Published at 24th of June 2024 06:15:04 AM

Chapter 667

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Then, as expected, Jon Clinton did not expect.

Even though there are many people in Tianji City, including the fowler family, the Wule family in prison gate castle, and the kogel family in sand and stone city. The total strength of the rebellious nobility of Dorn was no weaker than that of the Royal Army, even a little higher. But he shrank in the sky and under the city, and had no intention of sending troops to attack and expel the Royal Army from Dorn.

Instead, envoys were sent to negotiate with Jon Clinton.

"Dorn is old and glorious!"

"Dorn's Kingdom existed as early as when the magic dragon of Valeria danced wildly!"

"The conquerors were beaten to death under the wall of Dorn!"

"We are not so easily defeated!"

After Dorn's messenger came to the camp, he put forward a series of requirements to the king of the Iron Throne.

Naturally, he also knew that Jon Clinton would not accept these conditions. However, since ancient times, negotiations have been like this, asking exorbitant prices and sitting down to pay back the money.

However, Aaron kogel is still waiting for Jon Clinton, the hand of the king of the iron throne, to "sit down and pay back the money", but he did not think that instead of paying back the money, he waited for the other party's butcher's knife.

"The iron throne will never compromise with traitors!"


"Push him out and behead him!"

"Hang the head in front of the camp and let the barbarians on the mountain have a look!"

Jon Clinton's face was cold. He didn't refute the conditions put forward by Dorn's envoy. Instead, he immediately waved to the left and right guards and ordered them to push out the second son of Shashi City, cut off his head and hang it in front of the camp.


The Dorn messenger Aaron Kegel was also startled. He didn't expect that the other party didn't play cards according to common sense.

This is not in line with the rules of negotiation?

Who negotiates without bargaining, but directly wants to cut people?

However, he was still not too flustered. He stubbornly thought that the other party was just scaring himself. After all, it was a default rule for the two armies to fight without cutting envoys.

"I'm not scared, Lord Jon Clinton."

"You'd better let me go quickly, or my father --"

However, when the prime minister's Tower escorts brought by Jon Clinton from King's landing escorted Aaron kogel outside the tent, the Dorn envoy seemed to realize that the other party was not joking or frightening him, and then shouted in panic.

"Lord Jon Clinton?!"

"I'm Dorn's messenger. The two armies don't kill envoys in battle!"

But Jon Clinton was still cold and didn't mean to call the guards back, and the executioner of the other Legion had put on a smock to prevent blood splashing.


Put a tree stump on the open ground in the camp, put the adhesive board for beheading on the tree stump, then took a wine pot from the soldiers on one side and took a big sip.


Then the executioner sprayed the alcohol on the sword surface with his mouth, and the clear wine slowly flowed down the cold blade.

He looked coldly at the Dorn messenger who was pushed over, pressed his shoulder on the sticky board, and then leaned the big sword on the ground to make the last prayer before beheading.

"Your Excellency the former Prime Minister!"

"Lord Jon Clinton!"

However, at the moment, the second son of Shashi City was frightened. He looked at the murderous executioner around him and the big sword in his hand.

Then he shouted incoherently, shaking out all the secret accounts of his father and count ool in one breath.

"No compensation!"

"No compensation!"

"Both the first and second items can be discussed!"

In fact, Dorn nobles only care about the third article, because this is related to their interests, and the first two articles are purely added for negotiation.

What does the death of old count Fowler have to do with them? Although there is an old friend in front of Tianji City, everyone actually has an abacus in his heart.

If Jon Clinton insists on taking Franklin Fowler to King's landing for trial and giving his majesty an explanation, as long as he agrees to Article 3, these Dorn nobles don't mind personally helping them catch people.

As for the issue of compensation, it is nonsense. These are the conditions for Jon Clinton to "bargain". They have never thought about any compensation at all. They only care about the third condition.

However, Aaron kogel yelled and shook out all the details of his father's account, but he still didn't change Jon Clinton's mind.

The nobles in the river in the tent were so frightened that they closed their mouths and dared not make any sound.

Who would have thought that the prime minister who looks like a good man would kill if he said to kill.

On the other side, the executioner had raised the big sword high, then the sword fell, and the head of Dorn messenger fell to the ground.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!