Godly Choice System - Chapter 1252

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:40:30 AM

Chapter 1252

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All the people in the cave looked at the bandit leader in unison. Many of them were not used to Shan Ruqing's seductive appearance. But now she has taken the initiative to seek benefits for the people, but she has also won a lot of favor.

When they want to come, Shan Ruqing said very tactfully, coupled with her excellent appearance and beautiful voice, even the most iron hearted people will be moved.

But unfortunately, there were only two cold words to greet the crowd:

"sit down, get down."

The cold voice did not fluctuate, so that the atmosphere in the cave suddenly turned cold, as if someone had poured a basin of cold water in winter, from head to foot.

"Yes, yes!" Shan Ruqing sits down stiffly, and her daughter danxiaoxiao hugs her, which gives her some comfort.

"Sorry, little..."

"Mom!" Shan Xiaoxiao is worried. Although she is gifted, she is still an eight year old child. Strictly speaking, this is the first time she has faced such a big event.

"Mom, try again..."

"Don't talk."

Shan Ruqing covered her daughter's mouth and shook her head. If she went on, she would be heard by the bandit leader sitting in the middle of the cave.

Shan Ruqing can be sure that at the moment she will be seriously monitored by the bandits!


Shan Xiaoxiao bit his lip. Is that all? If there were no riots, the hostage would have stayed in the cave, and he wouldn't have been able to sneak in, would he?

When these gangsters find out their conscience, let them go?

No, never!

Although Shan Xiaoxiao is small, he also knows that hijacking planes and kidnapping hostages is a very amazing move, not to mention that the Gang also built a runway in the mountains.

They will be strange magic, and they are all cold-blooded and merciless people!

One evidence is that all the bandits are indifferent to the beauties in the hostages. It is obvious that the hostages take them as goods!

"The bandits will surely kill us if they have achieved their goal!"

Shan Xiaoxiao is more and more sure of her inference. She is constantly thinking about how to let a cold-blooded person agree that they go outside.

"Pretending to be sick? No, he'll only be killed with one sword. "

"Cute and coquettish? He doesn't care about mom's beauty, let alone me But try it. "

"Encourage others to rush out? That's stupid. "

"Excuse me to go out and help move supplies? It seems that we can, but these gangsters are all masters. We don't need us. The excuse is too stiff. "

In the blink of an eye, Shan Xiaoxiao came up with many ways, but they all denied them one by one. The only thing that might work is to go out and help on the pretext.

In the past, she felt that she could learn something from her mother with high IQ.

But now really encountered difficulties, she found that only IQ is not enough.

Life and death are held in the hands of others, even if your tongue can lotus flower, the other side also has nothing to move.

"Anyway, it's worth trying again!"

Shan Xiaoxiao looks out of the cave, where Li Yun's figure seems to remain.

"Mom, we can't wait any longer."

Shan Xiaoxiao holds her mother's hand and writes some words on her palm, which makes Shan Ruqing very shocked. Her daughter has already seen through these things.


"Mom, just sit down as I say. Brother hero will come to save us!"

Shan Xiaoxiao plans for the worst, and if she doesn't succeed, she also believes that Li Yun can arrive in time.

I hope.

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