Godly Choice System - Chapter 1476

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:36:03 AM

Chapter 1476

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Tu Kai was shocked and his hands shaking with a pistol.

His subordinates have given his weapons to him, but now Tu Kai has no intention of fighting. He is frightened by his inner thoughts!

There is no doubt that song Xianshi is powerful. A year ago, he broke into the Pegasus ranch by himself. He easily blocked all the bullets, and a golden sword was wantonly used to destroy the ranch!

If it had not been for that nightmare, Tu Kai, the overlord of Adow mountain, would have succumbed to the plain looking song god!


Li Yun pointed out in her back: "pay attention to the use of mind, not the use of eyes. For the congenital martial arts, the mind can see faster than the eyes. This is a three-dimensional feeling. You should have experienced it already."

The mystery of the mind can only be felt by those who own it, which is more sensitive than the human body's sense of smell, hearing and vision!

"Damn it!"

Song Huang angrily scolds in the heart, looks at Li Yun's eyes and wishes to kill him!

How dare you use him to practice actual combat experience, when his spirit fire master's disciple does not exist?

"Flying fire sword!"

Song Huang pinched a Dharma decision in his hand. The golden sword was flying in the air, making a whoosh sound. Soon, the small sword soared to three or four meters long. The huge body of the sword seemed to be a door plank, which could directly break people!

"What about Yinsheng Valley? Bitch, I want you to regret not kneeling down and begging for mercy

Song Huang's voice was fierce. The golden sword, no, the huge flying fire sword was suspended in the air. The tip of the sword pointed at Zhao Tianfeng from a distance. The smell of destroying the sky and destroying the earth made people around him scared.

When holding high gun, they are afraid to open the gun in the face of abduction.

But the moment when the flying fire sword showed its real power, they would like to throw down their guns and run away!

Compared with immortal's fighting method, guns and ammunition are extremely powerless!

"Be careful, use your skills directly!" Li Yun couldn't help but point out Zhao Tianfeng. He only saw this kind of flying sword move only once when he met Wan Qingfei for the first time.


Zhao Tianfeng didn't refute or snort. Although his tone was not relaxed, he was no longer in a cold war with him.

"Bitches, you're still flirting at this time!"

The anger flashed in Song Huang's eyes, and madly stimulated the magic power to make the flying fire sword more dazzling. The white flame was mixed in the gold, and the glory completely covered the setting sun on the west slope.

"Die for me!"

Holding the hand of FA Jue and waving it hard, song Huang controlled the flying fire sword to Zhao Tianfeng, and the tip of the sword was aimed at her chest and abdomen. It seemed that he was going to string Zhao Tianfeng and Li Yun into a barbecue kebab in one breath!


With the sound of a sword, the golden flying fire sword slowly falls down. The speed is not fast, but the momentum is magnificent and vast. It is just like the sun falling. It can't stop or escape. It will burn and destroy everything under it!

Zhao Tianfeng didn't despise him at all. She didn't think she was invincible because she had a good sword from Li Yun's hand. She was killed three times at this time yesterday. If it hadn't been for Li Yun, she would have been lying on the ground and turned into a corpse.

Therefore, although the song god in front of him was much worse than the misty ghost, Zhao Tianfeng was still absorbed in the idea and exerted the skills attached to the double blades of the crescent moon.

"Crescent double blade!"

One after another crescent like Sabre Qi is stimulated. No, it should be a mixture of Dao Qi and mana. It's not just pure Qi!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!