Godly Choice System - Chapter 1054

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:46:11 AM

Chapter 1054

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"Sister Lingxian?"

After Song Xi entered the door, he saw the problem.

Sister Lingxian's cheeks are red and red. Her eyes are flowing in the Mid Autumn Festival. She looks shy and timid. At first sight, she is deeply in love. She feels shy because she is in love with someone she likes.

Song Xi couldn't help feeling sad. She didn't know when she could do this with brother Li Yun.

"Xiaoxi, you're here. Sit down."

Li Yun said hello to her and asked her about her. Only then did he know that Song Xi was studying in a university abroad. He was a freshman, just like Su Muxin.

"I studied international business." Song Xi looked at Li Yun with expectation: "after graduation in the future, I will go to my brother's company to work for you, OK?"

Li Yun laughed. "If you come, I certainly welcome you."

"Good! That's a deal! "

Song Xi is very happy, as long as you can be with him, there will be a chance.

After the three finished their breakfast, Li Yun and Shangguan Lingxian went to see Master song again to discuss the following matters.

"Now the problem is, my son xiaoyuanhe..." After breaking away from the surprise of resurrection, master song couldn't help feeling sorry for the experience of song and Yuan Dynasty.

Li Yun said straightforwardly: "song and Yuan Dynasty joined the six evil sects and committed the crime of cruel killing. Although this was caused by various coincidences, I don't think it's possible to let him go, whether it's the people in the lake or the state's

A few people were silent.

Shangguan Lingxian sighed secretly for elder martial brother song in his heart. He went into the devil's way, killed at least dozens of people, and tortured Zhang Xing cruelly for a night.

Although Li Yun said that his cruelty was due to the cultivation of witchcraft, Shangguan Lingxian also knew that the song and Yuan dynasties had already committed irreparable crimes.

Master song was silent for a while, while his wife was wiping tears on the side, but he could not say the words of intercession.

Song Xi knew that even if brother Li Yun had great powers and could revive the dead, he would not help her brother, because what song and Yuan committed was unforgivable evil. Only by accepting trial can his sins be washed away!

"Well, let it be!" Master song sighed helplessly, "this may be the ridge that my song family can't cross. It's a great fluke that my wife and I can revive. Xiaoyuan he Let's leave it to Mr. Li! "

Li Yun said: "it's not for me to handle it, but for the court to try. Maybe it's direct shooting or life imprisonment. You should be prepared mentally."

"Can my brother still live in prison?" Song Xi's eyes widened. Although he spent his whole life in prison, he was better than dead. At least he had an idea.

Li Yun nodded, "maybe it's untimely. After all, the culprit is the six demons. If there is a confession or confession, you can fight for it. "

Mrs. song asked eagerly, "Mr. Li, what should we do? Is Xiaoyuan willing to surrender? I believe the child will. As long as he knows that our husband and wife are still alive, he will take the initiative to lay down his arms and let Mr. Li handle it! "

She knows that Li Yun has a close relationship with the government, and can fight for a lighter sentence.

"It's not that simple."

Li Yun analyzed and said: "it's important to see how the people of the six evil sects make use of him. Besides, there are control means of the demons in the song and Yuan Dynasties. Even if he surrenders, he can't help but do it at the right time."

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