Godly Choice System - Chapter 1455

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:36:43 AM

Chapter 1455

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But it's not over.

"Tao He." When he got on the bus, Professor Ji thought of something again. He looked back at his students with a dignified look. He gave a second warning and said, "don't be too busy!"

Tao He's face turned white. He couldn't speak.

As a graduate student of Professor Ji, it can be said that his teacher has the power of life and death. Graduation defense, thesis, and follow-up letters of introduction are very important to Tao He. Unless he wants to quit school, Professor Ji can never offend him!

"Just remember."

Professor Ji sighed to himself.

He was a good student in the interview, but after taking him with him for some time, he found that Tao and this man were rotten wood and could not be carved. All kinds of cheating and cheating were not in the academic field at all.

If it had not been for his failure to return the goods and his reputation would be affected by his dismissal, Professor Ji would have dismissed him!

"Ding, host makes a choice, gives Tao he a lesson, rewards justice value + 10, blue gift bag * 2, experience value + 100000, additional reward: Geology (graduate level)."

What's the bonus for small choice events?

Li Yun whistled. It's not bad. Geology at graduate level is equal to Tao He's knowledge level.

In addition, he has mastered the master level archaeology, and also involves some geological knowledge. Li Yun estimates that his geological level is definitely better than that of Tao He!

"Is everyone here?" The driver slammed the door, turned back to observe the passenger's opportunity, and then gave Zhao Tianfeng a startling look.

"Well, let's go."

Li Yun nodded. He and Xiao Meng Zhao Tianfeng sat in the three positions in the last row, and somehow, he became the one in the middle, which led to a sense of enjoyment.

In addition, Xiaomeng has been clinging to him all the time, and half of her petite body is lying on his body. The soft voice line is very cute, which makes people in the car envy and envy.

"Let's go, then."

The van driver reluctantly withdrew his eyes. The beautiful woman sitting behind his car is definitely the most beautiful beauty he has ever driven!

Although the younger one is not his dish, he can also see that the little beauty will definitely look no worse than the big one in a few years.

"What do these people do?"

The driver murmured in his mind, waiting for the car to drive out of the city. When he was free, he asked, "brother Li, don't you look like you're together? Are you traveling with your girlfriend?"

"Yes Hu Xiaomeng took the lead in answering, with a clear and pleasant voice.

The driver was so surprised that he almost drove his car into the ditch!

Dare you, this little beauty is his girlfriend, and that big beauty just came to accompany him?

"Hee hee ~"

as if he could see the driver's mind, Hu Xiaomeng said triumphantly: "I'm Brother Yun's girlfriend, but sister Tianfeng is not. She came to play with us ~"

at this moment, the drivers' bodyguards all sigh in their hearts: it's really getting early for students to fall in love!

It is said that there are many in primary school, junior high school has been quite sophisticated, as for high school, it is almost the same as adults.

It can only be said that the Internet does harm to people!

The elegant student pushed his glasses and said thoughtfully: "in fact, in ancient times, it was 15 or 16 years old to get married, but in modern times, life expectancy has been extended, so the age of marriage has also been extended."

Professor Ji denied his view: "women are still 20-28 years old."

"Yes, the age of 18 is determined by scientific research."

Li Yun can only feel that he is a high-quality student, and the topics he talks about are quite professional.

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