Published at 24th of June 2024 06:14:12 AM

Chapter 699

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Ban Yang knelt down on the ground, then foolishly integrated into the Legion of the dead and became one of them. There were all kinds of corpses around him.

However, his loyal mount still followed him and did not leave.

Then I don't know how long it has passed, the Legion of the dead began to retreat slowly and advance towards the more distant north, and the ice blue flame is still burning and seems never to go out.

They climbed over a towering mountain and continued to move towards the boundless north, away from the scope of the ice blue flame, until it completely disappeared from everyone's vision, ban Yang woke up.

"What's the matter with me?"

Banyang suddenly woke up, and then there was the cold from his soul.

At the first sight of the ice blue flame, he didn't realize that he was deep in it. He knew nothing about what happened later. He was like a string puppet. Like his companions around him, he obeyed the orders of an unknown existence and was acting against his instinct.

Until he woke up again... He had become one of the dead in the middle of the vast army.

His left hand still leads the horse "Chihuang". Even if the old horse that has been with him for many years dies, it still has the memory of his life like ban Yang. It has always followed its owner, even if he becomes confused, it has never gone away.

"Hard work, old man."

Ban Yang stroked the mane of the skeleton horse, and the docile old horse turned his head and looked at him calmly, but now the red and yellow appearance is ferocious and terrible. Half of its cheeks have rotted and exposed its bones.

The whole army of the dead is moving forward silently. There is no sound except the sound of footsteps. They have crossed the towering mountains and continue to move towards the unknown north.

Banyang didn't know where they were going, but according to past experience, the eyes of ice dragon star at night judged that they were still moving towards the north.

I just don't know if it's ban Yang's illusion. He feels that the ice dragon star seems to be getting closer and closer to them, and the moon above his head has faintly turned dark red, which is more than three times larger than what he saw in the human world.

"The days are getting shorter and shorter, and the nights are getting longer and longer."

"Shall we go to the moon?"

Ban Yang looked at the ice dragon star and the moon, which seemed to be getting bigger above his head. He couldn't help thinking of it.

Even in today's era, people's imagination can't think of where the north of Westeros leads to. Will it lead to heaven?

Is Westeros as big as Aesop? Is it just that the "skeleton mountains" blocking the continent in Westeros are actually endless ice sheets? And Westeros is just a 'vertical' Aesop?

As the young son of rikkard, the former Duke of Winterfell, banyan naturally received a good education from an early age. He knew that the world was large, not just the size they knew well. However, at this time, he "alone" set foot in a field that human beings had never set foot in. He couldn't help flying himself and began to imagine boldly.

Banyan is even looking forward to seeing something amazing next.

He even thought of the story about the ice dragon star told by the old wet nurse in Winterfell.

"Ice dragons are much larger than tangaryan dragons. They roam behind endless ice fields and occasionally appear on the trembling sea."

"Their bodies are ice and snow, their eyes are light blue crystals, waving translucent huge wings and spitting cold air, enough to freeze a ship into ice."

"The vast trembling sea has a legendary place called cannibal Bay. It is said that ships that enter cannibal Bay and never return encounter cruising ice dragons."

"They froze the ship with a cold breath, and then ate all the humans on it."

When he was young, ban Yang felt cold every time he heard these stories told by the old nanny. However, when he grew up, he knew that the stories told by the old nanny were folklores that he didn't know where to hear from. Most of them were deceptive. He deceived children not to cry.

"Can you see the ice dragon in the mouth of the old mammy when you go all the way north?"

Ban Yang's mind just flashed by, and then he couldn't help shaking his head and stopped thinking about these strange things.

He didn't think there would be a dragon bigger than bellerian on the endless ice sheet.

When he was in King's landing, he witnessed the black death with his own eyes. His huge body covered the sky and blocked out the sun radiated hot heat. He could feel the heat coming from his face only hundreds of meters away from it. This feeling made him tremble.

Banyang doesn't think there is anything in the world that can beat the dragon. If there is, it's not a field that human beings can relate to.

It must be the gods who can do it. Perhaps it is for this reason that the gods punished Valeria.

Therefore, Banyang persuaded his brother to surrender as soon as possible. For his sister-in-law and children, don't make fearless resistance. Tangaryan's conquest of the seven countries is the general trend, and they have to pay for their mistakes.

Banyang pulled the red and yellow reins of his horse and followed the big army forward slowly. His mind was full of wishful thinking.

He can't do anything else now, so he can only think about it. He also wants to find his sister Laina stark, which is the purpose of his trip. Now there are so many dead ghosts and strange ghosts here. Banyang guesses that Laina should also be among these strange ghosts. However, now he has no way to find his sister.

Because he was surrounded by an endless army of corpses and ghosts, it was difficult to squeeze out on either side, because these corpses would not give way to him.

And it's easy to see clues. Although these strange ghosts and corpses don't seem to see anything, and turn a blind eye to some of his abnormal actions, ban Yang still feels he shouldn't be too independent.

Otherwise, you'll really light lanterns to go to the toilet and find shit.

However, Banyang was cranky and followed the team tirelessly. He didn't know how long he had gone.

How many day and night changes have taken place in the human world, but here is the eternal night.

But at this time, the footsteps of the corpse ghost army suddenly stopped, and ban Yang was a little stunned. If he didn't have a very strong psychological quality in such an environment, everyone would go crazy in the end.

However, a loud dragon roar suddenly sounded overhead, which shook the endless ice sheet with towering anger.

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