Published at 10th of June 2024 11:21:35 AM

Chapter 200

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Rich notes rolled in the air, reminding me of bouncy country music, the type Pops loved. Sprinkle in a medieval-like tinge, and that was [Carhoni’s Chorus]. This was the first time I heard this song, but it felt almost nostalgic. An invitation to adventure was what came to mind, to become a hero, the chosen one, the main character in the many fantasy books I read in my childhood.

Well… I, Herald Stone, was already the main character of the universe. No invitation needed, thank you very much—the reason I stopped reading fantasy books.

Seriously though, it was a lack of time. Juggling several jobs then, there was no space to pursue hobbies. Or even rest. [Carhoni’s Chorus] made me want to find my old books and reread them after all these years. They should be in the guest room, inside the boxes of my old belongings. I hadn’t brought the boxes to our new old house yet.

New old house or old new house? Which was which?

I couldn’t devote my enormous brainpower to untangling the crucial conundrum because I was busy enjoying my new song spell.

I found myself tapping my hooves while plucking the many strings of the [Lowan Oud] with a pick that materialized in my hand. Contrasting with a guitar pick that’s about the size of a coin, the one I used was long, shaped like a popsicle stick, and quite bendy. I held its triangular end between my index finger and thumb, using it somewhat like a guitar pick but oriented in the direction of my thumb, while I gripped the rest of its body.

The oud had eleven strings. Ten were paired together while the lowest string was alone, so it was similar to a guitar with six strings. A difference from the guitar was that the oud didn’t have any frets, those bars on the fingerboard. Violins also didn’t have frets, if I wasn’t mistaken.

I had a smidge of experience playing the guitar in high school, adding to the sense of nostalgia the song brought. Mum wanted my free time to be productive and figured learning to play a musical instrument was the answer. It’d help brain development—she got the idea from an expert interviewed in a talk show she loved—and add some sophistication to me, whatever that was supposed to mean. I wanted none of the sophistication of the piano or violin, settling instead on the guitar. Many of the girls in school back then gravitated to guys playing the guitar during parties.

I soon realized that attracting the opposite sex or developing cognitive abilities was nothing compared to the simple joy of playing computer games. I soon abandoned my guitar lessons and just hung out at Vanguard Gaming with my friends. Time well spent.

Amusing how I was playing music again after all the years that passed, this time, inside a virtual world. Was this part of everything coming full circle?

As I played [Carhoni’s Chorus], a shimmering barrier materialized like morning dew drops forming a translucent sphere encapsulating me. An eight-pointed star circumscribed by a circle of squiggly lines that were probably goat runes expanded from my hooves and crept over the snow-covered ground, extending out a six-meter radius from me. This must be the area of effect of the song. Quite wide. Easy to keep party mates inside to refresh the shield. As for me, I’d always be inside the AoE because I was the one generating it.

The shield wasn’t thick, its health was just my Vigor plus Spirit points. Passable for level one. I expected its ‘health’ to increase for later levels. The refresh rate would also likely shorten.

The refreshing barrier could be viewed as a healing spell because it added a layer of health again and again. Still, it wasn’t actually healing. I bet dispels could remove it or some skills could pierce through it.

After standing dumbfounded for several seconds, for sure surprised by my masterful musical prowess, the crowd cheered and joined in, clanging armors, banging shields, and casting spells that made sounds. Passersby were drawn in and the audience swelled. The goat merrily bleated and cast its music magic, controlling the rambling ruckus, this time guiding them to follow the lead of my song.

“Play your flute too,” I told Eugenius, beckoning him with the end of my oud’s fingerboard.

He nodded and did so without casting a song spell. He let the goat’s magic guide his random tooting into becoming music.

I enthusiastically played the [Lowan Oud], vigorously swaying my body front and back like I was a rockstar even though the music didn’t quite fit my antics. It was all fun and good, but there was a problem. Eugenius remained in front of the crowd. I asked him to perform with me so it wouldn’t look like I was an asshole spotlight stealer—though, that was what I was—but maybe I should’ve told him to scoot away. It looked like I was just a backup band guy.

I tried to move forward to take center stage away from Eugenius but found that I couldn’t move.

“What the—? Oh, right,” I muttered, frowning. “This is a channeling skill…”

I couldn’t take even one step from where I stood unless I stopped playing [Carhoni’s Chorus]. Also, all my skills were blacked out as if I was Silenced. Interestingly, my inventory wasn’t locked; I could use consumable items while using a song spell.

Were all song spells like this? For [Carhoni’s Chorus], the downside didn’t seem worth the meager refreshing shield. Or even if the barrier was thicker. Perhaps songs with more powerful effects might be worth getting locked into channeling the entire time, but not for a tank.

I couldn’t afford not to move during battle.

That wasn’t all—channeling meant I couldn’t taunt. The whole point of the tank was to draw the danger to myself and away from my party mates. Playing a song barred me from doing that. Might as well turn in my tank badge.

