Godly Choice System - Chapter 1096

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:44:53 AM

Chapter 1096

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But less than a month ago, shortly after the song and Yuan incident, something happened to the Zhou family.

"That night."

Aunt Wang's turbid eyes were full of tears. "I passed by the master's and his wife's room, and heard them quarrel in it. The master called his wife a slut. Then the next day we didn't see the lady again. After two days, the second master came back from the other place and brought his wife out of the house arrest room."

"After, after..."

Aunt Wang was too sad to say anything, and Li Yun roughly guessed the follow-up.

When the second master and his wife were having an affair with each other, he was found out that he was wearing a green hat. After that, he was furious and killed them.

His brother and his wife have an affair, which is really not worth promoting, and even don't want to mention it. No wonder the Zhou family handled it in a low-key way.

"I see."

Xia Feiyao is in a complicated mood. She doesn't know what to say. However, she believes that Li Yun, with so many beautiful women around him, will definitely not do these things.

Another reason why Li Yun didn't care about the other thing was that he didn't care about it.

"Aunt Wang." Li Yun looked at her: "you said the master and his wife were killed on Tuesday. Where were they killed?"

"This I don't know. " Auntie Wang shook her head. "I heard it happened late at night. When we got up the next day, we saw the naked lady and the second master lying on the floor It's been a long time. "

"You don't know?"

Li Yun thought of a possibility, and asked her a few questions, then let Aunt Wang rest at ease.

"Yao'er, let's go."

"Husband, where are we going

"To see Master Zhou!"

"Ah? What do you ask him? Is it too abrupt? "

Li Yun showed a meaningful smile and explained to the fool: "the master on Tuesday is also a congenital expert. Although it is only in the early days of his birth, it is not so simple for master Zhou to kill his brother."

"That, that, that." "Maybe they are What's going on there

She didn't know much about it before, but after spending an hour alone with Li Yun in the flower garden yesterday evening, Xia Feiyao knew a lot about it.

When men and women do that, they will forget everything around them. Even if someone attacks, it is difficult to react.

Li Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't think that normal people will get together that night when they are accused of having an affair with each other. There is a feeling of impatience."

"Can't wait?" Xia Feiyao wants to be crooked, and two blushes appear on her small face.

Li Yun can't laugh or cry. It seems that Xia Feiyao is also a fool, much more stupid than Gong Qingyu.

Li Yun didn't explain too much to her. Li Yun took her straight to the door of Lord Zhou's house.


There are two guards standing guard at the gate, which are the only two guards Li Yun saw in Zhoujia villa. The rest are not servants or servant girls. They don't know where the other guards have gone.

"Who are you?"

Xiafeiyun and Mr. Li have been away for two weeks, and some of them are nervous!

"I'm Xia Feiyao, the daughter of the leader of Qinglei valley. I'm here to visit the Zhou family today." On the newspaper's name, Xia Feiyao glanced at Li Yun, gritted her teeth and said, "there's something important to discuss."

In fact, she did not know what her husband wanted to do until now. She just showed her identity and helped him do things.

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