Published at 24th of June 2024 06:14:30 AM

Chapter 689

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"Ah? What about that?"

"Lord villas, don't we collect old linman's taxes?"

"But how should this be recorded in the book, and there is Lord Harris, the manager of the four Treasury, the Royal accountant..."

Veras's tax official heard the chief say so, and immediately opened his mouth in a hurry.

If it is only a wool merchant, the tax is not much. However, the difficulty lies in how to explain this matter to the fourth Treasury Manager and the Royal accountant, and there is no way to record it on the book.

After all, the new dynasty has made a cut with the previous dynasty. Even his majesty burned braavos on a dragon, and even the millions of golden dragons owed to the iron Treasury, the largest creditor, were all at once.

The remaining creditors, telosi firm, Lannister family, Tyrell family and hattal family, died and declined, and those who survived did not dare to ask for accounts.

The policy of the Iron Throne is to start over, so whether it is old accounts or past taxes, you can come to the Iron Throne and ask wesselis for an account in person.

There is a precedent for old linman. He is not the only one who has paid taxes thirty years later.

Veras heard what his men said, waved his hand to make him calm. He turned over the booklet at will, and then closed it directly.

But what he thought in his mind was the news that finance minister illyrio told him a few days ago. He had a plan in his heart, and then opened his mouth.

"We can't make false accounts, and no one will pay taxes for old linman. The money must still be collected."

"I'll talk to him myself."


Veras fell under the horse and broke his leg when he competed with Oberon when he was young, so his legs and feet have always been inconvenient.

He boarded the carriage embroidered with golden roses on crutches, and he was accompanied by several followers of the Tyrell family. The carriage was extremely comfortable and valuable. After all, villas is now the face of the Tyrell family in Xingsuo city.

"Eel lane."

Then he explained, and the coachman nodded in response. Then the wheels rolled and drove towards the destination.

Eel lane is located in the visannia hills. It is also named in memory of the original king. The visannia hills is a business district of Junlin. There are many shops here, mainly inhabiting some middle-class and even middle-level families in Junlin city.

The carriage of the tiller family drove to eel lane, which attracted the attention of the residents here, because everyone in Junlin City knew that although the tiller family suffered hardships, it was still very rich and profound, which should not be underestimated.

This is the effect of Miss Margaret Tiller's crazy money, and this is also the idea of Mrs. olena, the queen of thorns.

"If the Tyrell family doesn't pretend to be strong, the jackals will come up."

However, the residents of eel lane only paid attention to the carriage of the tiller family, and did not crowd around like the poor in the flea nest to ask for a reward, because the income level of the residents here is fairly good in King's landing city.

The Tyrell family's carriage stopped in front of the store in eel lane, which looked good, and then villas jumped out of the carriage with the help of his attendants on crutches.

"Where is the wind that blew Lord villas over?"

"I smell the smell of roses from a distance."

The young man with brown hair and crutches wore decent clothes, embroidered with golden roses on his chest and a ruby ring on his fingers. He walked into the wool product store with crutches. An old man with fat body and half white hair hurried out.

He is a wool merchant from Baigang. He is responsible for reselling the wool products in the north to King's landing city. However, business is not easy now. The North was originally a place rich in wool, but the North fell due to the invasion of ghosts. Therefore, Lao Liman was forced to process the expensive appearance of the import trade city-state by himself.

The money is worthless, the price rises, and the people have no money. These three factors are like a mountain, and Lao linman's savings are all lost.

Old linman has operated this store in Junlin for decades, starting from the time of crazy King iris II. He has accumulated a lot of savings and constantly become bigger and stronger.

At that time, the mad king had a bad reputation and often burned the nobles. Lao linman also felt disgusted and denounced the other party as a stupid king. However, until the rebel army he supported broke into Junlin city and burned, killed and robbed, Lao linman's family property was robbed in an instant.

Then Robert baratheon, the leader of the rebel army, became the king. He collected money recklessly and immoral. Thirty years later, old Liman's family was completely defeated. He just hung himself without holding back.

However, it has not gradually returned to normal until now, but the wool production base in the North has not been restored, and the expensive wool of the trading city-state needs to be imported.

Although the market has generally returned to normal, it is better to save a little. After all, I actually paid taxes for 30 years

Old linman is unwilling and still has a little luck. Now there are no tax payers to make trouble. On the contrary, he is still not used to it.

At the beginning, when tax payers engaged in merchants, the way for merchants to counter was to hire some mercenaries and defeat magic with magic. Local ruffians and hooligans fought against mercenaries.

So this time he also spent a little money to hire several mercenaries. Every time the tax official came, he drove them away by means of fooling around.

However, this time, the tax general ledger of the Empire, Lord villas of the tiller family, came in person. Old linman still dared not play tricks. He could only let the mercenaries hide aside and go out to meet him.

After villas came in, he didn't greet each other, but directly indicated his intention. Then old linman's face changed and he looked wronged. Then he complained bitterly, hoping that the chief tax officer would forgive him for his poor tax payment.

"I really have no money, Lord villas."

"I didn't lie to you."

The old man with half white hair looked wronged, then took out the account book and made it clear that he wanted money but not life.

"You really have no money?"

However, villas looked at old Liman's exaggerated performance, nodded slightly, and then asked solemnly.

"Ang... Yes."

"I really have no money."

Old linman didn't know what veras confirmed again. He could only scratch his hair and nod his head to repeat it.

"I have a way to let you borrow money first at a very low interest rate."

"Do you know the bank?"

But then villas spoke.

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