Damn, was I wrong about feeling an unboxlike tingling sensation?

My Plaguetank build had potential synergies with music magic, especially with tanking songs like [Carhoni’s Chorus]. Monsters attacking me would die to retribution and ailments I’d spread, so it was fine if I stood my ground and played music. Since I could use consumables while performing, health potions were my fallback even if [Healing Touch] was unusable. Maybe even throwing poisons was allowed?

It wasn’t like I could only use one skill. [Ancestral Constitution], [Cleansing Flames], and other passives would still be there. I could also load up on auras—auras and songs to become a tower of buffs. And I bet that active buffs, like [Greater Pyro Shell], cast before using the song would persist.

Musical instruments would maintain the Unarmed State if they were used only to play music and not whack monsters. I learned that when I researched the Unarmed State after getting my Aritu Form Ocadule from the Big M. Needs some confirmation tests later if [Greater Pyro Shell] and the secondary effect of [Healing Touch], its healing over time, really wouldn’t be canceled if I’d start playing a song.

The [Lowan Oud] had good buffs too, adding Maximum Health and Physical and Magical Damage Reduction while playing a song. I bet there was a whole schtick of becoming tankier when performing to cover its downsides. It paired well with my two [Band of Loamy Renewal].

There truly was a future for a musical aurastacker Plaguetank build, quite a mouthful, but… only if I was alone.

If with a party, monsters would ignore my musical ass and go for my teammates instead. Unless there was a way to aggro the monsters to me while playing a song, this was a dead-end. I could just be a generic support player with music magic, but I wasn’t going to give up my tanking dream.

[Carhoni’s Chorus] ended. I didn’t recast it. I trotted to Eugenius' side, took his hand, and raised it like he just won a boxing match.

“Thank you for coming!” I roared to the crowd as if Eugenius and I planned the show. Then I brought down Eugenius’ arm as I bowed low.

He had no choice but to follow my lead.

“Watch Eugenius’ stream, everyone,” I said as I straightened myself, so it wouldn’t look like I was taking credit for starting the festivities. “Me, I’m just relaxing since the world quest I started has ended.” I winked at Eugenius.

“World quest?” He retrieved his hand from my grasp, half confused at my assertive nature. I hoped I came off as someone overly friendly rather than an asshole. He looked up at my name. “Herald Stone…? You’re the—”

“That’s da best music show I’ve ‘eard on dis mountain!” Berennor came forward and put his arms on my and Eugenius’ shoulders. “Granted, it’s the only show I’ve seen… but still!”

“Hey, Berennor,” said Eugenius. “Awesomely happy to see you here. Did you enjoy our performance? Herald Stone here took it up a notch.” Eugenius had a sleazy salesman smile he tried to pass off as friendly. I could recognize it even on a Mardukryon’s face. He extended his hand to me across Berennor’s spiky breastplate.

I shook it, smiling broadly to wipe out any hint of unintentional smirk. “Glad to be of help. I was trying to keep music magic on this mountain a secret.”

“Is that so?” Eugenius replied.

“That’s ‘erald Stone fer ya!” Berennor laughed, slapping our backs like an excited seal. “Knew you’re already cookin’ up somethin’.”

“I discovered the music magic of the goats not too long ago,” I said. “About a few days before discovering the lead to the just-finished world quests. Who knows, maybe there’s something here. I do have a knack for finding world quests.”

“You’ve discovered many world quests before?” Eugenius asked.

“A few here and there. I’ve been around places.”

“Like what world quest, for example?”

“I’d rather not say or you’ll recognize my previous characters.” I nonchalantly shrugged. “Just want to relax and be on my own, you know? I’m starting anew here on Mardukryon mountain. Don’t want anyone to recognize me.”

“That’s interesting,” Eugenius replied. “Since you’re quite experienced in MCO, maybe we can pair up and discover more secrets? I have many viewers. Think of the exposure. You’ll be famous if you go with—oh, hang on. You’re probably famous before if you’ve discovered world quests.”

“And this exposure you speak of isn’t really appealing to me,” I said. “Very contrary to the peace and quiet I was chasing here when I chose a Mardukryon character.”

“No peace and quiet ‘round here anymore,” boomed Berennor. “Got lots and lots of players ‘cause of the world quest.”

“Ah, well, that’s true,” I said. “I just can’t help myself.”

“If you find a lead of anything juicy, call me,” Eugenius said. For a moment, I was concerned he’d add me as a friend. I had no valid reason to decline that. But he didn’t. He just offered a handshake again before leaving. “See you around, Herald Stone. Maybe I’ll find out who you really are.”

“I’m no one worth looking into,” I said. He’s miffed I ruined his show, I thought as I stared at his retreating back.

“Do tell me if somethin’s up, ‘erald,” Berennor whispered before going away too. “And nice music party, yeah?”

With all distractions gone, I returned to the goat, who had retreated into its hut.

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