Godly Choice System - Chapter 14

Published at 19th of February 2022 07:07:51 AM

Chapter 14

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In the afternoon, Zhou Xianming was in cahoots with Xie Kang, the teaching director. After the English test, Zhou Xianming immediately set up an array on the first floor of the teaching building, that is, Li Yun's classroom, and asked to mark papers on the spot.

After hearing that there was a lively watching, many students gathered around and stretched their necks to wait for the results.

"Do you think it is possible for Li Yun to get full marks?"

"Hahaha, are you kidding? I can't even think about it! "

"But I've heard that Li Yungang has finished his English writing, and he has written it very quickly! "

"Hum, it is finished, the reading comprehension of composition copy, poor class students are like this!"

"I Cao? Reading comprehension of composition copy? And this kind of operation? "

"Hey, I didn't expect it? Poor students can do anything

"Don't make any noise. The flower of Fang University is coming Ah! And Li Feng, she's going to make a difference for her younger brother

"This is a wonderful play!"

Many people are talking about Li Yun, but almost no one is optimistic about Li Yun. It is impossible for a poor class student to get full marks in the exam!

"Li Yun..."

Fang Xue, dressed in pretty clothes, stood in front of Li Yun like a graceful girl and looked at him anxiously: "can you really get full marks in the exam?"

"I didn't say full marks." Li Yun said with a smile.


"I only speak comprehensive English and full marks!"

Being played by him, Fang Xuedu began to have a small mouth. "It's impossible to integrate. In order to make us study hard, the first simulated test is very difficult. I estimate my score is only 140. What about Li Feng?"

Li Feng and she are classmates. They usually don't have much in common. But because of Li Feng, Fang Xue is willing to make friends with her. After all, she may still have a relationship with her sister-in-law in the future.

"I'm about 145."

Li Feng looks strange. When did her good brother have such a close relationship with this beautiful girl?

What a man!

Li Feng was sour.


Xie Kang, the teaching director, cleared his throat and said in a deep voice to the onlookers: "originally, the school absolutely did not support any gambling, but because Li Yun and Zhou Xianming are both for learning, so in order to stimulate your enthusiasm for learning and turn grief and anger into motivation, I specially took your test paper in advance and corrected it on the spot, so that one of you would lose your heart Service. "

He looked at Li Yun with a smile, "in the future, even if you are someone else's son, you can't be angry. You should study hard and strive to get good grades in the college entrance examination. Do you understand?"

Li Yun understood that Xie Kang's mouth was full of different things. It seemed that Xie Kang didn't help his relatives, but he had already decided that he had lost before he began to change his papers.

Obviously, Xie Kang looked down on him from the bottom of his heart.

"Ha ha."

Thinking of this, Li Yun said with a faint smile, "it's not sure who wins who loses. I think it's better to prepare money for Zhou Xianming. Of course, a hundred thousand yuan is too much. Just give me a few dollars. I don't want your son either

"Pooh Hoo!"

Li Feng and Fang Xue both smile so that the onlookers are dazzled. The two beauties are standing together, and they are more and more beautiful.

Zhou Xianming blushed and his nose was crooked. What's more, Li Feng and Fang Xue chose to stand beside Li Yun!

After all, Li Feng has two brothers and sisters, but Fang Xue is the woman that Zhou Xianming likes. Li Yun unexpectedly!

"It's no use boasting."

Xie Kang is worthy of teaching director, light said: "after all can test full marks, our school teachers scan to know, teachers, open bags, marking papers!"

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