Published at 24th of June 2024 06:14:33 AM

Chapter 686

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"Oberon was not involved in this."

"I believe Prince Doran is not such a stupid person."

Beside wesselis, there was an illusory shadow floating between the two. Jon Clinton looked at his wife with sad eyes, and then fell on Oberon.

Oberon was his good friend. Although there was a conflict between the two on the issue of anti insurgency, Jon Clinton never denied it.

But now think about it, would it be more smooth if Oberon led his troops to Dorn instead of himself?

At least Oberon's identity is special. He is the prince of Donne. He led his soldiers to arrest the criminals on the latte throne. No one in the Donne family except the fowler family dared to participate in it, let alone shield and protect the fowler family.

The matel family still has a high prestige in Dorn. Maybe they can even ask Franklin Fowler to be captured without blood.

Then he was escorted to King's landing for trial. Considering the plot of voluntary surrender, he may also get a chance to put on black clothes.

Isn't this a better solution?


Of course not.

Jon Clinton knew very well that these were not the fundamental problems between Donne and the Iron Throne. Otherwise, as his Majesty's father-in-law, Prince dorang's attitude would not be elusive.

Because this involves Donne's fundamental interests, it is almost equivalent to conquering Donne without blood.

The matel family is also unwilling to kneel down and give in without moving a knife or a gun, otherwise their ethnic language would not be called "indomitable".

Although Jon Clinton led the army to March, he encountered some obstacles, but it showed the force of the Iron Throne and broke the illusion of some Donne nobles. Next, as long as he withdrew smoothly, Donne's problem can be solved safely.

But the problem lies in himself. He accidentally died on the battlefield. In order to avenge him and vent his anger, wesselis killed and burned the castle, which led to the later situation and broke his plan with wesselis at the beginning.

"Well... However, few people can still visit their own funerals in their lifetime. I believe they have such treatment."

Then Jon Clinton spoke like a mockery.

It seems that after a few days, he has walked out of the haze and become optimistic.

His soul floated and stood where it was, and Robb, the attendant next to wesselis, shivered slightly. He felt the wind around him and a little cold behind his neck.

"You're dead."

"It's not a lifetime."

At the moment, wesselis is still standing in the newly built garden behind the Imperial military academy. It is still drizzling and there are many flowers and plants on the ground.

Now the soldiers have dug out a big pit in advance and are struggling to lift Jon Clinton's coffin from the carriage.

"Ah, your majesty?"

"Who are you talking to?"

However, wesselis suddenly spoke to the air and startled the red haired boy who was feeling cold and uncomfortable.

On the other side, one hand took Mrs. Beth's hand, and the other queen Adrian, who came down from the carriage with a long skirt in hand, also looked here.

She didn't know what the men were talking about, but it was obvious that the young king was suddenly killed in Dorn, making many ambitious people ready to move.

The candidate for the next former prime minister is bound to experience a bloodbath.

"My sister doesn't have to be sad. Think more about the good places."

"Fortunately, you are pregnant with the flesh and blood of Lord Clinton, otherwise the foundation of windbreak castle..."

Then Aaron turned his head and continued to comfort the heartbroken girl next to him.

"Lord Jon died unexpectedly. We are all very sad, your majesty."

Jon Clinton's coffin was very heavy. The soldiers shouted, hung it with ropes and were putting it into a pre dug hole.

At the moment, there was still some water in the pit because of the rain. A soldier slipped under his feet and accidentally fell in. He fell and a dog ate shit, but fortunately, it didn't matter.

However, just then, the intelligence minister Wallis, who was also watching the ceremony, came to wesselis and said.

"Lord Oberon."

Then he said hello to Oberon next to wesselis, and then spoke directly without any taboo.

"But the position of the former prime minister is very important. He is your Majesty's right hand and the most important assistant minister of the whole empire."

"So although I don't want to mention it at this time, please forgive me."

"I still want to ask your majesty what to do next and whether there is a suitable candidate?"

Jon klinder was unexpectedly killed in the battle, and the issue of the next former prime minister must be put on the agenda.

During this period, many people in the court have begun to secretly engage in relations, hoping to get a share.

The ministers in the court include agriculture minister Alistair Florent and others. He unites a group of nobles and has the support of the former imperial Tyrell family. After hearing the news of Jon's death, he began to covet the position of the next former prime minister.

Alistair Florent thinks that he is the oldest and has rich experience, which can help his Majesty in governing the country.

Even the governors of other regions joined the competition, such as Mister toyne, the commander of the golden regiment of the governor of the west, Youlun grejoy of the iron islands, the little finger of the valley, etc.

They also think that they have a good understanding of governing the country and can become the right arm of the emperor's majesty.

At the same time, there are also some voices in the political situation of Junlin, which were once two former royal and former prime ministers.

It is hoped that one of the two "retired" former prime ministers will wear the medal of the king's hand again and return to his original post.

However, one of the two former prime ministers of the tangorian family is a senior but too old, while the other is the unpopular Prince Donne.

Among those who hold this part of the voice, a considerable number of people are donuts, while the rest don't like donuts and are unwilling to support Oberon. Therefore, these voices supporting the return of the former prime minister are full of division.

However, among them, MIS toin is one of the closest candidates, and he has the highest possibility of becoming the next former prime minister.

Although the head of the golden regiment was a mercenary, ugly, black and ugly, he also had the noble blood of the toyne family.

Moreover, his character is upright. During his leadership of the golden regiment, he unites all his brothers and is full of leadership. In his bones, he is a fair and firm soldier.

Jon Clinton was once a deputy to Mister toyne when he wandered on the mainland of ESSOS. They were good friends who talked about everything.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!