Published at 24th of June 2024 06:14:34 AM

Chapter 685

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The death of the king's hand in Dorn is naturally not a small matter.

However, Dorn's rebellion has been calmed down, and all the culprits involved have been punished. It can be regarded as a way to let the dead rest in peace and give some comfort to their families and friends.

A few days later, there was a light rain.

The streets of Junlin were washed clean by the rain, and in front of the city gate of Hongbao, two teams of people stood in the rain, with a huge and gorgeous coffin.

Among them lies the body of former Prime Minister Jon Clinton. Mrs. Beth of the bracken family, Jon Clinton's widow, is crying under her umbrella with a big belly.

After wesselis ascended to the throne to be the emperor of Valeria, Alline, who was upgraded to the queen of the Empire, was also dressed in a solemn long skirt, elegant and elegant, standing under the umbrella.

She also wore the tangorian family's coat of arms on her chest, because it's the custom here to marry to another family.

Ariane can be called Ariane tangorian, or Ariane namelos matel.

At the moment, the gorgeous queen is quietly comforting the girl.

Mrs. Beth Clinton's complexion is still very young and her stomach is full. It seems that she married former Prime Minister Jon Clinton under the arrangement of her uncle soon after she was a young adult.

In fact, this is a good engagement. Beth doesn't feel sad because Jon is twice her age, because Jon Clinton is only in his thirties and in his prime, not an old man without ability.

In other words, Jon may not be able to see her unless the girl's uncle is Jeffrey bracken, the sea minister and the governor of Hejian.

Jon's character is conservative and traditional. He doesn't need a beautiful wife. He just needs a woman who can match his identity and inherit his family. Beth is the right candidate.

As the queen, Aaron took up her responsibility and was holding the girl's hand and whispering comfort.

If it is someone else to persuade, it may not have any good effect, and the dialogue between women can quickly open their hearts.

On the other side, wesselis was also solemnly dressed, and the metal crest on his left chest glittered slightly under the scouring of the rain.

Without an umbrella, he was standing on the side of Jon Clinton's coffin, with Oberon, Wallis and others beside him.

His majesty did not carry an umbrella and was drenched in the rain. Except for her Majesty the queen and the wife of the prime minister, others naturally did not dare to carry an umbrella. They all bowed their heads to express their condolences, whether sincerely or falsely.

Before Jon Clinton's coffin, the Archbishop of St. Baylor's Cathedral and the dean of King's landing Theological Seminary, he was fat, with a crystal crown on his head, put one hand on the lid of the coffin, recited and talked about what he was saying, and gasped slightly.

Then, when the eulogy of the fat archbishop was completed, Jon Clinton's coffin was forcibly lifted by several clean soldiers and placed on the carriage.

"Ready to go!"

"Ready to go!"

With a few shouts, the convoy escorting Jon Clinton's coffin officially drove out of the Red Castle.

The princes and ministers such as wesselis did not choose to walk. They took horses and sedans to keep up with the team.

"I didn't expect Jon to die in Dorn."

Among the princes and ministers of the Empire, those who were familiar with the bow horse chose to ride, while those who were fat or weak and could not get wet hurriedly got into the sedan chair.

At the moment, Oberon was still wearing a sand yellow robe, riding on his black horse, urging the horse to follow wesselis, and then said.

Several days have passed since wesselis returned from Dorn. However, wesselis has been very busy these days. He has locked himself in the cellar of Red Castle. No one knows what he is doing, and Oberon has not talked to wesselis.


"I didn't think of it either."

Wesselis, Oberon and Jon Clinton are old friends. They worked together in ESSOS and were tied to the chariot of the tangorian family. Wesselis is the driver of the chariot, and these important officials are the wheels of the chariot. They are both proud and lose.

Therefore, although after the unification of the seven countries, few people slandered wesselis in an attempt to pry the status of founding generals such as Oberon, Jon and Bessie, it had little effect.

Wesselis is not the kind of person who makes the best of birds, bows and hides, cunning rabbits and dead running dogs. Even the people who started with him, such as little skinning Ramses Bolton, who nobody likes, have also received due rewards.

Wesselis and Oberon braved the raindrops in the sky. Like two old friends, they said one sentence while walking, while others only left deep envy for such a relationship between monarchs and ministers.

"When my brother comes to King's landing, I will tell him what to do."

At this time, Oberon looked at a little boy wiping his nose among the curious onlookers in the street, then turned to wesselis and said.

Before this incident, Oberon had sent a letter to his brother, but it was clear that Prince Daolang did not adopt his opinion.

Then he suffered a great loss. Thanks to the destruction of three families loyal to matel, the so-called "indomitable" matel family was beaten in the face. Prince Daolang himself even had to come to King's landing to apologize.

Oberon had known that his brother was about to go north to King's landing.


Wesselis was also in the light rain. The raindrops slipped down his cheeks. He held the reins in his hand and nodded without saying anything more.

"Your majesty!"

"Your majesty!"

The people around cheered regardless of the scene. They didn't know what it was, and then they were driven away by the soldiers of the clean Legion and the capital garrison.

Jon Clinton's coffin left Red Castle and walked along the avenue to the Junlin military academy on Renes hills, where his body will be buried.

Because Jon Clinton supported the original resolution to split the school city into several colleges and put forward many constructive suggestions, which was one of his brilliant achievements during his term of office.

Therefore, Jon Clinton's burial in the Junlin military academy is also of commemorative significance.

On the streets washed clean by the rain, the sound of horses' hoofs, the sound of wheels, the cheers of the surrounding people and the sound of driving were staggered, and then slowly submerged in the boundless rain curtain.

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