Godly Choice System - Chapter 1273

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:40:01 AM

Chapter 1273

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"This son of a bitch!"

Lying on the man's broad and powerful back, because of his fast running in the forest, Shan Ruqing can only tightly grasp his shoulder and try to reduce the contact area between himself and him.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she could not help contacting Li Yun, which made Shan Ruqing faint with shame and indignation!

What's more, she had to lock her hands and feet for fear of falling down.

"You son of a bitch! I have to, I have to Curse him to death

Single Ru Qing clenchs silver tooth, hate to think how should revenge him after going out.

However, this man's strength is terrible. Even as the president of a listed company, she has 60% shares and graduated from a famous foreign university, she has no way to deal with him.

So, can only scold in the heart, really want her to continue to face Li Yun, she dare not.

"Here it is."

Li Yun's face is calm. He has done this kind of thing several times, usually Fang Xue, and Princess Yongning. He has nothing else to do about it. He just wants to speed up.


Shan Ruqing immediately jumped down and snorted loudly to express her dissatisfaction. On her face, she maintained the look of lengyannu president. She was so far away from me that she made Shan Xiaoxiao laugh.

When was Mom so rude?

"Let's go and see who the man in front of us is."

Li Yun shrugs his shoulders and can only turn a blind eye to it. After handing Shan Xiaoxiao to her, he takes the initiative to move forward.

But Shan Xiaoxiao a word, let Li Yun almost slip.

"Dad hands Xiaoxiao to her mother, and mom should protect Xiaoxiao well ~"


Shan Ruqing, who was about to drink water, was shocked by this sentence. She spat out her saliva and looked at her daughter in disbelief.

"What's the matter, mom?"

Shan Xiaoxiao blinked innocently, "isn't it good for hero brother to be my father?"

"No, no, no, no, no!"

Shan Ruqing blushed and said in a flustered voice, "I won't look for him when Little, what are you talking about! Mom won't get married! Isn't it enough for me to have my mother's love? "

"It's better to have a mother and a father.

Shan Xiaoxiao's voice is so sweet that Li Yun can't listen to it any more, so he leaves quickly.

This little girl obviously has super high EQ and IQ, but she pretends to be a lovely and innocent child and swindles her mother around. It's really outrageous!

Ahead, Li Yun quickly found the man who stayed in the tree.


"Li Yun! It's really you

After seeing Li Yun, the captain was very excited and jumped down, "I'm also worried about how I'm going to spend tonight. Ha ha, I'm much more at ease with you."

But Li Yun shook his head and gave a bitter smile: "it's not time to rest assured."

He said his guess again, and the captain's surprise expression froze.

"Exactly what you said."

The captain's face became dignified. "One of the enemy's Secret bases is nearby. They should soon find the crashed plane, and then they will come to look for parachutes. We can't stay near here any more. Li Yun, what are you going to do? Do you find everyone first? "

"Ding, trigger option event, please host to select:

option 1: go to the crash plane and wait, reward experience value + 500000, free attribute point + 500, blue gift bag * 1. Select this option, you will find some useful information in a small probability.

Option two: stay where you are, no reward.

Option three: find everyone first, reward experience value + 100000, white gift bag * 3. "

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