Published at 24th of June 2024 06:14:43 AM

Chapter 679

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"Strangle the dead."

"This is obviously the effect of strangling the dead."

After a night of turmoil in telosi's prison, they still found some clues.

A gray haired old man held a crutch in his hand and said tremblingly.

Although the free trade city-state does not have a bachelor's degree, it has a doctor. This gray haired old man is the leading doctor in telosi and has a lot of research on poisons.

He was invited by the great king of telosi to identify the toxicity of all the prisoners who died of poisoning. When the old man came here, he recognized that these people died of a very terrible strong poison, strangling the dead.

Because the killing effect of strangling the dead is very obvious, the victim's face will show the same cyan color as poison, like being strangled or choked by pinching his neck, so it is named "strangling the dead".

However, the obvious difference between strangling the dead and traumatic death is the bleeding in the seven orifices, and the amount of bleeding caused by poison is greater, and the death is more miserable and terrible.

"The cost of strangling the dead is high. It is made of some kind of plant, which only grows on the Yuhai islands half the world away."

"Its leaves need to be placed for a long time, and then soaked in lime water, sugar juice and some precious spices produced in the midsummer islands. After that, the leaves are discarded, ashes are added to the potion to thicken it, and then stand and crystallize."

"The process is slow and difficult, and the ingredients are expensive, so the price of strangling the dead is not cheap."

"But there are many people in the world who can strangle the dead. As far as I know, including the alchemist of Rhys, the Faceless Man of bravos, and the school city in Westeros."

The old man with white hair said in a trembling voice. He finished all his words, then bowed and stepped back.

At this moment, the underground prison of telosi is brightly lit, and the guards hold high torches and guard all over the prison.

Because of a series of recent events, the senior management in telosi city has become highly nervous, people are in danger, and the security forces around them have been improved. They are afraid that, like Asha's experience, a group of people will suddenly rush out to assassinate themselves.

The torch of the underground world swayed slightly with the wind and lit up people's cheeks. Now the great king telosi and Asha grejoy, the messenger of the iron throne, gathered in the prison and calmly discussed the whole thing face to face.

Asha's anger had dissipated after a night. After some careful consideration and analysis with her uncle, she probably ruled out the suspicion of King telosi.

Unless he is crazy, he will kill the messenger of the iron throne in his own territory. Such naked provocation will inevitably lead to a war.

Of course, it does not rule out another extreme possibility to use people's thinking inertia to do the opposite.

The great king of telosi secretly instructed his subordinates to kill themselves, put on a look of being planted, and then plant them to others, and then lead to the contradiction between the Iron Throne and the other party. It is a strategy to drive away tigers and swallow wolves.

However, at the invitation of King telosi, Asha came, but this time her escort was not just one person, but more than 100 soldiers.

"Messenger, you have also heard."

"The criminals died by strangling the dead."

After listening to the words of the old man who was proficient in medicine and poison, the great king telosi turned his head and looked at Asha.

The first time we met, King telosi was a little rude, but his attitude turned 180 degrees in just one day.

Because of Asha grejoy's tough stance, she boldly ordered to capture the port of telosi and asked him to explain. It also deterred the great king of telosi, made him put down his discrimination against women and couldn't help looking up.

And reflected in the verbal also a lot more respect, posture also lowered a lot, after all, the other party is a woman who will pull out a knife if she doesn't agree with each other.

"It was full of strange things from the beginning."

"It is obvious that someone intends to frame and break the relationship between telosi and the great emperor."

Mentioning the name of wesselis, the great king of telosi lowered his posture, even a little humble, with respect in his words.

"As for the mastermind behind this incident, according to the information we have learned so far, I guess it should be Rhys and volantis."

"Reese's alchemists are well known. They are best at making terrible poisons."

"Moreover, for well-known reasons, Reese also has good reasons to provoke the relationship between the Iron Throne and telosi, because both sides hope to win the support of his Majesty's invincible army on the issue of disputed land."

"If you die in telosi, Ambassador, the relationship between the Iron Throne and telosi will inevitably crack and even lead to war, and Rhys will benefit from it."

There is no problem in analyzing nature from the perspective of the beneficiary. The great king of telosi is not hereditary, but can ascend this position through a series of elections, just like the sea king of bravos. Therefore, the great king of telosi is naturally not a waste.

He held his stomach and talked in front of Asha. Taking advantage of the situation, he pointed the spearhead at the other two opponents.

Reese doesn't have to say that the sisters of the three sister kingdom are now enemies, especially after the decline of mill, they have become tit for tat between telosi and Reese.

As the overlord in the southwest of the AESOP continent, volantis has a very strong army, and it is also the aggressor who once invaded telosi. Now it is still ambitious to covet more land. Naturally, it is the number one enemy of telosi.

Now, every time volantis shows his interest in the disputed land, he will even make REEs and telosi put aside their fight for the time being and unite with the outside world.

"As for volantis, it is also very suspicious."

"Because according to the confession of the jailer we caught, he claimed that a man with flame scars on his face and a volantis accent gave him the poison and asked him to poison everyone and kill people."

King telosi's words made the iron species present, including Asha, suspicious.

Now that these evidences are in front of us, coupled with the solemn guarantee of the great king telosi, it is difficult to make people believe that this is an act of planting and framing, because if the Iron Throne conflicts with telosi, Rhys and volantis are the direct beneficiaries.

However, it is not clear who laid hands on the messenger of the iron throne, and they have no direct evidence.

But when Asha returned to the port, she still ordered to lift the blockade of telosi port.

However, at this time, an explosive news from mill quickly spread all over the streets of telosi.

On the pretext of holding a meeting, the pirate governor of mill led his subordinates to attack the other two governors in the street and killed them directly on the spot. Now his pirates have completely controlled the whole mill newly built from the ruins.

Coincidentally, this happened just when Asha ordered the blockade of telosi port.


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