Published at 24th of June 2024 06:14:18 AM

Chapter 696

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"Your Majesty did not say that you would conquer these trading city states now."

"Because your majesty now has all his eyes on the north and has no time to pay attention to these trivial things, he gave me full authority."

"He told me, 'the enemy in the north is getting closer and closer. I have felt that this time it will be more threatening than before. They are breathing cold air and the cold flame is burning'."

At the moment, the newly canonized Earl of helenberg of the Empire was in a tavern room in mill. He poured wine with a wine pot, and then spoke in the same tone as wesselis once said.

But his tone was a little more somber, which made Salado Thorne, the pirate who was also sitting in the guest room, a little fidgety.

"Lord Ramses Burton, I don't think... Ghosts won't appear on ESSOS."

He had never seen a ghost, but he had witnessed a corpse Ghost a few years ago.

It was in a public exhibition in pantos. The doslacks captured several ghouls alive by using a horse pole, then put them in a cage, and finally escorted them to pantos by Youlun's iron fleet.

Only then did the people of pantos know what kind of monsters His Majesty was fighting, and they also won the victory and successfully drove these monsters back to their hometown.

Later, the ghosts in these exhibitions may have died because the magic in their bodies dissipated or for some other reason, which disappointed the municipal officials of pantos.

Because the exhibition of corpses and ghosts caused a great sensation in the world of trading city states. People from all over the world rushed to pantos and broke their heads to see what the legendary corpses and ghosts were like.

At that time, pantos could earn enough money just by collecting tickets.

This also led to the formation of a large number of explorers, slave teams and mercenaries from ESSOS, who came to the north by boat to catch more corpses and ghosts for profit. Unfortunately, few succeeded.

They underestimated those corpses in cages and thought they were prey to be slaughtered. However, when they arrived in the north, they paid a very heavy price.

Most of their slave teams were buried in the north and became a member of the army of corpses and ghosts, while a few of the teams that successfully captured corpses and ghosts died in the cabin on the way back by boat. They turned into a pool of rotten meat or broken bones. It seems that the corpses and ghosts lost their magic after leaving the continent of Westeros.

At first, the iron fleet was able to successfully capture corpses and ghosts, because the night king had not retreated at that time, and the divine power of cold God remained the greatest.

However, rums heard the pirate governor's words, just smiled, put down the wine pot in his hand, and then said.

"Not necessarily, Lord Salado Thorne."

"The iron islands were also attacked by strange ghosts."

Seeing the slightly uncomfortable look on the dark skinned pirate governor's face, Ramses restrained his smile and said seriously.

"Did Lord Thorne find out anything about the assassination?"

The assassination of Asha grejoy, the messenger of the Empire, also spread, which caused a great shock. People with a clear eye can see that this may not be aimed at the Empire, but has other plans, because Asha, the messenger of the Empire, is not an important figure, but a marginal figure of the Iron Throne. Even if she dies, she will have no impact on the Empire.

However, what puzzled the pirate governor was how the events that had taken place in less than half a month had been so quickly introduced into the ears of the emperor's majesty?

Isn't it

Although suspicion rose in his heart, he shook his head honestly and said.

"No, these killers want to plant it on volantis or Reese."

Reese is rich in poison, and volantis is mentioned in his confession. Of course, it does not rule out that someone is trying to cover up, and the great king telosi also did not escape suspicion.

The imperial fleet sent troops to NAS island and sent envoys to various free-trade city states along the way. However, Asha grejoy clearly did nothing, but stirred up a big earthquake in the world of trade city states. If there was no promoter behind this, Salado Thorne would not believe it.

In front of him, the dark faced young man and the dark skinned pirate governor looked at each other quietly as he spoke. In fact, ramus Bolton's reputation was not obvious, but he had heard his name a long time ago.

Every profession has a circle, and intelligence is still very important in the pirate circle. Ramus Bolton heard the name as early as he was in pantos. The reason is that the other party is cruel and ruthless. None of the pirates who fall into the other party's hands will come out alive.

The same is true for smugglers. He heard that a smuggler was interrogated by black agents after pantos was arrested. He tried to explain to the other party that the smuggler was not a pirate and his crime was not fatal, but the smuggler finally never returned after he was taken away.

However, even though he had some questions in his heart, he did not dare to ask in front of the other party. God knows whether the chaos in the world of free-trade city states came from the other party.

"So... What's next?"

"Lord Ramses."

"Does your majesty have any instructions?"

Salado Thorne then dared not think much, but asked directly.

Now he has made contact with the governor of Rhys, trig omolen, and Humphrey of the Hatal family, and both sides conspired to seize Rhys.

The other party also expressed its willingness to surrender to the iron throne, and the corresponding condition is that the hatar family can be forgiven by his majesty and return to Westeros and their hometown.

Of course, the old town must not come back. Now the old town does not belong to the hatar family. Similarly, no family has been canonized. Now it is managed by the municipal magistrate appointed by the emperor.

On the other hand, the condition of the omoron family is to dominate Reese.

He was no longer satisfied with sharing the rich city-state with the other eleven governors, but wanted to become prince of Rhys like Salado Thorne, the pirate governor of mill.

"Chaos is an upward ladder."

Rums Bolton, the commander of the imperial Ministry of interior, sneered at Salado Thorne's words and said twice.

"This sentence was said by a person I don't like very much."

"But I think it makes sense."

Nowadays, the rise of the empire is accompanied by the turbulence and chaos of the whole world. People struggle to survive in it, and the upper class takes it as a ladder for promotion.

Salado Thorne is such a person, so is governor Rigg o'moren of Reese, and Humphrey hattal is a little inferior to them and reduced to a chess piece.

"Continue to contact them and muddy the water of the trading city states."

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