Godly Choice System - Chapter 1118

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:44:09 AM

Chapter 1118

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Li Yun knew what his father-in-law wanted to ask, and said, "well, I'll tell you once more about the six magic gates I know. What kind of power do these practitioners have?"

They all smile and look at Li Yun with a serious and serious attitude. Even Xia Lei, the most unruly master, is now frowning slightly.

Xia Feiyao was a little nervous. She looked at her father and said, "master, don't it matter if I stay here?"

Although the Xia family is now in the most important position in Qinglei Valley, Qinglei Valley is still not Xia's, and sometimes we have to avoid suspicion.

Xia Tianhao did not attend the meeting.

An elder said with a smile: "your wife depends on your husband. Yao'er, you are not only the leader's daughter, but also the wife of my important benefactor in Qinglei valley. Naturally, your status is different."

"This is it, this is it."

When she heard that her husband was expensive, Xia Feiyao's face turned red and her husband's status was high. Naturally, she felt very happy.

Looking at his little wife, Li Yun laughed and said, "in fact, most of the things you know, master, you may not have heard of it. I will repeat it once."

"It started three months ago, flying tiger gate and liemo gate in Zhonghai city..."

Li Yun talked about the things that happened, such as three souls and six spirits, suture people, black eyebrow Zun, zombies, Yongning Princess city and so on. In addition to some things that were not suitable to be told, other information was told to them.

"Husband." Xia Feiyao opened her eyes and looked at him: "you mean, sister Yongning was a princess in the feudal period 400 years ago?"

Li Yun said strangely, "you don't know? Didn't I tell you last night

"I, I forgot."

Xia Feiyao's lovely face is covered with red clouds. Last night, Li Yun has been acting in a disorderly way. How can she remember it? Her mind is completely blank.

"Magic is magic!"

Xia Zhenghe said with emotion that the other elders also nodded in succession and were very interested in the magic and powerful magic mentioned by Li Yun.

Li Yun said with a smile, "father-in-law, don't turn to the six evil sects in order to become stronger. As you can see from the spirit calling immortal yesterday, his magic arts are weird and cruel. After practice, his six relatives do not recognize him and kill people like hemp. I suspect that his skill is called soul changing, which is a kind of evil skill to become stronger by changing his body!"

Calling the soul fairy is probably another name for the soul fairy.

The skill of seizing other people's bodies and prolonging their life span is too evil, and normal people will give up on them.

Xia Lei patted the table, glared at him and said, "we know these things, but there is still a hidden holy Valley? Do they accept disciples

Everyone was surprised. This hooligan didn't want to join the hermit Valley, did he?

Li Yun shook his head, "Xiuxian I'll talk about it later. " He wanted to say that it was impossible to cultivate immortals, because even in the hidden holy Valley, the resources of cultivation were limited and it was impossible to let anyone join in.

But now the devil gate is planning to seize the spirit feast. It is hard to say what the future will be. However, it is possible that everyone can cultivate immortals.

People understand that, after all, even if it is a martial arts cultivation without aura, there are very few congenital masters that can be cultivated.

Xia Zhenghe asked tentatively: "Xian son-in-law, how are you going to plan after that?"

It has to be said that the leader of Qinglei Valley has no way to deal with the six evil sects, which are beyond the ordinary sects in the Jianghu, and even the whole Jianghu can't beat them.

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