Godly Choice System - Chapter 1313

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:39:13 AM

Chapter 1313

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Everyone was quiet during the conference call.

No one knows how to fight this special battle, and even most people don't know who the enemy is. Of course, they can't give their opinions.

Summer Ming deliberately said, let Li Yun first send a missile to test the enemy's details.

However, it is also considered that if the enemy has the chance to counterattack if it is not saturated attack, it may cause unpredictable consequences.

So he simply did not say anything, let Li Yun decide!

"Let's start with a regular missile."

Li Yun didn't know what the model of the missile was. He could only rely on his feeling and said: "conventional It's a large-scale explosion. It's better to cover the whole valley and let the enemy's cave explode first! "

What is the cave?

Many people have such thoughts in their minds, but they can still understand them on the whole, so no one asks.

"I'll take the first experimental attack!"

Song Si Yuan took the initiative to open his mouth, and the rest of them acquiesced. So he immediately turned his head and ordered his subordinates: "Zhang Ren, use medium range missiles, carry high explosive warheads, aim at the locked target, and launch immediately!"


Zhang Ren quickly sent out the order. The soldiers who had been waiting for a long time in the launch shaft suddenly became serious. He knew that a battle different from that in the past was about to start!

Thirty seconds at most, the metal has no command to go out!

"Move away from the fixed stand!"

"Remove security restrictions!"

"Team Zhang, the missile data is good, everything is ready to launch!"

"Ten seconds countdown! 10,9,8……”

The soldiers are nervous again. Captain Zhang's command is quite different from the previous one. Fast, too fast! As like as two peas,

just released the safety device and fired immediately after the report. It was just like watching the documentary on war.

Speed is the most important thing in war.

Fortunately, the soldiers who can join the missile base are all first-class elites. Although they are in a hurry, they have completed all the work accurately.

“…… Three, two, one, fire

With the last countdown issued, a red button was hard by Zhang tough dark.

The next second, all the people in the red maple base heard the roar and felt a slight earth shaking.

Then, the dazzling white light flew out, from slow to fast, dragging a long tail flame, sword across the sky, across the sky.


The picture of the missile launch was transmitted to the Beijing conference room. Several combat satellites in the sky were already ready. The remote sensing camera aimed at the flying missile from all angles.

The missile flying out of the atmosphere is called ballistic missile. Its speed can break through the first cosmic speed, reaching more than 7.9km per second. After drilling out of the atmosphere and out of the space, the speed of the missile will break through the sky!

This means that for a target 2000 kilometers away, including the acceleration time, missiles usually only need about 5 minutes!

What's more, the target point is not 2000 kilometers!

"Wan Qingfei."

After learning that the missile took off, Li Yun finally sent her a message, "you still have time to go now."

Inside the cave of Wanfa immortal.

Wan Qingfei, who was sitting in the guest room holding the book of demon incarnation, almost jumped up. She scolded angrily and angrily, "this bastard is really so bold. It's incredibly...!"

She didn't dare to shout out the words behind. Her four maids were still outside the door. Besides, this was also the territory of Wanfa immortal.

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