Godly Choice System - Chapter 1237

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:40:51 AM

Chapter 1237

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The team continued to move forward, unconsciously, Li Yun has become the backbone, as if he is bound to succeed in this operation.

"Wang Da, are you here?"

"Well, not yet."

"Wang Da, do you feel familiar with the neighborhood?"

"Not recognized."

"And the mountain?"

"No impression. It's not there There are two high mountains there, and the runway is at the foot of the mountain

Along the way, people kept asking Wang Da whether the nearby terrain was the place where they had built the runway. Wang Da's face was full of confusion. The more people were asked, the more unfamiliar he felt about the original place.

-- he found a puddle and washed his face on the way. Now his expression is very confused.

Feng Xuemei, a female player, got angry, raised her fist and said, "I think you don't want to take us there on purpose. You're afraid of being caught again, are you?"

"Brothers, no, sisters, it's not right Big brothers and sisters Wang Da almost cried, "I really can't remember. Just like brother Li said, I was hit by something in my brain. Besides, it's been two months. How can I remember it?"

He had already known how to calculate the time. Before and after the Spring Festival, he was caught by monsters, built a runway for three months, then ran away and ran around in the mountains for two months until now.

The crowd was speechless. They thought that with the guidance of jade pendant and Wang Da's understanding of the way, they could quickly find the bandit's hiding place, but it was still so difficult.

Hengtian mountain, it's too big!

To find a place in it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

What's worse, Li Yun's jade pendant has to wait for some time to use.


Li Yun suddenly found something, went to one side and kicked open the leaves piled on the ground.

"What Shoes As soon as Shangguan Ming saw the traces of human activities in the deserted mountains, it was like seeing his father.

"I Cao!" "Isn't this my shoe?" cried Wang


The crowd was even more surprised. A team member picked up the shoe and took it to his hand. He yelled at Wang: "are you sure this is your shoe? Three months ago? "


Wang Da nodded firmly: "Adidas GTX, it cost me more than 1000 yuan. It's expensive. Hey, hey."

"Your money is illegal and criminal. What to show off!" Li Yun wants to pat him on the head, but considering that this guy's hair hasn't been washed for two months, he just doesn't dare to start.

Li Yun did not fight, but Wang Da shrunk his head and said with a flattering smile: "brother Li taught me that I will not buy adida in the future, but buy a pair of ordinary shoes!"

"According to the trace analysis, there is no dirt in the shoes. It should be Wang Da. You didn't take long to get rid of the shoes." One of the players who was very proficient in this field took his shoes and said, "it means that the runway is nearby."

If Wang Da had been wearing it for a long time in a state of madness, the shoes would have been very dirty inside and outside. As for the first three months of sober state, it was impossible to dirty the shoes inside, and they were uncomfortable to wear.

Wang Da nodded and patted his chest. He said that there was no dirt in his shoes three months before he was kidnapped. He had washed them!

"Take the map and compare it." Li Yun looks at Gu Jian.


Gu Jian immediately took out a notebook, got the satellite map and began to analyze it.

They have drawn a line on the map by relying on the jade pendant. According to the current situation and Wang Da's words

"Big probability, it's here!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!