Godly Choice System - Chapter 1139

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:43:29 AM

Chapter 1139

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Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry, but he said, "brother Liao, do you think I'm like a man with that kind of magic power? As for Qingsheng, "Li Yun thought for a moment," I don't think she will have a way. Sometimes she can't even find a thing. It's even more difficult to find a plane flying in the sky. "

It is said that people who cultivate immortals can perform divination and get the whereabouts of certain things by asking ghosts and gods.

But Li Yun doesn't think that in today's declining aura, there can still be such supernatural powers in the world.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm just in a hurry."

Liao Hua has no choice but to smile bitterly. The disappearance of an airliner has a great impact on him. It is normal for him to ask Li Yun for help.

"Well, I'll ask the little servant girl Qingzhu, if I can, I'll call you again."

"OK, please. I'll let you know if there is any follow-up information!"

Hang up the phone, Liao Hua sighs. He can also tell that nine times out of ten, there is no way to locate the missing plane.

"Husband." Xia Feiyao took his arm and asked curiously, "the man from the magic gate hijacked the plane? Why? Aren't they immortals? "

In Xia Feiyao's idea, the immortals are all high and high. The imperial sword is thousands of miles away, and it has nothing to do with the high-tech aircraft.

Li Yun shrugged. "Who knows, maybe they want to do some damage."

This is the best result, at least no subsequent conspiracy.

"But I'm not sure if it's the magic men who hijacked the plane. I'll make a call."

Li Yunxian contacted Qingzhu, a servant girl.

"The magic of finding an airplane? Idiot, are you stupid? How can there be that kind of magic? The plane has no soul! Stupid

“…… I thought I could. "

"How can it be? Forget it. When I'm free, you can come to me. I'll tell you about this kind of magic, so that you don't look like a fool!"

After being ridiculed by the proud little maid, Li Yun shrugged and hung up the phone.

There are magic that can be traced, but some kind of medium is needed. The most convenient and simple way is to search for the soul. That is to say, if you find the human remains in the wreckage of the aircraft, you can cast the magic and search for relevant information.

After thinking about it, Li Yun called another saint.

"Well? Which bastard bothers me with my nap and wants to die? "

A lazy voice came from the mobile phone, the tone of the voice was lazy, like a Persian cat stretching, revealing a charm flavor.

"It's me, Li Yun."

Li Yun's eyes jumped. He didn't believe that the witch didn't see the call to remind him. He just wanted to disgust him.

"Wan Qingfei, you sleep until 4:00 p.m., is it pig's?"

"You are a pig!"

Wan Qingfei said with a smile, "I'm in a good mood recently, and I'm idle. What's wrong with being lazy? Unlike you, you run all day to hook up with little beauties. Sooner or later, you will be tired to death on a woman's belly

Li Yun:

How does he feel that Wan Qingfei knows his itinerary very well? Has the witch been watching him?

"Forget it. I don't care about you."

Wan Qingfei's inexplicable face turned red, and the topic changed: "you call me, do you want to ask me again? Hehe

Li Yun's tone was stagnant. After a while, he pretended to be indifferent and asked, "I just care about you when I call you What are you doing recently? "

"What do you do? Why can't I understand what you're saying ~ "

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