Published at 24th of June 2024 06:13:40 AM

Chapter 711

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The sea snake floating in the waves below naturally noticed this. It opened its huge mouth full of tusks and roared. It seemed to want to break this sword, but it was a step late.

The sword fell from the sky and fell into the hands of the human wearing a gray cloak.

At the moment, his clothes had already been wet by the cold sea water, and the hood on his head fell off, revealing his long gray hair and an ordinary firm cheek. His eyes were also gray, but full of firmness.


Then he rushed to the top of the sea snake with the long sword in his hand, then raised it high and stabbed it down.


The huge sea snake immediately made a huge roar that was countless times higher than that just now. The sound shook out. I don't know how far it was. The waves pushed the crows back again.

This sword seems to contain terrible magic and has unparalleled killing ability for this sea snake.

"He really succeeded!"

"What will happen next?"

And wesselis has been staring at the battle below, and his heart is also surging.

He did not expect to see such a shocking battle after lighting the crow skull with divine fire.

The crows in the sky pushed back by the waves also stared at the bottom as closely as wesselis and kept making sharp calls.

Because the man was the lucky one he chose.

He gave the other party a sharp weapon that can kill sea snakes, as well as a treasure that can shuttle through the waves, just to let this humble mortal assassinate his sworn enemy and get what he dreamed of.

However, now that the human has succeeded, the crow's eyes show uncontrollable joy and tension. It wants to fly down immediately and take her fire from Naga, but the crow's nature is extremely cautious. It is hesitating. It must confirm that the other party is really dead before it dares to fly down.

But then something unexpected happened to the crow.

Before dying, the giant sea snake struggled to sink into the depths of the sea, dragging the hero who assassinated the sea snake into the cold sea until he completely submerged the other side.

Seeing this, the crow immediately made a sharp cry. It dived down towards the sea and wanted to take the fire from the sea snake first.

However, at the last minute, some people seemed to take into account whether the other party was pretending to be defeated, set a trap, lure it close, and then kill it directly.

The crow is suspicious and hesitant on the sea. However, the ruthless deep sea is gradually swallowing the huge sea snake body and the hero who assassinated it. The hot blood dyed the whole sea red.

The young brave man with gray cloak and gray hair seemed to want to struggle, but he couldn't escape. He choked on a few mouthfuls of cold sea water.

The treasure he wore seemed to be infected by the blood of sea snakes and lost its function until it was dragged into the deep sea and roared with silent despair.

Wesselis witnessed this tragic scene all the way. He couldn't help turning over rivers and seas in his heart. At the same time, he vaguely guessed more about the gray haired man. He thought of a legendary man

However, while wesselis was thinking, the picture in front of him turned and became another look.

An old man with gray hair, gray eyes and a driftwood crown pulled out his long sword and declared war against the storm above his head. He was followed by many warriors of the iron islands.

The crow shuttling through this storm is the one before, but its body seems to have increased a lot, and its appearance has undergone some earth shaking changes.

His beak was sharper, calling for more violent winds and rainstorms, dark clouds pressing the city in the sky, lightning and thunder.

"Sure enough."

Wesselis saw the scene in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart was a little more clear.

At a glance, he recognized the old man with gray hair, gray eyes and a driftwood crown behind him. He was the young brave man who had stabbed the sea snake alone before.

He didn't know how the other party got away from the deep sea under the eyes of crows, but now he doesn't know how many years have passed and he has become old.

But the young humans who were used by the God of storm have the power to rival the gods.

He is the grey sea king with countless legends among the iron people!

At this moment, the legendary grey sea king stands in the hall he built with the remains of the sea snake named Naga. The mouth of the sea snake has become his throne, the ribs of the sea snake have become the pillars supporting the hall, the walls of the hall are covered with brocades made of silver seaweed, and the soldiers who follow the grey sea king gather around the huge table in the shape of starfish to enjoy the gifts of the sea, Their seats are made of mother of pearl.

As the fire of faith gradually penetrated into the white crow skull, wesselis gradually absorbed some of its memories and learned the whole thing.

A lot of information poured in, and wesselis also understood where the legend of the gratitude and resentment between the God of storm and the God of flood came from.

It turned out that the sea snake he thought was the God of drowning was not the God of drowning. It was the first sea dragon in the world, named Naga.

It is the most powerful creature born in the sea. It feeds on sea monsters and sea animals and can swallow the whole island in anger.

However, the sea dragon has disappeared in the rolling river of history, so wesselis has never seen or heard of it.

Even because the other party is obviously different from the generally recognized dragon in the world, he mistakenly thinks that the other party is a giant sea snake.

At the same time, Naga, the first sea dragon born in the world, is also the old enemy of the God of storms, because the crow that can set off a storm wants to kill it and get the Naga fire in its body, so there is often a war between the two.

The battle between them often takes place in the sunset sea, because Naga's habitat is near the iron islands.

Crows often fly over to duel with Naga when they have nothing to do, and the battle scene between crows and sea dragons is extremely fierce, setting off strong winds and raging waves, which makes the surrounding people miserable.

At that time, the grey sea king witnessed the disaster caused by the storm and tsunami, so he was determined to eradicate the monsters that caused chaos to the iron islands and the surrounding people.

Then the grey sea king found the crow's hometown thousands of miles away and showed his willingness to help it get rid of Naga and calm the surrounding sea disasters.

The crow gave the grey sea king a treasure that could pass through the storm smoothly and a weapon that could kill Naga.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!