Published at 24th of June 2024 06:13:38 AM

Chapter 713

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Then wesselis recalled the thrill just at the last minute.

The grey sea king is the God of flooding and the crow that can evoke the storm, which is the evil "God of storm" in the mouth of iron people. The battle between man and beast lasted for thousands of years. The last scene he saw was the final decisive battle between the two.

At that time, the grey sea king cut off the crow's head with his own hands, holding the sword that the crow gave him to kill the gods.

But at the same time, the crow's counterattack before his death also hurt the spirit of the grey sea king, which almost scared him immediately.

In fact, the grey sea king was a floating corpse. He had been drowned when he killed the sea dragon Naga in his youth.

Therefore, the last grey sea king knew that time was running out, and then he left his driftwood crown, walked into the sea with the sharp sword that could kill the gods, and then disappeared completely and never came out again.

Since then, the ancestors living on the iron islands honored the grey sea king as the God of drowning in order to commemorate the great former king who was drowned for them.

However, in those days, the ancestors had no specific ideographic characters, only some runes that were difficult to crack.

In addition, it has been spread for a long time. With people's word of mouth from generation to generation, it finally became that Yan God is the supreme god of the iron people. Although the grey sea king is great, he is only a mortal.

The identities of Yan God and grey sea king were cut by later generations, from one person to two.

In the legend of the iron people of later generations, the grey sea king stepped into the sea before his death because of his outstanding achievements, and was invited to feast in the water palace of the flood God. Even the grey sea king was invited to sit on the right side of the flood God.

The grey sea king asked the ancestors of the iron islands to rely on themselves and grow food from the barren land in the millennium of becoming king. However, it was praised in later generations for the ancient way of plundering.

The iron species of later generations believed that the God of flood created the iron people. The God of flood asked them to rape and plunder, create a new heaven and earth with blood, flames and songs, and carve their names and surnames.

But in fact, the oldest iron species in the iron islands were not created by any God. They were some ancestors who migrated from the Dorn arm. Most chose to stay in the green land, and a small number boarded the iron islands.

Later, with the continuous invasion of andar people, the mixed blood of andar people and ancestors became the mainstream of the iron islands. Therefore, iron species and most races in Westeros were originally a family.

They also believe that the God of flood once brought fire from the sea and sailed the world with fire and sword, but in fact, the grey sea king was flooded for countless iron people and brought Naga's fire from the sea.

Wesselis saw some important memories of the crow, and indirectly saw the life of the grey sea king.

The grey sea king is the God of drowning.

Wesselis had never thought of this before, and there was even no historical evidence, but it happened thousands or even thousands of years ago. It is too long ago. It is normal for the story to go astray.

The Raven's head was cut off by the grey sea king, but it did not die on the spot. It could still scream angrily, and its body kept calling for the storm.

Then the gray sea king town, which was seriously injured and the ghost was about to disappear, pressed the crow's head and body, and made them never coincide.

The spirit of the crow fell into the darkness forever and never broke the seal again.

The most recent recovery was more than ten years ago. Its seal has reached the weakest level. It has exhausted its divine power and aroused the largest storm in the history of the narrow sea, hoping to get out of trouble.

But the green prophet, who has always maintained the balance in Westeros, noticed this and sent his sword. The dark sister town suppressed the recovery of crows.

Then the crow fell into a deep sleep again because it exhausted its divine power, until wesselis awakened it with divine fire.

Wesselis read the crow's life memory, but most of it was destroyed when the crow finally fought back before death, which made wesselis feel very pity.

However, the crow's counterattack at that time was still very dangerous. Wesselis was immersed in each other's memory and didn't notice that the danger had come quietly.

It wants to seize wesselis's body and be reborn like brindon heven in those days.

However, like brindon heven, he did not expect that wesselis, a mortal, was so terrible in spirit that he was completely pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

However, different from the original situation, this crow, which can arouse the storm and is called the God of the storm by the iron people, is a real God after all. Even though it has been suppressed for thousands of years and the spirit has weakened to the extreme, it is not a easy guy to deal with.

A fierce battle between wesselis and it broke out. It was when mirasis, Jon Clinton and reneth would see wesselis frowning and flashing thunder.

Then, with the power of swallowing the old God and the details brought by the mysterious black fog, wesselis finally defeated the crow that can arouse the storm.

But the other party did not choose to complete wesselis, but scattered most of the gods and spirits, and finally completely disappeared in the world.

Wesselis absorbed part of the remnant soul of the crow, transformed it into black fog and entered his body. Except for the spiritual power reaching the limit of 39, all other attributes were suddenly raised by a large part.

However, these are only a small part of the harvest, and his greatest harvest is on the skull of the crow, which has faded from its flashiness and simplicity.

Wesselis put his palm on the crow skull, and then heard the faint sound of thunder outside the cellar of Red Castle.

"Is it raining?"

The blush on reneth's face, who had just run out of the door of the Red Castle cellar, had not completely dissipated. She just didn't know what was wrong with herself and why she suddenly kissed wesselis on such an impulse.

But then she regretted it, but she didn't know how to deal with it. She only blushed and hurried out.

But when reneth just ran out, the sky above her head was still very bright and sunny. Just after she was a little stunned, the sky of Junlin suddenly darkened.


The rolling clouds gathered at an unknown time, and then loud thunder exploded, startling the brown haired girl, and a heavy rain poured down immediately.

"What's the matter with the rain?"


"How to say next?"

Reneth didn't know what had happened, so she hurried into the corridor where she could take shelter from the rain with her skirt.

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