Instead, it is replaced by 'the king of Westeros' and other words that emphasize unity.

However, Wallis's initial view was not generally accepted. The main reason is the change of thought and habits. Sometimes it takes a generation to change a habit.

Now, hearing Oberon's proposal, the king's landing nobles, rich businessmen and representatives of all walks of life in the lower throne hall all looked at each other and couldn't help whispering.

"Country name?"

"What should our country be called?"

"Wasn't it called the Iron Throne before?"

Some people with low education can't help asking questions, but even if they are explained by the people around them.

"Just like the 'northern kingdom' and 'Valley kingdom' before the unification of the seven countries."

Some people opened their mouth to explain, others suddenly realized, others thought they had a lot of knowledge, wanted to show their head at this time, thought hard for a moment, and then opened their mouth to propose.

"We can call it the kingdom of Westeros!"

"The land under our feet is called westero. This is our hometown..."

However, before he had finished his words, he encountered opposition.

"Have you forgotten your Majesty's birthplace, andalos, and pantos overseas?"

"It's also the country's territory!"

"I propose that we should be called the United Kingdom of Westeros, andalos and pantos."

Another suggested, but even if he was ridiculed by the person just now.

"It's too long. You name it longer than my grandmother's scarf!"

There was a lot of noise in the lower throne hall. Wesselis, sitting on the iron throne, tapped the cold handrail with his fingers and didn't open his mouth, while the top dignitaries of the Royal Parliament were also silent.

Naturally, such important issues will not be discussed in the throne hall, which is like a hodgepodge. In fact, the former royal parliament has already discussed a result, and the throne hall is a form.


Then Oberon, the Minister of justice who was still the first to put forward the idea, said.

As soon as he opened his mouth, all the noisy voices in the throne hall disappeared. Although Oberon was not very popular like Ramses, Oberon's power was still very strong. No one dared to offend the Minister of justice with military power.

"Valeria is the greatest country since mankind learned to remember."

"The tangaryan family originated in Valeria and is the most powerful successor to the fortress of freedom."

"I therefore propose that your majesty bring up his claim to the ancient empire and rebuild Valeria!"


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