Published at 24th of June 2024 06:13:39 AM

Chapter 712

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Finally, the grey sea king successfully killed the sea dragon Naga with two treasures given to him by the God of storm.

However, the God of storm did not get the Naga fire he dreamed of, because the grey sea king and Naga's body sank into the deep sea and drowned alive.

The grey sea king's body sank into the sea with Naga's body, but it got Naga's fire and the power that can rival the gods.

Therefore, the grey sea king became the supreme god flooded by countless iron species, and then came out of the deep sea again.

The God of the storm felt that he had been deceived, and now Naga's fire was in the human body, so the angry crow declared war on the grey sea king again and vowed to kill all his people.

But this time the grey sea king did not flinch, just as he bravely drove the wooden boat to the sea dragon Naga alone.

Therefore, the flood God and the cunning and evil storm God, who were supported by countless iron species, fought for thousands of years. It is said that the grey sea king lived for thousands of years. During this period, he married a mermaid princess and gave birth to 100 sons. These sons have the blood of the grey sea king and Mermaid Princess and can live on land and sea freely.

Finally, the blood of the grey sea king has become many families that will rule the iron islands in the future. All iron families, including the grejoy family and the greian family, claim that their blood can be traced back to the grey sea king and his descendants in the heroic era, except the Gubler family, which believes that they are the descendants of the loyal brother of the grey sea king.

However, these are the legends recorded by later generations. In fact, the heroic era is 8000 to 10000 years ago. Today, the oldest historical record of mankind is written by the andar people after they came to westero.

Because the ancestors had no specific words at the beginning, they only left a large number of runes and engraved them on rocks and some artifacts. Therefore, the so-called historical facts about the dawn era, the hero era and the "long night" that people generally thought they knew were actually the supplementary notes of monks thousands of years later.

Because of this, a lot of history has been out of stock. Relying entirely on people's speculation, the doctors of Xuecheng do not believe that some kings who have ruled for hundreds of years and knights who have galloped for thousands of years in history, because there was no knight system at that time, and they do not believe that someone can live for hundreds of thousands of years.

However, when wesselis reopened his eyes in the cellar of the Red Castle, there was still some loss in front of him. He sat quietly in a daze. Mirasis and Jon Clinton all looked at him.

"How is it, your majesty?"

"What just happened?"

Jon Clinton asked in a slightly anxious voice. Just now wesselis was bathed in lightning, which contained divine power. They were not ordinary, so they didn't dare to approach.

After a long time, wesselis opened his eyes again, but he sat in place for a long time. How can it not make people worry.

"Oh, don't worry."

"I'm fine."

When wesselis heard Jon Clinton's words, he recovered slightly, shook his head and said.


However, at this time, wesselis seemed to be keenly aware of something. He just woke up and didn't pay attention, but when he woke up, he suddenly noticed it.

Then he turned his head and looked to one side, and then saw a skirt hidden behind the black keel. Reneth had just sneaked in. She wanted to talk to wesselis and see what he was doing secretly hiding in the cellar of the Red Castle and guarding a pile of keels all day?

However, reneth did not expect to see such a terrible scene. Her cheap "brother" was bathed in golden flames, illuminating the whole cellar.

Then before long, the golden flame on his body suddenly changed into thunder scattered in the air, and his own eyebrows could not help frowning, as if he had encountered a trouble.

Reneth didn't know what had happened, but she was just about to run up to help wesselis, or call him maerwin, but just then wesselis opened her eyes and everything was eliminated in the dust.

Because reneth didn't want to be found out by wesselis that she cheated the guard and sneaked in, she quickly hid behind a tall and quiet black keel.

However, something more creepy happened to her.

Wesselis suddenly spoke to the air, as if someone around him was really chatting with him. There were no flaws in his behavior. Reneth was scared and cold all over, so she dared not come out from behind the keel. She secretly guessed whether wesselis was crazy or whether there were really any guests around him that she couldn't see?

But just then, wesselis suddenly stopped talking. The whole cellar suddenly quieted down. Reneth's heart raised her throat, and then wesselis pulled it out.

After listening to the cry of the girl with her head down and the corners of her clothes, she turned her head around in fear that there were really ghosts around wesselis.

However, when wesselis heard of it, she was a little sad and laughing, because Jon Clinton was floating next to reneth. She had just turned her head and couldn't see each other so close.

But the explanation was a little complicated. Wesselis thought for a moment, and then told reneth that he would tell her when he had time.


After hearing what wesselis said, the attention of some frightened girls has completely changed, because in her opinion, wesselis will never hurt her. Therefore, no matter what ghosts there are, since wesselis knows, there must be no danger to herself.

"Of course."

And wesselis nodded.

"It's very kind of you."

Then the girl with long brown hair pecked on wesselis's forehead, and her face turned red. It seemed that this sudden move not only frightened wesselis, but even herself. Then reneth didn't dare to turn her head and look directly into wesselis's eyes, but hurriedly ran away.

The silver haired youth still sat cross legged and looked at the back of the girl running away. He was stunned for a long time. He still didn't seem to get back to his mind, but in fact he was asking himself a question.

Just Should he be able to hide?

He has the ability of instant eye. Even if the night King stealthily attacked him at this distance, he should be able to react.

But what just happened?

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