Published at 24th of June 2024 06:13:36 AM

Chapter 714

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And like reneth, there are many strange King's landing people.

Because the rain came so suddenly that it was clear for thousands of miles. In an instant, it rained heavily. I don't know how many innocent passers-by had no time to take shelter from the rain and were watered down.

Now dark clouds are pressing on the city, and lightning and thunder are thundering in the sky, just like the end of the world.

"What's going on?"

The Imperial Palace on the high hill of AEGON, the highest place of King's landing.

With her husband upgraded to queen, Princess Donne hugged her daughter Diana and stood in front of the balcony of Meige building, looking at the pouring rain outside the window, with a little worry on her face.

Because anyone can see that the rain is unusual, which is by no means the effect of normal climate change, as if a big hand is behind it.

Who can control the climate?

Is this still human?

Yalianen has Dorn's blood, so her skin is a little dark and her eyes are deep. However, her waist is thin and her figure is very plump. After giving birth to the child, she has not had much impact on her figure.

She held her daughter in her arms and was thinking about the possible impact of the heavy rain.

Someone may criticize his husband because natural and man-made disasters are often related to the inaction of the king and emperor, such as offending the gods.

At first glance, only the gods can have this means.

On the other side, Alline was worried about her father.

Because wesselis ordered her father Prince Doran to come to King's landing and personally explain the rebellion of Tianji city and some Lord Dorn. Now her father came by boat and calculated that the day might be coming to King's landing.

If we catch such a big storm, I'm afraid there will be some dangers.

Adrian thought about these messy things in her heart, and then sighed with worry.

"I hope it will be all right."

"What do you say, Diana?"

Then Aaron looked down at his daughter who was sleeping in her arms. She didn't sleep in the middle of the night yesterday. Now she's sleepy in the afternoon.

However, the child said that he could sleep without worry and pressure, which made Yalian envious. The lightning and thunder outside the window could not wake the little princess. She gently kissed Diana on the cheek, and then turned and walked into the room.

However, Adrian never thought that this heavy rain might be written by wesselis.

Therefore, this pouring rain came and went quickly.

Just now, it was still dark clouds pressing the city. It looked like the end of the world. Strong lightning kept crossing the sky. It was still in the afternoon, but it was like midnight. It was almost hard to see five fingers.

Some of the people of King's landing were also in panic. The friars in St. Belle's Basilica were in fear and kept kowtowing and praying. They didn't know what had happened and thought they had done something to offend the gods.

However, not long after that, the heavy rain suddenly stopped as it came. Then, not long after that, the thick clouds overhead dissipated, the sun hidden behind reappeared, and the brilliant sun sprinkled on the washed streets of Junlin.

Even the foul smell in the lower urban area of Junlin has dissipated a lot. Wesselis once ordered funds to transform the sewer pipeline of the whole city to attack the city, requiring that the problem of air pollution in Junlin must be eliminated.

However, the transformation of sewer pipeline is not so easy. The scale of Junlin city is very large and densely populated, so it takes longer.

"Can this object control the climate?"

When wesselis came out of the cellar of the Red Castle, he watched the thick haze on his head gradually dissipate, and the sun spread all over the earth again. Then he took back his eyes and looked at the head of the crow in his hand.

"To be exact, it can call a storm."

Jon Clinton asked with an excited look, because as the commander of the tangorian army, he can certainly understand how rebellious it would be for his side to have a treasure that can call the wind and rain.

However, wesselis was much calmer than Jon Clinton. He frowned at the crow skull in his palm and thought about how to make the most of it.

However, there is no doubt that this is definitely a treasure with the ability to go against the sky in this world. Especially in sea battles, it can call storms to destroy the enemy's fleet and disperse the storms encountered by our own side.

In this way, since then, the sea has become flat, and tangaryan's fleet can use this ability to sail to any corner of the world.


And a few days later.

That short storm has become the hottest topic in Junlin city recently. People express their opinions and have their own ideas.

Some people think that someone in King's landing is testing evil magic, pointing at a bachelor with an independent laboratory at Imperial College of medicine.

Because it was recently revealed that some unknown corpses were transported to his laboratory for evil dissection, for believers of the seven gods, destroying corpses is definitely an unforgivable crime.

Others think it is caused by witches, ghosts and other things. What's more, they think it is the dissatisfaction of the seven gods with his majesty, because there are pagans all over Westeros.

But no one thought it was a normal weather phenomenon, because it was something that could not be explained by the scholars in King's landing.

Dr Ambrose even sent a letter to the old town to ask about the astronomy doctor "sour vinegar" Weilin, who is a good friend. Now he has not received a reply.

As the capital of the Empire, the people here can naturally eat and wear warm clothes. Therefore, in their spare time, they have a lot of fun to pass the time.

However, every topic is tired after all, not to mention that people just guess and there is no follow-up story, so they are soon attracted by another news.

That is, the Dorn mission, which had long been rumored to come to King's landing, has finally arrived.

Among them, there is a very important figure, which can be seen from the guard of this mission alone. He is Prince Doran namelos matel, the father-in-law of the emperor's majesty.

He was going to come to the iron throne to explain the reasons for Donne's rebellion, and the big ship flying the flag of the matel family had just sailed into Blackwater Bay.

At the moment, Quentin matel, the eldest son of the matel family, rode on a war horse and led more than a dozen clean guards drawn from the court.

Tyrion Lannister, the emperor's personal adviser, the port director of King's landing port and the "onion Knight" Davos seworth, the imperial customs chief, also appeared here. They waited together to meet Prince Doran.

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