Published at 24th of June 2024 06:14:28 AM

Chapter 690

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At noon.

The morning passed in a hurry, but when old Liman came out of a very luxurious "shop" diagonally opposite the alchemist guild, his face was still confused.

Everything has changed since he gave Lord villas tiller a sincere look a few hours ago and then focused on it.

He was dragged here by the chief tax officer of the Empire, signed a series of contracts, and finally borrowed a lot of operating money.

The name seems to be... Money to promote economic development or trade or aid.

Anyway, in the end, old linman succeeded in borrowing a golden dragon with a very low interest. However, before this golden dragon fell into his hands, Lord villas, the chief tax officer, took away the tax he should pay next year, and then he didn't get the rest of the golden dragons, because it is said that they were all saved

Old linman looked down at the thin black metal card in his hand. On it was carved a huge dragon with open wings and roaring up to the sky. On the right was old linman's name, and there was a digital code in the lower right corner.


Old linman couldn't help reading out with this metal card. According to the lady who received him, he was the 173 customer holding the Imperial Bank savings card in the whole empire, and he will have high commemorative value in the future

However, old linman was a little cold and sober. He had not heard of this form of storage and lending, because it was said that the iron vault of bravos on the other side of the narrow sea operated in this way, but he saw it for the first time.

The merchant with half white hair had always been on the route of Baigang and Junlin. He only contacted the people of the trading city states in the past two years, but he never went out of the sea. Only the goods were transported to Junlin. Then he paid money to buy them, hired workers to process them, made them into finished products, and then sold them.

"The Empire also built its own iron treasury?"

It was not until he walked out of the door and was blown by the cool wind that old Liman's mind became clearer. At the same time, he realized that this was the operation mode of the iron Treasury.

However, old linman didn't have any joy. He shivered at the thought of a series of contracts just signed.

Although he is a northerner, he has lived in King's landing for too many years. He really knows too much about the rulers of the Iron Throne. A slap on the head and an idea make the whole country a mess.

He suspected that the Imperial Bank might not be a semi-finished product. In the end, it won't take long, and then he ran away. His money was lost, and the loan and interest owed must be repaid

The most striking example is the tax he paid for 30 years under King Robert.


"I want my money back!"

After shivering, old linman hurriedly ran back to this luxurious Imperial Bank. This building is located in the center of King's landing and crowded with St. Baylor's Basilica, imperial Theological Seminary, imperial medical school, Alchemist Association, etc.

In the future, it will inevitably belong to the economic and cultural center in Junlin's urban planning, while AEGON gaoqiu will continue to be the political center, where several official residences of former ministers are being built.

Although the facade of the Imperial Bank is very luxurious, the one storey main hall is as high as a three storey small building, dozens of stone pillars support the dome, and there are clean soldiers of the royal guard outside the door, there are no plaques or signs. Ordinary people have inquired curiously since the beginning of the construction of the building, but they haven't found out anything.

Now, after the building is built, no idle people are allowed to visit, but all the people who come in and out of here every day are dignitaries and dignitaries in Junlin city.

This can't help but arouse the curiosity of many people, who want to know where it is? There are even different opinions. Some people speculate that it is a place for noble lords to enjoy, while others speculate that it is a palace.

However, now old Lin man just came out of here, and then ran back again regardless of the strange eyes of the dignitaries around him.

Fortunately, the Imperial Bank has just started its trial operation and is one of the key tasks of finance minister illyrio. Therefore, not many people know about it in Junlin City, and there are many vacant windows.

Old linman ran back to the window where he had just handled the storage. A well-dressed red haired woman was eating dried fruit. Seeing old linman's return, he quickly put away his snacks and sat down.

"Sir, what else do you have..."

"Withdraw the money!"

"I want to withdraw money!"

Old linman was out of breath. For fear of running slower, the little girl ran away with his money.


The red haired girl sitting in the window blinked slightly. She seemed to have some insight and knew what the other party was worried about.

Imperial Bank is now in trial operation. All the people who come in and out of here are dignitaries and dignitaries in King's landing. They may also doubt it, but they don't care about a little money.

The old man was personally led in by the chief tax officer, Lord villas tiller. He should have been ineligible to enter

However, she clearly understood each other's concerns, but on the surface, the girl still kept a polite smile, which is one of the contents of the secret training.

"How much would you like to withdraw?"


However, this question stopped old linman.

He was just worried that the money he borrowed would disappear, but now he thought it was introduced by Lord villas. If he took it away as soon as he saved it, wouldn't it be clear that he didn't trust Lord villas.

And this adult comes from a famous family and is the chief tax officer of the Empire. If the other party knows this, he will wear small shoes for himself

Thinking of this, old linman's face was uncertain. Finally, he couldn't help stamping his feet and made up his mind.

"Take... Ten golden dragons."

Ten golden dragons are a great fortune for an ordinary family in Junlin, but old linman can still take them out as a businessman who has operated for so many years, not to mention that he has just borrowed much more money than this.


However, the girl in the window did not hesitate. She took the metal card from old linman's hand, checked the number on it, found the three digit account book, and finally crossed ten golden dragons to old linman from the book.

Then ten new golden dragons were placed in front of him.

"Please put it away!"

"Slow down!"

The girl in the window nodded politely.

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