Published at 24th of June 2024 06:14:54 AM

Chapter 672

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"This is Jon's soul."

In the Barracks at the foot of Tianji mountain.

same night.

Vee Sai Chis spent the night guarding the spirit of the most loyal king of his own army. The soldiers of the army went to felling several trees, and used the most beautiful wood to create a temporary coffin for Joan Clinton.

At the moment, the body of the former Prime Minister lay quietly in the coffin, with wesselis's sword beside him.

Dorn's climate is hot. Although the temperature difference between day and night is great, the climate during the day is too hot. The body will rot in half a day.

The sword of wesselis is drawn from the star heart of the red comet at dusk. It will burn when it cuts down the enemy, but except wesselis, others will feel the bone cold when holding this magic weapon.

Melisandra, the priestess of the Red God, explained that the star heart of the red comet is a gift from Allah rahlo to wesselis, so others will feel the bone cold and can hardly hold it. Only wesselis can not feel the cold and use and wave it freely.

She claimed that wesselis was the son of the sun, and the hero "azol yahai" was reincarnated. However, only wesselis knew that he was not anyone's reincarnation, let alone "the son of the sun".

Now, with the help of the characteristics of dusk, wesselis puts it next to Jon Clinton, uses the cold nature of magic soldiers to suppress the corruption of the body, and can escort Jon's body back to his hometown.

Now, although only midnight has passed, Jon Clinton's body remains unchanged and seems to have been frozen from inside to outside.

As for the battlefield during the day, Tianji City, known as the "city of heaven", has now been completely reduced to ruins. Jon Clinton was assassinated and killed, causing wesselis's rare anger.

He ordered all troops to withdraw from Tianji City, and all the captured Dorn nobles and Gulian coger, the murderer of Jon Clinton, were tied in the middle of the castle.

Then wesselis ordered his partner, the black dragon bellerian, to destroy the ancient castle that had stood on the earth for thousands of years with dragon flame, completely razing it to the ground, leaving only some ruins.

Tianji City, the fowler family, the coger family in sandstone city and the oole family in prison gate castle have all disappeared in the long river of history.

The fowler twins were spared their lives because they were girls, and all the other male heirs were burned alive.

The same is true of the kogel family in sandrock. One of the male heirs was beheaded by Jon Clinton and the other was burned alive.

The Earl Haman oole of the oole family of the prison gate castle was killed by a boulder falling from the ceiling, and his heir and brother Sir ulik oole was burned by the Dragon flame.

Only one illegitimate daughter is left in the Uller family. She is now in King's landing. She is Oberon's mistress, named alaria shad. She gave birth to four daughters for Oberon.

And the twins of the fowler family, as well as alaria shad, were all deprived of the right of inheritance and demoted to the common people.


But now, the night is deep.

The silver haired young man sat alone in the makeshift mourning hall, holding Jon Clinton's coffin.

There was silence around.

The wind blew the white curtain of the mourning hall, making a rustling sound. There was no guard outside the door, and wesselis drove them all away.

At the moment, a hazy black fog appeared in the palm of his hand. The black fog looked very thin, constantly changing various forms, and seemed to have independent consciousness.

Wesselis knew this was Jon Clinton's soul.

Since wesselis absorbed the power of the old God and the three eyed Raven brindon heven, his spiritual power has reached the last half of the peak.

Now he no longer needs to collect life and soul by himself. He just needs to stay in the Red Castle of King's landing. All the dead souls in dozens of miles around will be attracted by him and then come together. This is why he rarely leaves King's landing in recent years.

Jon Clinton's soul has left his body, which means that he has completely died and there is no possibility of resuscitation. If his body leaves the oppression of dusk, there may be signs of corruption in a few hours.

However, wesselis is now thinking about whether there are other opportunities for Jon Clinton's soul.

"Can you talk to the soul of the dead?"

"Maybe there will be other opportunities?"

Wesselis looked at the thin black fog in the palm of his hand, and his cheek showed an expression of thought for a moment.

But he doesn't know what to do now.

After all, the road in front of him is strange to him. There is no object to refer to. He can only continue to touch the stone to cross the river.

However, wesselis has another object to consult.

That's the afterthought of mirassis, the God of the sea of the Valerians. She knows a lot, and maybe she can provide some help to wesselis.

But it was a pity that she was not taken with her at the moment, and she had to ask her again when wesselis returned to King's landing.

Including that huge white crow skull should also be put on the agenda in time.

The nameless statue with weak divinity contained the afterthought of milaxis. He looked forward to what was contained in the white skull.

But the most important thing now is Jon Clinton's soul.

Wesselis carefully collected it to prevent it from being confused with other absorbed black fog, otherwise there was no means of communication, and even wesselis could not distinguish who each of them was.

This is an opportunity. Wesselis never thought of going in this direction. However, Jon Clinton's accidental death made him focus on the link of human life and death for the first time.

Can he communicate with the dead?

Wesselis doesn't know, but it's the only thing he can do right now.

The next morning.

A hazy new sun rises slowly from the East. There are still sporadic flames on the ruins of Tianji City, and the black smoke of gunpowder has not dissipated.

Now everyone in the king's army has a heavy heart, including the nobles of the king's collar in the river bend. The whole army demolished their tents and escorted the coffin of former Prime Minister Jon Clinton back to the river bend.

However, they were worried about riding on the war horse.

"Let's go."

They defeated their old rivals and old enemies, but the result was not what they wanted.

The castle was razed to the ground and all the heirs were killed, leaving only the girls deprived of the castle.

Their next fate can also be imagined. No aristocrat will dare to take the risk to marry them, even if their blood is equally noble, they can only marry civilians or become prostitutes.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!