Published at 24th of June 2024 06:14:31 AM

Chapter 688

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"Sir, this is the tax record of the wool merchant in eel lane."

Early in the morning, a tax official under villas brought a thick record.

The Iron Throne has been promoting economic reform, but the speed is relatively slow compared with other aspects.

Jon Clinton is a former Prime Minister with excellent comprehensive ability. He can unite the United Front in wartime and govern the country in peacetime. As a former prime minister, he calmed the rebellion and aggression of the Quartet. In terms of economic reform, Jon Clinton has always advocated stability and try not to produce too violent turbulence.

Therefore, in Jon's era, economic reform has always been tepid, and the war is in full swing, which is one of his personal characteristics.

However, Jon's time in charge of the Royal Parliament was not without achievements in the economy. For example, he advocated the abolition of the tax payer system that lasted for hundreds of thousands of years in Westeros.

The tax payer system is the person who is entrusted by the royal family to collect taxes indirectly. The contractor pays the taxes in advance, and then obtains the Royal tax right, and then collects the taxes from the taxpayers.

Jon Clinton believes that the tax payer system is full of loopholes, chaos, sin, violation of honor, and even nourishes many social residues, forming a black and evil force in King's landing.

After obtaining the tax right from the royal family, many tax payers will take some extreme means to blackmail merchants, beat, smash, rob, burn, personal threat, make trouble and disrupt the normal business order.

Even in the end, the money extorted from the merchants is much higher than the normal tax, and these poor merchants need to pay a protection fee to the gold robes at that time, otherwise they will encounter the trouble of the gold robes.

In the face of these layers of exploitation, the merchants of Junlin's normal and legal operation basically have little profit left. Therefore, they are forced to raise prices and transfer the pressure to the ordinary people.

This is also why once during the baratheon Dynasty and even the old tangaryan Dynasty, once there was war or other changes, nothing else had happened, and prices took the lead in soaring.

Because the royal family was in urgent need of money, they immediately collected taxes from tax payers for the next few years, and tax payers collected more taxes from merchants. Finally, the price of Junlin suddenly got on the plane and rushed into the sky.

Tax payers, who used to be very "special" legal businessmen under the command of the chancellor of the exchequer, receive money at both ends. On the one hand, they receive a preferential tax from the royal family as their reward, and on the other hand, they eat more oil and water from the merchants. Naturally, they make a lot of money.

However, merchants and ordinary people in Junlin, who have no background and backing for normal operation, are scarred.

Since Jon Clinton first served as the former Prime Minister of the "mad king" iris II, he has deeply hated the evil forces such as Junlin.

How could he watch this group of people do evil when he is jealous of evil and can't tolerate sand in his eyes?

At that time, however, although Jon Clinton was the former Prime Minister of the mad king, he had no chance to show his strength.

Because he did not get the support of a Ming Lord, but in the era of wesselis, he returned to King's landing and got the opportunity to show his strength.

Therefore, in terms of economic reform and national internal affairs, Jon took the lead in abolishing the tax payer system, but the tax payer system is a convenient way for the royal family after all.

When the tax payer system was abolished, the tax officials of the Empire were busy. From now on, there are no local ruffians to help them collect taxes. They can only rely on their mouth to let those greedy businessmen hand over the taxes they should pay.

Often when they break their legs because of work, tax officials can't help but miss those once local ruffians and hooligans.

Unfortunately, they have all been sent to prison by Lord Jon Clinton, and some have even gone north to the great wall or died.

Villas' tax collector handed him a tax record of a wool merchant in the city.

This was written by a tax official during the baratheon Dynasty, but now the tax official has guarded the border with a cold wind blowing on the Great Wall.

Although Jon Clinton abolished the tax payer system, coupled with the internal cleaning of the capital Garrison and the training of black bugs by the commander of the clean Legion for one year, now the commander of "blackfish Sir" brindon Tully has a lot of strict military discipline, and the business operation in Junlin city has no previous difficulties.

However, businessmen are businessmen, no traitors or businessmen, and they will fight hard for every minute of profits. Therefore, although there is no exploitation of tax payers and gold robes, it is even harder to collect taxes. They will find all kinds of reasons to argue with the tax officials of Junlin.

Now the wool merchant in eel lane is a difficult opponent. Villas has personally visited the door twice, but it has no effect. The other party claims that his tax has been paid 30 years since King Robert's time, so there is no need to pay tax now.

"Sir, are we going to go there today?"

"The old guy doesn't listen to us at all. He's completely messing around."

Asked one of veras's tax officers, leaning against the table in anger.

"What do you mean his taxes have been paid thirty years later?"

"Can King Robert and His Majesty the emperor be the same thing?"

"King Robert is extravagant and wasteful, while his majesty is diligent and thrifty and corrects Qingming."

"I suggest you inform Lord brinden Tully directly and send someone to seal up his shop!"

Although the tax officials of the empire can't beat, smash, loot, burn, threaten and lure like the local ruffians, they still have an ultimate killer, that is, inform the capital garrison to send someone to seal down the merchant's shop.

"Not for the time being."

Villas tiller, sitting behind his desk reading the tax records, finally finished reading it. He thought for a moment, then shook his head and said.

Then the young man with brown hair raised his finger and pointed to several records in the book, which occurred during the reign of King Robert a few years ago, when the war of alien invasion was breaking out.

"Old linman didn't lie."

"He has indeed paid the tax thirty years later."

At that time, the iron throne was heavily in debt. However, in order to gather soldiers to fight, he repeatedly borrowed money everywhere and squeezed the people's fat and cream. The people were miserable. This wool merchant from the North was also one of the victims.

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